The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1923
  • *poofs in shines e-stars flashlight, replaces batteries and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Sleep well e-star :)
    Thanks @Kathy for taking care of her! :)
  • :) hey @KimmieCV no problem:) I know you got lots of catching up to do sooo..(((((hugs)))))
    Catch you in a bit:)
  • AAAAIIIYYYEEEEE!!!! I'm at 2-4 now @Kathy!! Huh had to let all that aggression out!! Thought that was the safest way!! ;D
  • Waaahooooo !!! @KimmieCv !!! WTG Pahtnah !! :-)
  • OB a couple of PigKillers please for me and my Pahtnah :)
  • *clink* thanks @Kathy :) I seem to have gotten some of my fling groove back on! Thank goodness because man it was becoming an awful trial!!!
  • I've been floating round the new forum, kinda getting my feet wet, I really hope there's some way they could actually move ALL of BP to it! Hate to close up shop here and technically start over :( I'm just not sure there's actually a way to Do that. sigh
  • Cool Beans @KimmieCV I knew you'd get the 'groove on'
  • I hear ya on the new forum would be cool if they could just transfer from here to there
  • But ya *sigh*deep sigh* but BirdLeader says for now it will stay the same I just like to go back and read previous pages now and then would hate to lose them
  • I agree about going back and rereading stuff too, maybe they'll be able to pull off a miracle and everything can be moved there?! I sure hope that's a miracle the guys can pull off! Think of the serious amounts of pages we could keep adding if it goes there!! Too awesome!! Guess we wait and see what happens, all fingers, legs and arms crossed there's a way!!!
  • @kimmiecv and @kathy, maybe they could transfer only the last two months' worth of these pages to the new forum, and archive everything else? Just my two cents...
  • Ahh lol :-@SweetP nah me wants the whole kit and kaboodle hee :) eheee:)
    The first days were the greatest
    HarryStar6 "Die Piggies"
  • @sweetp having the entire pub, memories past and all would be the most ideal, a couple months wouldn't really add anything to starting it all up again I don't think. It's kind of like keeping the history of it intact instead of having to go back to the old forums to see the history, if that makes sense.
  • Yep @Kathy and there are SOOOOOOO many great stories and well like I said just the history of BP as it's morphed into what it is now.
  • Ok gotta get my dinner on! PIZZA!!! Mwahahaahahahahaaahaa me loooove pizza!!! Ovens almost ready!! :D if I miss your turn in time sleep well @Kathy! Catch ya later Pahtna!! :)
  • I know what you mean, saving (preserving) the history of the BP is important. Here's another thought I's about moving from the "Forum" menu, and creating a "The Bloated Pig" link under the Community menu header? Since BP is a very large part of the Nest community, it would be the most sensible (logical) place for it.! Enjoy @kimmiecv!
    Nighty night @kathy, sweet dreams!
  • @ SweetP those are great ideas z:) the admins will probably look into whatever they can to preserve the origins of the BP I'm sure:/
    I gotta go go sleep....*places flashlight @KimmieCV favorite booth , Nighty night Pahtnah:)
    Sorry I ca stay and chat..:/ . Sleepy sleepy Nighty Nighty auntie Kathy.....
  • Pizza was Yummy @Kathy!! :) Sleep well!!
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

  • Morning ladies! Kimmie I hope you are snug in bed right now, enjoy a little dream and loads of rest!

    As for the rest of moving the BP, sorry ladies, there is just no way to move this much data without risking to crashing the system. Also we all know how much traffic we can generate when we have a party (or put Kimmie and me in at the same time hahahahha), this can cause a crash as well and when it does, it is not only the BP that is affected, the whole site would be affected. So that is really a no go at this point. So staying in the old forum is the best option in my opinion.

    As for preserving, the old forum will stay intact, so all the threads will always be there for us to read back on. So even if the BP is going to be moved or replaced by a new system of some sort, the old pages will always be there :D

    I have a meeting scheduled with @birdleader this weekend to talk about a direct link in the new menu, which I think would make us more part of the whole community again. As I do share the same feeling of kinda being left behind. Which believe me is not the intention! So in the meantime, we have to use either the shortcut we created in our apps or use the gold bar > old forum > and look up the BP thread, which will be on top cause it will be one of the few threads that will remain here.
  • @all A link under community for the BP sounds like a great compromise.
  • Hi @estar. *Suddenly appears from a dark corner munching on a yummy pig ear*
    and Hi @rat
  • Hey @tas. How's school treating ya?
  • @SweetP Good idea! BP is a special place and should be located accordingly.

