The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1922
  • Ooohhhh and on that note I'm outta here before I get busted for the 3rd day in a row!!
    Everyone have a great Thursday!!!

    BFNIMCBLIDK *snicker*
  • Angry Birds tweeted about a classic gameplay update two days ago. They confirmed an update would be here in November after the latest RMF update.
  • Well all this is what @jlz666 did to me while I was asleep
    The Lord alone knows what she would have done if I hadn't remembered the doughnuts!
  • @sweetp - thank you so much for the wool - it's fabulous - am knitting with it as I type - well actually I'm knitting and dictating to OB - he's practicing typing with his beak! But doh I must be dozier than I thought as I always assumed that the wool came from sheep just like those ones!
  • @mumsie -- On the bright side, @JLZ666's do over should help your golf tournament scores -- Your opponents will withdraw as soon as they see you!
  • @all -- Doing a little research on large touch-screen displays -- They may not be as good as you think.
    The Microsoft ones like those used on the Today show (at least those available to the public) have less resolution than an iPad.
    I think what you (or at least I) really want is a largish (not sure what I mean, but larger than my iPad) high resolution screen with an equally high resolution touch pad large enough to make use of the high resolution for targeting accuracy.
    Not sure if this exists yet.
    There is also the issue that some of the large touch-screens may only work with a PC or Mac, which means you are at the end of the list for getting AB updates, and may not like the way the game operates when you do.
  • @all -- Decided to start a forum on the large touch-screens:
    If you have any info, please post it there. Thanks
  • Mumsie puts down her knitting needles and stretches out the kinks in her neck and arms! Gosh it's been quiet in here today! But lads of dusters made so off to B&R to stock up my Secret Supply Box! Night OB - hopefully see you tomorrow after golf - first game in 11 days - you can tell I've been busy with my very own heyyous!
  • *sees Mumsie out the door safely poofs her safely to b&r :) wouldn't want to have any more sneak attacks:)
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster got an update for abo last week but I don't know what it was, it says 15 New levels but where I don't know, maybe rmf? Is the another?
  • @KimmieCV thanks for taking good care of my flashlight hee I didn't even hear a peep:)
    And is good you didn't light candles I stayed home.
    Thanks for explains about the fake guy. Glad we caught him:) I get it now kinda ,I guess my @ didn't work
    work cause hee had different name but my flag worked right..good the darn snatcher!!
    Don't mess with us and our trophy !!! Hee hee
  • @Les Toreadors Love the multicolored sheep!!! Hee hee
    OB I'll have a Pigkiller please:)
  • @mvnla2 good idea for the forum we need to pic flinging a good one for Mumsie:)
  • SO excited to get a new iPhone 5S tomorrow! Huge upgrade from the iPod 4G.
    The downside is that I'll have to restart all of my AB progress -_-
  • BTW will the BP be added to the new forum?
  • I know the feeling of starting over @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster :( :-) but cool your getting a new device..what do you mean Will BP be add to New forum?
  • The new forum is out. Have you not seen it?
  • There's a green bar on the top saying "A new, fully integrated, forum is here and needs your support!"
  • Sorry @ AngryBirdsSpaceMaster I had to showa.. no i haven't seen the new forum I'll check now.
  • Hmmm.i don't know @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster ? Guess we'll find out soon
    E* will probably let us know; )
  • Hi!

    Indeed. The new forum is here, though we haven't updated the nav yet. We're still trying to tackle how to handle some of the more popular threads here in this forum. At some point, they will likely be closed and recreated in the new forum (they will still be viewable, just read-only).

    The new forum comes with a bunch of perks, which I wrote briefly about here,

    The BP will stay in the old forum for the foreseeable future. It's the exception to the rule. I do have some plans for it though. :)
  • Oohh thanks @BirdLeader wheew. I like to read the old pages sometimes so they will stay readable is a relief;) im sure whatever you have in place will be great ty;)
  • *poofs in .. sees OB fluffing Mumsie's cushions and straightening the basket of yarn How kind of you Ob :) you keep on I'll make my own Pigkiller :)
  • Well I am off to dreamland a couple more flings and that's it
    *places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth*
    nighty night Pahtnah happy flinging:)
  • @Kathy hope your sleeping well and looking forward to TGIF!! :)
    *shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * I hope you enjoyed a relaxing day, is Friday a work day or are you going for a long weekend? Anyways hope the flinging was good Pahtna!! :)
  • And the new forum is live! Happy to know we can keep the BP in the old for now, cause I wouldn't want to miss the 100,000 mark :D

    @Kathy sweet dreams and heyyy @kimmie How are you doing? How is you mom? I am trying to catch up on all the new stuff. I see @rat faced frost fight while popping in here... hope he is okay!

    ow and @Sweetp I have noticed you are putting up pictures more often, but some of them are awfully big? I have edited your comments for now, making them smaller, maybe you can look at the code and next time make them smaller? Thanks!
  • Hello @e-star :) Moms doing really well, thanks for asking!! :) How are you doing? Did ya sleep well?
  • Sorry, skipped out for a few, I have been working on the final details of the ACT voting for next month. Will be running it by you and CC soon!

