The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1946
  • page change!
  • Beautiful pix, @burpie, thanx! I specially like the misty Chinese one.
  • @TomPuss -- Loved the blog about the flash mob, and read some more about the Marine Concert Band, etc. I didn't realize it was so thoroughly rehearsed. I wonder if all of them are?
    @Burpie -- Hmm ... Sounds like self-deception to me. : D
  • @mvnla Yes, they must be so well rehearsed as to appear spontaneous, thereby surprising and delighting onlookers. Good ones really make people's day, I think!
  • @rat Managed to blow up two planets, but with one piggie remaining. . . curses! Having fun, though.

    @LesToreadors I loved your coffee pig, great voice!
  • Those are beautiful shots, @burpie! Love your composition, they look like pictures from National Geographic or Travel magazines! Photography is one of my favorite hobbies, too. I can't afford getting a DSLR yet, so I've been using my old (dinosaur!) Olympus OM-G. Since it needs a good professional cleaning, I'm stuck with a point-and-shoot digital now, which is versatile enough for the quick family or scenic memory. I know, I know...saving up $1.2K is a bit hard but I'm getting there!

    Loved that flash mob video @TomPuss! I've been to the Air and Space Museum, and can only imagine what it must've sounded like being there when this took place. The rich sound of the music, reaching every corner of that huge building must've been like being in a gigantic concert hall. Gave me goose bumps all over! LOL

    Happy Flinging and have a great FRIDAY everyone!
  • @SweetP -- All my devices are Mac. I have a Mac Book Air and use Office Outlook for mail. I also have an iPad and iPhone, both of which use whatever mail program they come with.
    I knew how to look at e-mail properties when I had a PC, but not sure how to do on a Mac. Do you know?
    @E-Star -- Anyone else?
    Got another 3 e-mails today!
  • @mvnla2 if you want to see the properties of an email, just right-click (or on laptop ctrl+(left)mouse click) and choose "show source" (hope the translation is correct as mine is in Dutch). You can see the whole list of properties of that email. Sorry to be a popper and I am not quite up to date with the chatter in the BP... lost my track somewhere last weekend and have been trying to catch up. Hope to have time to really read all the messages instead of the skimming of them as I did the last couple of days.

    Happy Flinging Friday to the other side ponders and night night to the birdies on this side.
  • @E-star --Thanks! Will try on the next one. I've deleted all the previous ones.
  • @TomPuss, the infamous talking moustache pig is from @MrMustacheGP on Twitter :)

    I am now into the second episode of ABGO, still haven't spent a single cent and progressing really well. Plenty of coin for new karts and upgrades and the free karts are plenty fast enough if you know what you're doing!

    Game guide in the works and up to chapter 2.
  • Hi @mvnla2, sorry I was off flinging and didn't see your question. I'm glad @e-star was able to answer quickly. I do the same thing, right-click on the email message, but didn't know if it works the same way on iOS emails.

    I usually add the domain names (...@domainname) into my blocked senders list from the email properties. That way the message gets deleted from the server before it gets to my inbox.

    I can also set rules for messages, in case I can't block messages from domains like,, etc. I set the parameters for the rules, depending on the suspect message. An example would be like this:

    Sender's address/Sender's name/Subject/Message with attachments -->Is/Contains/Contains word/begins with --> (text box input)
    (actions) Move to inbox/folder/forward to/delete from server

    I hope you can add to a blocked senders list or set up filters, so you can eliminate some of those annoying spam/phishing messages. You can send me a PM anytime, if you need more help.
  • Love that Mustache Pig voice @LesToreadores! Who's the other voice telling him to make it himself? LOL

    How are you liking ABGO? I'm a bit apprehensive to try it myself, because I would really SUCK at it! I'm not very good at flinging now, so a racing game would definitely be hard for me without a joystick to control speed, make turns, jumps, and avoid crashing!
  • It's my bedtime, so I'll say goodnight and sweet dreams,
    and Happy Saturday morning to everyone else across the pond.

    Have a happy flinging, contraption building, piggie busting day!
  • @SweetP -- Thanks for the additional info / suggestions. I do have an e-mail filter on, but I'm sure it doesn't stop e-mail "from Amazon."
    I'm looking forward to @Les-Toreadors' AB Go guide. I'm still undecided on how long I will keep playing. The energy meter does limit how long you play.
  • I am actually finding the energy stuff quite okay. Just changes your expectation of the game a bit. It's not a 'hardcore' type of PC racing sim where you can spend hours hooning around.

    ABGO wants to be an 'come and visit occasionally' type of game where you just drop by and have some mindless fun every once in a while, or even just once a day. It actually does keep the game fresh and me looking forward to doing the next 20 runs with all the characters in sequence.

    The energy takes more and more time to regenerate but you also have more birds/pigs to run with.

    Rovio should however make some sort of minigame where the player can feed the characters with cake and fruit to lower the cooldown timer... that's why we smash watermelons right? Feed the pigs lol.


    ABGO is really easy to drive and win, and infact I'm just taking my time to post the gameguide because I want it to be as simple as possible. No finesse required really, and by the time you get to the parts that do require finesse (Champion Chases) you should have already grasped how to beat the AI at the game by driving normal events.

