The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1947
  • ;) @TomPuss happy to hear your feeling a bit better;)
  • Nice musical ty @TomPuss I haven't Time to watch the whole thing, but the beginning is great..
  • Hi @TomPuss. Helping you with S-19 got me so close to first place in Cosmic Crystals that I went ahead and stole it from @burpie. I'm telling him it's all your fault. LOL
    I had stopped playing CC about a month ago. So there is some truth in what I say. Have you made any headway on S-19 yourself?

    Really liked the singing flash mob offering.
  • @TomPuss -- Great video!
  • @mvnla2 - touch is right now superior to tilt for obvious reasons, less physical motion required.

    Also the driving controls in the game are really simple, so complex maneuvers don't need the kind of coordination that 'realistic' driving requires. No gas pedal, no need to counter-steer against skids, etc. Also touch controls have less disorientation when you're slipping and sliding all over the place (because top speed and no handling seems the most economical way to do things for at least Rocky Road and Seedway :) )
  • @LesToReadors can i switch from tilt to touch?
  • Just realized that I've been on ABN for exactly 2 years now
  • Happy Anniversary @blahalb09 ;)
  • @blahalb09 -- Happy Anniversary! Glad to see you're still around.
  • @LesToreadors Could I succesfully play AB GO even though I totally suck at racing games in general?
  • @Annifrid, yes, it doesn't need any motorsports experience to appreciate, and you might just learn a few easy race driving tips as you get good at ABGO.

    Most of the initial frustration from new players is the presence of in app purchases, which, as others have mentioned in our help thread in the new forum, are completely unnecessary to enjoying the game.

    In any case it's a well made companion product to Angry Birds, and in a rather fun new 3D format. There's no harm trying. Remember its a companion product, not a replacement for classing bird flinging, and the limited energy works to that concept.

    @Kathy, for me I prefer touch control because it's less disorienting when I'm sliding all over the place maximizing my score. It would get tiring holding a huge tablet like a mid-air steering wheel because it isn't nice to hold up a big slab of electronics to drive something (speaking for tablets that is).
  • Hi to @all ! Hope you, who tried ABGO! already like it. I surely do.
    @mvnla2 why did you chose tilt control? I choose touch control and it is easy on all tracks. I have game downloaded on my iPad and phone and occasionaly I hit back button on phone which stop game and that could be frustrating so I might try tilt on phone, but I am pretty sure that touch is easier anyway.
  • Happy Anniversary @blahalb09!! :)

    @tompuss another fun video!! Happy to hear you are feeling much better and being smart about not overdoing for Christmas!! I think I'll pass on the choco snails as I see too much of the real thing!! Although it sounds funny to enjoy choco snails!! :D I think I'd like to see these things for real, they do sound intriguing in a weird sorta way!!! *Snicker*
  • Heeheee I'm looking forward to them @tompuss!!! :D
  • Whoa that was Fantastic tompuss!!! Love the bubbles!! Abso Amazing fun to watch!!!! :)
  • I ate an entire chocolate cake for lunch earlier and now it is dinner time and I still feel bloated up like a Fat Pig!

    Btw Fat Pig will appear for the first time in Toons next Sunday. Squeeeee!!!!

    Le Proof!
  • Good Morning all; )
    Happy Birthday @ohforfive and @bubbleslover :)
    Have a fantabulous flinging day everyone:)
    See ya all after work; )
    Oopps @kimmiecv I forgot to leave my flashlight again. .woke up with it on my pillow heee hee
    Hope your getting some good z'z'z's ((((((hugs))))
  • Morning all!

    I have found some time to properly format my ABGO motorsports training guide for pigineering dot com

    I will appreciate feedback as the introduction especially sounds a bit... going against the grain right now. But in my honest opinion I thought to try to prove myself by writing the first 5 chapters / sections to see how it goes in the long term.
  • @OhforFive and @BubblesLover -- Happy Birdday!
    FYI -- Stinson Beach (where the large bubbles were filmed) is in California, not very far north of San Francisco.
    @cosmo2503 -- Not sure why I chose tilt. Think I will go back to touch.
    @Les Toreadors -- Will have to carve out some time to read your guide later today. Might be hard, because today and tomorrow are pretty busy.
  • @LesToreadors A whole chocolate cake? Baaaaaad piggie!
    Sorry, I don't have Twitter, so will content myself with your teasers here.

    @mvnla Thanx for info, I had wondered where that beach was.

    @rat Didn't fling today cos I treated myself to new DVD of "Now you see me", very spectacular and huge fun. I love magic! Back to S19 tomorrow. . .
  • @all Sweet dreams, night-night
  • sorry i'm not posting much, i'll do more once i get my tablet. i think i'm getting it for christmas because the amount of money we're getting from relatives
  • Hi @all. Never heard of the film @TomPuss. How do they "teleport" someone in the movie? Are they warlocks with special abilities? Or does Captain Kirk come back in time and let them use his teleporter?
  • Mumsie 'poofs' in - " hi OB just want to say I am tearing around trying to fit 26 hours into each day, I keep meeting myself coming back! Haven't got time to read back all the pages since I was last in - just want to send ((hugs)) to anyone who may need them - birthday wishes to anyone who has aged another year & and thanks to all I should be grateful to for being part of this place. Byeeee" Mumsie 'poofs' home to bed
  • @TomPuss - can still view the twitter links, not to worry :3 they are public posts. Ditto for facepork.

