The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1937
  • i'm describing every object...
  • Cool @yimmy7pagechanger ;) did you start a new forum
  • still typing it, then gotta PM to les toreados for improvements
  • right now it's really poor lol. i think i'll just post it as is
  • gahhh that thing is giant! anyway i posted it...
  • @yimmy7 what is giant?
  • the guide that i made. it's in the bad piggies section
  • I cant find it @yimmy7 :( fill me in tomorrow.;)
    My eyes are getting heavy good night all
    * places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth *
    Night night Pahtnah ;)
  • @mvnla2 @estar I would expect the advent scores to jump wicked high each day of the challenge. Those who are into that can simply pay .99 to get all the levels, play them in advance, and wait to post their 'top scores' on the appropriate day. What's the challenge in that? Sorta defeats the purpose of the challenge to know what it is in advance AND have more than 24hrs to work on the score then post on the 'challenge' day.
    Meh... Whatever. It's just a game.
  • @Kathy -- By no incentive to get high scores, I meant no incentive before the level becomes the challenge, because you have to improve to be in the challenge.
    @yimmy7 -- Most of the games are 99 cents, so you can probably afford them; at least that's the price for IOS devices, not sure about your tablet, you might want to investigate while you still have time. Kathy called Angryboy the silent partner, because he's been busy with school and hasn't been around much recently.
    @Angryboy -- Glad you could stop by for a visit. Have you played ABO Short Fuse or the new Seasons Arctic Expedition? Both are great!
    @Annifrid -- Love your Christmas avatar. It might be too late to add it to the competition though. I've already nominated for Nov, and the clock is ticking loudly even in CA.
  • @yimmy7 -- Before you spend too much time writing, make sure you look at the Bad Piggies walkthroughs and whatever tutorials are already on ABN. There may also be other discussions in the old forum, which are now many pages back.
    I think you should assume everyone understands gravity, and we know AB and Bad Piggies are run by a physics emulation program, except for some very strange behavior, especially in Bad Piggies. You should also check out the Pigineering Facebook page and website (if different) and the Pigineering forums in the new forum.
  • @yimmy7 -- Just realized you already posted it. Going to check.
  • @yimmy7 -- I agree with @Kathy -- I don't see it anywhere in the forum. Maybe you used a lot of links or @mentions so it is in moderation??? Will check again tomorrow.
  • Quick pop in - another busy day today! Just wanted to say love your Christmas avatar @annifrid! OB black coffee to go please!
  • A quick pop in for me as well, I had a selfish day!! Spent it in my "art cave" only coming out when I Had to or for a ciggy break/fling! Best Saturday I've had in a loooong time!!

    @e-star I agree 100% if they wanted to charge a buck for the game I'd have gladly paid it but no way in hell I'm giving them a buck and ruining tradition!! Must say I was disappointed all the walkthroughs are up, I get why they'd want to get them done but it's still so disappointing to see not to mention I noticed Ripsy and mvnla2 on the leaderboards and was surprised they bought into it but Meh whatever floats their boats!! Just sorry to see a fun tradition be tossed aside for greed.
    HAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAA I see Meh has made it to topic in BP!! ROFLMAO Your all too funny!! :D You have to admit its a good "word" to get your meaning across!! ;)