    Hi @kimmie, @kathy Kinda scary having new stuff to cope with! Archives must be saved, truly a historic document.
    Hey, this a.m. I stepped onto our terrace and something went "crrrrunch" under my foot. No prizes for guessing what it was. . . one down and only a few zillion to go. . .
    Pizza, love it! We'll be treating ourselves to one next week for wedding anniversary

    @EStar love your autumn look - yeah, too early to be thinking winter yet!
    Have super flinging weekend, everyone! xoxo

  • Happy Saturday @TomPuss! Seems I always have the wrong timing and missed you several times. Thanks, I figured it might be an easier way to find a good home for the BP and keep all of it intact. Then the old forum can be purged after its contents are merged into the new one.
    Ewwwww! I can't stand the feeling of anything going crrruunnnchhh under my feet! Makes me cringe as the heebee jeebees shoots all the way up my spine! AACKKKK! How do you get rid of those nasty pests? I use diatomaceous earth most effective because I'm lazy and all I do is just sprinkle it on the soil. Stale beer works well too! Well, good luck getting rid of them.
    Have a great weekend, and happy flinging!
  • Hmm, @estar. I wasn't thinking the data (on the server) needed to be moved. I would leave its physical location alone, but add a link under "Community." It would be like having a shortcut (bookmark) to the same location where the data currently resides. Of course, I could be totally off my rocker since I don't know how this site is set up, and more complex than what I'm experienced with.
  • Sorry was out for most part of the day but yeah SweetP that was my idea as well, just need to run this by Birdleader first, will keep you posted :D
  • Hi Mister Rat how is life treating you?
    Hey tas, hiding in the dark are you?

    And thanks TomPuss I had the same feeling, not yet ready for the snow haha
  • @SweetP Hi! Well, I use beer to catch the little wretches. It's a a bit of a lost cause tho', as they just keep on coming. Same as weeds. . . Sorry to have given you the squeaky-chalk shivers!
    @EStar And yet. . . it's almost cold enough for those flakes to start falling. Brrrr.
    @rat Still cold where you are?
    @all Have a great Saturday night everyone!
  • Hi @Estar. Things not so good. Robert's lost almost 4lbs. Lots of doctors, $2300 and counting, no ideas. Biopsy results due any time.
    @TomPuss It was below freezing cold for only two nights. Back to normal weather again.
  • :( Sorry hear about Robert Pa :(
  • @TomPuss what went crunch I'm out of guesses?
    Heh @theanonymoussomeone :)
    Is a nice day fir a in the fifties but supposed to get cold again after tomorrow:(
    OB I'll have a Pigkiller please:)
  • Oh @rat, dreadfully sorry about Robert, I know how worried you must be. Thinking about you all.
  • It's tearing us up. He doesn't want to eat because he can't keep anything down. Thanks for the thoughts @Kathy and @TomPuss.
  • BTW, for those who don't know, Robert is our cat. But we have no children and he's been a huge part of our family for thirteen years.
  • Noooooo my sweet mister @rat !!! Tears are welling up right now as I know how much a part a pet can be and as a cat person and no children, I feel your pain, fear and frustration of not being able to help!!! I can imagine the bills allthough huges would not matter one itty bit if they would figure out what is wrong with him, snif snif poor boy!! Here is a vewwy huge [[[hugggg]]] my sweet Rat Robert is in my thoughts and hope they will find the solution real soon!
  • @all I officially conceded to @burpie in Cosmic Crystals about two weeks ago. But he's a madman. He has twenty scores in the top two, thirty in the top six, and nothing above top eight. And yet he continues. He's MAD I
  • Btw not sure if you told me before, but how old is Robert? Not that it matters all that much as these situations are never easy, just curious. Any idea what the doctors are thinking? Where did they take a biopsy from?
  • We Dutchie are all MAD WHAHAHAHAHAH
  • Thanks for understanding @Estar. Moneys no object. We've got everything crossed and hoping for the best. He tries to eat a few treats directly out of my hand a few at a time, but he can't live on that.
  • Sorry I popped :( the vet doesn't know what's wrong Pa:(
  • He's only thirteen @Estar. They took a biopsy from his small intestines when they scoped him Wednesday. They didn't look normal. They suspect cancer but it could be irritable bowel syndrome as well. We'll know more soon.
  • @Burpie is doing Holland proud @Estar. I think he expects a parade and a maybe a national AB holiday named after him.
  • Believe I know... Lost our first boy Max to (after echo and biopsy) liver cancer (just 10 old), 4 months of hand feeding and with a big syringe (with out needle) a special pate that if stirred turns into liquid (from hills, I believe it was a/d), awww the heartache!! Wish I could give you the hug for real as the world probably seems to have stopped and nothing really matters much but your poor boy! Hope what ever ails him it is treatable!
  • If burpies real name was Sinterklaas he got his parade today hahahahaha, sinterklaas is the equivalent of santa, only he arrives from spain in a boat a couple of weeks before the real holiday.
  • I've got Robert in my prayers Pa..a
    As for @burpie well..idk you probably would have got him cept to much in your mind..
  • That's a funny name e-star...ohh lol sorry I read it wrong..
    Thought it said stinkerklaas. ...oooopps sorry..
  • I had to put down our dog of fifteen years back in 2004. I think it was harder than watching my Dad die. It could have something to do with the fact that I made the decision on her and she was in my arms when she passed. It's amazing how much they can wiggle their way into your heart.
    @burpie deserves it. His new "Nick" name shall be "stinker" in honor of @Kathy's version of Sinterklaas.
  • No worries Kathy, Kimmie has the same problem hahahahaha, have to google stinkerklaas now, have nonclue, but it doesn't sound like kids best friend in december LOL
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