    But yeah I did sleep well and I have nothing I NEED to do, so I am just going to do what I come up with, like with the ACT... time is flying by and before we know it December is here. btw, speaking of time flying by, I am changing back into my autumn look again, before I know it I will want to wear a winter costume and the autumn one would not have been worn that much ;)
  • Oopsy I just did the same thing!! LOL
    Yep best wear it now! Next month will be officially winter at least here.......kinda!! :D Enjoy your doing whatever comes up time!! That's the best IMO, nothing you Have to do but what you Want to do!!! :)
  • Can't wait to put my Christmas look up!!! It's my next fav after my new Halloween makeover!! :D
  • noo wayy?? you redressed as well at the exact same time? WOW hahahahaha
  • Nawww I stepped into the kitchen to help my Mom finish up some stuff!! :D I have to figure out if I should go with my reg avy until thanksgiving then put my Christmas one up or do it too early, me thinks my reg avy is going back up until after Thanksgiving, can't stand when Christmas stuff goes up early so it'd be the same with my avy!! ;) Sorry for the mix up!!
  • Yeah that is why I created the fall look, didn't want to change into winter already, not for the same reason though as we don't have thanksgiving, I am just not "there" yet mentally... sighhhh don't think I will ever be ready for the snowed in days, where walking down the street one slip up can cause a whole wet outfit and one can not hide the fact they slipped. And all the mushy foot prints in the house, not to mention the public transportation using every drop of the temp as an excuse for their delays.
  • Yikes I'm glad for Cali weather in winter!! Shoot were doing another BBQ this Sunday for my sis's Bday!! Any excuse to BBQ right!! LOL but we eat inside! Hate fighting with bugs for my food!! ;D
  • Hi @folks! I've been too busy lately with my job and family life so I seldom visit this awesome place. I even didn't complete new levels in Bad Piggies and Angry Birds Space, completely stop playing ABF, hard to imagine couple months ago. However, I played ABSW II a lot - WOW it is great! I absoulutely love it and I absoulutely love Telepods. I am, as vaste majority of Nesters against power-ups in all AB games (except ABF) but Telepods "things" rule. Now, as I collected them all I'd like to give away all duplicates. I would like to start "giveaway thread" once when I recieve my order for TRU exclusive package containing 4 new characters we get in the latest update. Hope you will be interested and will join my thread and have a chance to get ALL of my duplicates.
    Secondly I am curious about upcoming game AB GO! game. I also have all Telepods for that game and can't wait for game to be rekleased. I'd like to ask @boys who have experiance with playing racing games on iPad (iPod or iPhone) or other mobile devices for some advices. So, how do you think game will be controled? When play racing games on mobile is it better to control your kart tilting device or touching screen? All other advices are more than welcome.
  • Hey @cosmo2503 you'll want to start your new thread I think in the new forum, it's linked up top here in the light green, in case you missed the newest info just released about it today!! :) Good luck with all the telepod/go stuff!! Very cool to give them away!! :)
  • Good Morning everyone:)
    Happy Friday!!! :-)
    Have a fantabulous flinging day all :-)
    Good night @KimmieCV sweet dreams mwahahaha .....
  • @kimmie Check out the fantastic flinger in SW2 Naboo Bird Side. @Spolder is fantastic. Better than I could ever hope for. @AMslimfordy, You might want to take a look as well.
  • Good afternoon @all:)
    Sorry,real life took over and I ran away for a couple of days ;)
    @mvnla2 Doesn't take a lot for my imagination to get carried away but nah.....nothing happened that night other than looking like a fool when I was cutting some funky shapes slipping on the leaves.
    @mumsie42 It was the doughnuts that made me do it! I do crazy things on a sugar high! You should see what hubby and the kitties look like at were very lucky ;)
    Just had a very quick look at new forum......wee bit confusing but I'll check it out properly tonight. Great news for all of us "problem hyphens" though!
    OB a large triple shot to go please. Very tired today,brain & body want to start the weekend so need a kick of caffeine to get me through the next few hrs.
    Have a fab Friday folks :D
  • Enjoying exploring the new forum. It does take a little getting used to, because some features are implemented differently, but overall, I think it will be a great improvement. And just imagine being able to @mention all those "problem hyphens and spaces"!
  • I'm sure BL and Slim would appreciate more people trying it out and commenting on any things that are missing or that they would like to see.
  • Hi @all very quick visit, played golf, visited with Mum, and am now going out for dinner and theatre with my daughter! Unexpected cos her friend had to shot off for a work thing so no flinging tonight!!! Byeeeeee
  • I can't possibly keep up with all the activity today around the nest today :(
    So OB I'll have a Pigkiller please and wish everyone a wonderful evening while I answer some pm and go flinging:)
  • WOW slow day in the BP, but busy in the nest... @kathy new things always take time to sink in and yeah people are running all over the place hahahaha
    @mumsie hope you enjoyed the dinner and theatre!
  • Lol @star. It's all good I like the new forum. Just need to have the time to read it all..good timing for the weekend:) I do luv it!!
  • OB while I'm here lol..another PigKiller please:) I'm having tough time in HoW..
    That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it:)
  • Indeed good timing :D
    enjoy the Pigkiller and maybe the birds be with you in HoW... I am off for the night, have been running around the nest a lot and need some flinging time before I turn in. So I am leaving my flashlight with you if that is okay... [[[huggggssss]]]
  • Thanks @e-star I'll keep your flashlight safe till @KimmieCV arrives happy flinging:)
Post in the New Forum!