    @e-star while I'm sending stuff your way, for the last several days, like 5 at least, I haven't gotten Any notifications from this forum when my handle is used, nor when I had the gold star coloured (forgot to turn it off!) and I got zero emails which means there's got to be something off here, I noticed others are having the same issue. I hope you know how to fix it?
  • *shines Kathys flashlight for her use erm later and sets out candles for what's left of her dreamland trip* @Kathy I'm tempted to take another selfish day, I had such a relaxing one I'm not sure I'm ready to give it up just yet!! ;D Not to mention I'm watching my Fav paranormal group The Ghost Adventurers, man I love them!! Have them saved from freaking last year that's how long they've been sitting there waiting!! I HATE WTH!!! Have made ZERO progress in 1-2 in going on 4 nights now!!!! Freaking obnoxious one bird wonder flings!!! Thank goodness for the doomed advent!! At least I have a new level to look forward to each night! HA and I'm a dollar richer!! Mwahahahahaaaaaa ;D
  • @mvnla2 I knew this avy had a very thin chance of getting in the contest, when I put it on it was already past nominating time in my time zone. It was kinda the purpose, I feel a bit bad for having six nominations on the wall while many others have none :)
    But I'm happy you, @Kathy and @Mumsie like it :D
  • seems to have been deleted. i'll try and make a better version later today
  • @ABCrazy I totally agree. Last year the challenge of the day was fair as no one could join in before the day it was released. Maybe @AMSlimfordy @Birdleader didn't think of this and just made the advent the challenge like last year as they probably didn't expect this development Rovio had in store. I guess it all comes down to the honesty of the players :/
  • @Kimmiecv I have no clue, I do get the notifications from the gold starred forums (read BP hahaha), so my guess the email providers have upped their spam filters again?! Maybe they are in there?
  • But on the bright side... Dec 1th!! So yeahhhhh level 1 is fun! Not to hard yet, sure a one birdie, but I love the crashing down of the whole structure and the attack from underwater. Going to check the leaderboard soon and see where I land myself, but probably like last year I will be very disappointed when I realise my score is no where near the top yet hahahah
  • While last year was a true Advent style, the level was made the ABN Challenge 19h after level launch each day. So there were plenty of people who had already played the level.
  • Ah I didn't know that @AMSlimfordy ... still seems odd (and 24 days is somewhat more than 19h), but I guess it doesn't really matter, it's the holiday seasons, so no fussing from me ;)
  • @AMSlimfordy and @ABcrazy I read some chatter on the challenge thread that the underdog badge might not be a part of these challenges?! Didn't know that either... guess the truth is revealed... I am not a challenge train rider... whoops LOL... anyway if so, than it really doesn't matter at all if people want to "practice" before the challenge right?
  • @ABCrazy -- Seem to have missed replying to you. Guess I am not devious enough; hadn't thought of that.
    @E-Star -- I think each level will become the challenge at 7 pm PST the day it is released, so everyone has a chance to play before the challenge, at least a little.
  • gonna start working on my new and improved bad piggies guide
  • Hi everyone ahh that explains it @ABCrazy I was wondering why is not up yet:)
  • this time i'm making it... different
  • i accidentally wrote bowels instead of bellows...
  • @mvnla2 I've been spending too much time lately trying to stay ahead of my students and having to think like some of them do.....
  • Anyway, I guess I still don't see what the challenge is if the Underdog badge is not part of it. It's just a day to beat the current top score. Sorta like any other day except there's no point in posting a really good score until that day?
    I don't mean to be critical or rain on the snow. I thought it was was fun to go for the underdog badge, happy I got one. Not too worried about getting another though I'm always up for a good top score! And I actually like some of the banter in the walkthroughs where the challenge has been through since some sort of strategy posting is required to claim the badge. Usually the challenge levels have much more helpful comments.
  • Hi @kathy sorry I've mostly been a popper lately. Scores are going up already today for the first. Not many posted in the other levels yet since last I checked.
  • @estar @kimmiecv could the lack of notification be related to the new forum? Or maybe there is a lag somehow. I've been getting notifications from BP, but comments @me in the new advent walkthroughs haven't come to me yet.
  • I've been getting notification also @kimmiecv are you sure you have your profile set? For forum?
  • Even when I'm not @ mention I get them. .
  • I'll be sure to check it out @yimmy7. .in a few;)
  • i like how within minutes my thread turns into a bad piggies research thread
  • Wee!! I'm so happy! :D :D :D first place on level 3 on piglantis!!!
  • Hey, congrats @BubblesLover -- Is this your first top score? Given that Piglantis has been out for a while, it's likely to last.
  • Hey @bubbleslover nice to see you:) congrats on your top score:)
  • Yes @mvnla2! It is my first. Good to hear it'll last. But of course, now @spacemaster is chasing after it. @Kathy I couldn't find the bloated pig for a while, and now, I found it! :) how are you?

    EDIT: sorry I have to go to bed. Good night!
  • I'm good @bubbleslover ;) did you get very lost inn new forum lol;)
    Welcome back, )
  • Tought I posted that; /sorry been reading time for bed myself
    *places flashlight on @kimmiecv booth*
    Nighty night Patna hope your day was relaxing;)
  • @e-star I went to my spam folder and Yep that's where everything went! Thank you for Once Again reminding me to check there!! Duh will I never remember to do that?!!
    @abcrazy I was thinking it was maybe due to the new forum since Kathy had mentioned a few pages back she was having the same issue at the time but thankfully it was my spam box instead of the nest that was the prob! :)
  • Congrats on your first trophy @bubbleslover! :) I hope you keep it for a long time! Don't forget to take a screen shot because sadly even an old game eventually you lose the trophy :( But it does seem to stay longer so enjoy the heck out of it!! :)
  • @Kathy it was fairly relaxing :) I hope you enjoyed your extra time off!! Have a good day tomorrow, if that's possible on a Monday mixed with a nice long weekend being over! :/
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • @abcrazy the advent has always been full of fun chatter, more so as it takes off and everyone gets a handle on the games. I'm sure if its anything like last year it will get more and more helpful, especially if the older nesters start playing, the wild card is the ruin of the actual advent so it's anyone's guess whether or not it will proceed as it has the last few years. :( Rovio sure has taken the fun out of a greatly looked forward to tradition.
Post in the New Forum!