    If you're frustrated just put the game away lol. Seriously Rovio designed it this way cos they want us to lighten up and not 3-star everything 40 minutes after the game goes out :)
  • Hi everyone; ) hope everyone is enjoying a lazy Saturday I am lol
    I was planning inn Christmas shopping but it's to freaking cold out! !!
    Sooo I'm just flinging away. .@Les ToReadors you make AbGo sound interesting
    I'm debating downloading I've all i can do to keep up with flinging
    Ob I'll have a double PigKiller please; )
  • @all Nighty night, hope to catch some of you tomorrow! Have a great weekend, everyone.
  • nighty night @Tompuss sweet dreams;)
  • squeeeeek
  • *places ear against wall* thought I heard squeak ? Heyougettaouttamyway is that you or your Brothers?
    Or could it be. .. Pa a((((( hug)))))
  • Bad timing:( as I'm about to pop out for a second to use the facilities and have a smoke:(
    It's snowy like crazy here. .I'll brb..
  • 'Pa going for a pocket ride... Roflmao ask @Kimmiecv ..hee hee
    Here we goooo
  • So I guess i imagine the squeak. I'm sitting in the snow smoking like a crazy person. Haha
  • Oooohhhhh poket ride!!! Better than Disney!! :D
    Sorry I've been MIA @Kathy, it's been a trying week with all the baking/cleaning ect. Man oh man do I have a lot of catching up to do!! Yikers :O
  • No worries @Kimmiecv ;) I just wish i could have a taste of that yunmmy baking ..hee hee
  • I'm afraid Pa didn't survive the pocket ride; (
    Maybe to much ..
  • Well the fam seems to be happy, even my Mom is enjoying more than she usually does so I'm calling this years bake fest a success!! :)
    Hmmm poor @rat seems he's not as tough as I thought.........
  • @tompuss thanks for the well wishes, dads doing great and Tigger enjoyed the extra love!! :)
    Thank for the video as well, it was fun to watch!!
  • :) that's the important thing @kimmiecv family, that's what is all about; )
    Hey I just got noticed you hit#1 in the challenge b Congrats; ) wtg Pahtnah:)
    *high five*
  • *Snicker* yep I got #1 for about 5 minutes!! :D Thanks though @Kathy, after the last level I needed a break, I. Hate. Freaking. Boomer. The. Butthead!!! :/
  • @tompuss sorry your sick, I hope your feeling much better!!
  • Ahhh lol I just went back and you were Bumped out quicker than I could say congrats...ahh well at least you got close; )
  • @TomPuss I hope you get to feeling better:* I'm thinking of ya even though we always are missing each other:(

    I'm having keyboard troubles as usual. .
    *places flashlight on @kimmiecv booth*. Nightly night Pahtnah:)
  • Sorry @Kathy got sucked into dinner prep!! Sleep well, hopefully tomorrow the Hoodoo Voodoo is gone!! ;)
    *replaces batteries and super shines Kathys flashlight, sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Ok off to do dishes!! :/
  • Sorry to squeak and run earlier @Kathy and @kimmie. But I got sleepy as I squeeked and went straight to bed. I don't fight sleep when it finds me.
  • No worries @rat! Take the sleep when it claims you!! Very happy to hear it actually found you!! :) I'm off to crush some candy and fling some birdies!!
  • ABGO game guide progressing quite well, despite a very moody and troublesome weekend. It's quite long, at 2,400 words for the first 3 chapters but I wanted to illustrate that one shouldn't waste money on an unfamiliar game, but check out the very quick and effective free karts first, and which are the important statistics for any economical and fast kart.

    I also received two boxes of ABGO merch in the mail. I think I will open them right meow :)
  • Is anyone else getting logged out ? I had trouble logging back in as well:/
    OB I'll have a large hot Cocoa with whipped cream please;)
  • whatcha get in the mail @LesToreadors?
  • Again I get logged out:(OB please fire the bouncer! !
  • @Kathy -- Haven't had any problems. Maybe it's your weather?
  • Don't think Its the weather @mvnla2 its cold and overcast but no wind or anything
  • Just tried AB Go its fun, but i can see where it could cause ones account to be charged for purchases without wanting them..for instance after i won first place, it said 'upgrade your kart'
    So thinking it was part of the gamei clicked it, then it said click again to purchase, of course i didn't, but i also couldn't continue with the games I had to exit out. Do be careful all who try it.
  • @Kathy -- You should be able to continue without spending any real money. I haven't spent any yet. Not sure exactly what happened, but you can upgrade your cart using coins you get playing the game. You many have to wait a while to get enough (don't remember), and some upgrades do cost real money, but just avoid them.
    Can't wait until @Les-Toreadors' guide comes out. I think it will really help those of us who aren't used to playing racing games.
  • Ohhh @mvnla2 maybe that's what it was asking for me to use my coins I didn't realize I just got out of it. One thing wanted $6:99 I forget what it was. But the game is kinda fun. Are you using the tilt method or touch? I chose tilt, but I'm thinking touch might be easier?
  • Yes I can't wait for @LesToReadors posts the guide;)
  • @Kathy -- I think the $6.99 is real money and gets you double (free) coins for ever. Most of the cart upgrades I've seen so far are a few hundred coins.
    I have been using tilt, but not all that successfully. I tried touch, but didn't do too well with that either. I think Slim uses touch.
    Someone was asking about a joystick control, which might be even better, but not sure if that's possible.
  • @Kathy -- Be sure to check out the comments in the new forum. I think some of the tips are really useful, especially if you read them before you get too far.
  • Oh yeah @mvnla2 that's what the $6.99 was for double points or something
    Thanks I'll check the new forum. .a joystick would be really helpful; )
    Probably charge a small fortune for one lol..
    A good thing is it has the cloud. .I wish the rest of AB games would get it..
  • Go Pats! !!! ;) ;)
Post in the New Forum!