    @all - curiosity: Why is King Pig triangular in AB: Toons? In everywhere else, he is round :)
  • probably happened from all the birds landing on his head
  • @les toreadors Characters are shown with more detail in AB Toons. They made the King Pig in a triangular shape to emphasize that he is very fat.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 @TomPuss @Kathy :) have a happy rest of everyone's day! :)
  • ABGo Matilda cheats !!
    Good night all *places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth*
    Nighty night Pahthah sorry I've been missing ya lately busy busy busy heee hee
    Remember that magician from frosty haha ithink of you hee hee
  • Happy Birthday @ohforfive and @bubbleslover. Hope you had a fabulous day of celebrations!

    I'm with @mumsie, not being able to read all of the back pages since I was in here last. Been sooo busy, this past weekend. It was gorgeous! Nice sunny days in the high 70's, perfect weather for taking nice long rides on the scooter (old school for 'motorcycle').

    @LesToreadores, I think your ABGO guide is awesome! It's very well-written and entertaining. Since I haven't downloaded the game yet, and being used to having a joy stick for these types of games (xbox, playstation) how do you steer and accelerate or brake? I know, I know dumb questions, but I just had to ask before I think about getting the game.

    Well, have a good evening/good morning/good day @all! Happy Flinging or contraption building and may the L-force be with you!
  • If they can make pigs triangular I bet you could grow a piggy in a box and remove the box after a while and you get a square piggy! :D

    ... just like square watermelons in Japan. They made it that way to stack and transport them easier.
  • *shuffles in with two baskets of ear plugs, places one inside the door, and one on the bar*
    @Kathy, since I'm here I thought I'd put them out for you!

    For our friends across the pond that are just waking up, here are the ear plugs incase anyone wants to let out their frustrations for WHHHHHHHIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNEEEEEE
  • @rat Can't explain without slipping a spoiler in! No warlocks, no Star Trek devices. All I can say that movie is about illusion. (I do wish Captain Kirk, Scottie and the teleporter were for real, I would certainly get out more!)
  • @Kathy that dude is scary odd!!! Whatcha sayin exactly hmmmmmm??!! ;D
    *shines up KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Hope your day is a sunny one, I'd gladly send ours your way for a bit of the cooler weather!! Sigh
  • 1......2...........3........WWwhhhiiiinnnneeeWWwhhhiiiinnnneeeWWwhhhiiiinnnneee :/
  • Sssshhhhhh @kimmie Some of us on this side of the pond are trying to sleep.
  • Hey guys! I won my school spelling bee! I'm going to district!
  • @Theanonymoussomeone -- Congrats! That's awesome! When is the district contest?
  • I'm loving all the updates. However...


  • Spazz-out over. Let's hope we see something before Christmas.
  • Hey everyone:) thanks for putting out the earplugs @Sweetp :) I slept in, Took the day off.
    Congratulations @theanonymoussomone on winning the spelling bee ;) Great job
    Let us know when the district challenge is
    @Kimmiecv I just meant cuz he says "busy busy busy" hee hee and that's you lately; )
    No scary part lol..
    I'm off this fling, I tried to use the touch feature in ABGo but i guess i was too tired @mvnla2 how is that working for you?
  • @Kathy -- The touch feature works at least as well as the tilt, once you get used to it, and it doesn't hurt my back. Of course, it I didn't use all that body language with tilt, which is probably counterproductive, it probably wouldn't bother my back.
  • arghh it's snowing pretty bad right now. On my away home from doc
    OB I'm not driving lol can i get a PigKiller please lol I'm trying to take my mine off the roads..
  • Why is everyone whining?

    My turn:

    I did my awesome 'slingshot on top of opponent kart' move on King Pig yesterday night.

    My kart bounced off his CROWN and stopped dead in its tracks.

    Now what is sticking King Pig's crown to his incredible bulk? Gorilla glue?! :D


    King Pig is incredibly fast. Who taught him how to drive? He also has an even more incredible balloon flying mode which is even faster.

    So instead of wasting bird coins upgrading my kart to go even faster last night I went back one level to run the previous track's challenges and have 17k spare bird coins and went to bed when all the birds' energy ran out :)

    It would also be nice if I can swap out the wheels of the kart for another type of wheel - wheels made of masking tape give good handling but lose too much speed while (trying to) drift.
  • Thanks for the forum @LesToReadors uhmm I can't can't say ive improve but I'm learning. .
    Time for sleep * places flashlight on @kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Night night all; ( sleepy
  • Wow, @theanonymoussomeone Congratulations! All of that hard work paid off, and now you're into the next round. SWEEEET!

    Glad I could help @kathy. Looks like you really needed that extra sleep time, you've been so busy lately! Wish you could send some of that cold weather this way. It's been in the 80's down here, and I'm not feeling very Christmas-ey!

    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster maybe Rovio's planning to release an update to Space soon. It's been quite a long time since they released Cosmic Crystals, so I'd say they're long overdue!

    @LesToreadores, I guess I'm gonna have to play ABGO to answer those questions. I do have a dilemma though, I'm out of memory and will have to delete one of the other AB games! :'(
    Gorilla glue is insane! It's like a fungus that keeps growing right before your eyes! I saw that video of King Pig flying off with those balloons, and thought it would only be fair to let all racers do the same! Hope you can kick his butt when you catch up to him.

Post in the New Forum!