The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1953
  • Battery low gotta switch to tablet going flinging. .bbl
  • @kathy no i opened my presents but she might buy it a little late
  • Oh @yimmy7 maybe it's a secret surprise present ;) hope you get itsoon; )
  • @yimmy7 -- Sorry you didn't get a tablet for Christmas. If you have to pay for half of it, how do you do that? It would seem to be a pretty big chunk of change. Well, there probably after Christmas sales even on tablets.
    Hope you got some other presents you really like (in addition to the Secret Santa one you told us about yesterday).
  • on ebay we can usually find it for about 100-120
  • Merry Christmas everyone! I finally got a new Wii, I got a 2 new origami books that have a total of 100 models, and I got a 250 DOLLAR CHECK FROM MY GREAT UNCLE!!!!!!!!! Yay!
  • @mvnla2 and @all, thanks for the well wishes! Eventually I came to a point where I was at the pinnacle of the world's problems and the rest of the way was just watching where inter-family wars started and ended and I didn't care, ate a metric ton of hazelnut chocolates (courtesy of colleagues!) and grew fat on it because 'Murica and all.

    Soooo sick of people messing up other peoples' Christmases till I took the law into my own hands. I even used the example of World War One. Great powers stopped fighting for one day to exchange greetings of peace. Christmas is about peace, regardless of religion! Don't celebrate it? Fine! Respect the other person celebrating/respecting Christian traditions, protect them and be joyful with them, as people did in 7th Century Arabia.

    In the end some people couldn't stand that I am employing Western ideals of womens' rights + protecting others, and most people from observing my crazy theology think I am a Muslim but actually I am not. I am just on a little self-driven path to learn from everyone at once and be a neutral, peace loving person. I attend Islamic classes but I think from observing how people ruin my Christmas, first from people in my house and then people in another house decide they are jealous of my intervention to protect their daughter from harm, I'll just go my own way just to make everyone even more pissed!

    Until now I have no formal complaints against me. Everything's just gossiping that I am crazy yada yada. But hey, I am the one that stands up for someone elses' daughter and teaches her entire group of friends the true purpose of religion as an instrument of peace, love, and protection for the weak.

    Her own parents never thanked me, instead, they SUPPORTED the people bullying their daughter. It was hilarious! Which means for the next few years at least, I'm going to just keep collecting positive karma from that silly lot for the rest of my education 'contract' with her daughter.

    The moment they do anything stupid like force us apart, use black magic (most assuredly haram/prohibited in Islam!), I'm going to dump a story out in public for the whole world to see, especially women's rights groups. Look here! People are encouraging perverted behavior amongst their own children on Christmas Day! Parents do nothing to teach their children, requiring foreign, infidel tutors to step in! And it would be written in fine Victorian standards of English, as always.

    And that's the way I commence cultural revolution in my part of the world :)
  • Hi fellow flingers, just found time and internet connectivity to pop in and wish you a merry X-mas from Namibia. Lots of sand here and no snow. But they are playing christmas songs and wear red hats at the cashiers in the stores to create sort of an atmosphere ;-)
  • That moment and I walked into a GROCERY STORE, and lo and behold a bunch of customers and staffs of said store verbally abusing a young lady who was doing her job...

    No one messes with Foreman Pig, who had no hesitation to take control of the scene to resolve the issue and put those abusive scum back in their place... Victorian style.!/carmen.alexandre1/posts/684360238281124
  • @LesToReadors I commend your action!!
    I read your story on FB, but there was no place for me to comment or 'like'
    Good for you standing up for that girl!and good for her to keep her cool and continue to do her job.
  • @HappyShake -- Merry Christmas in Nambia! The lowest score challenge is alive and well, but moved to the new forum.
    @theanonymoussomeone -- Sounds like you had a pretty good Christmas. Enjoy!
  • Holy moly, the kids must be out of school. Flagging lots of fake scores the past few days, mostly on the Daily Challenge. Just flagged another :/
  • Come to think of it, most of the scores I have flagged were from new members who registeried about ten days ago....keep on the lookout everyone!
  • Thanks @BPC I've actually been flagging a few myself lately. .and getting lots of friendship requests from new members; / thank you for the heads up:)
  • @HappyShake merry Christmas hope your trip has been safe:)
    @LesToReadors although I agree and sympathize with your plight and differences of religous conflicts, it has made many of our patrons uncomfortable with the references to religion.
    As we (the BP Team) have stated on Page 1 of this forum religion and politics are not alllowed subjects. So although I understand and am sympathetic to your situation. Please for future reference refrain from those subjects.
    We still do love to hear from the Pigineer and Fat Pig antics so feel free and please continue to entertain us with your stories:)
  • Good Night all... ssleepy sleepy..*places flashlight on @kimmiecv booth*
    Night Pahtnah happy flinging; ) catch up tomorrow; )
  • Wow, @lestoreadors, sounds like a harsh thing for them to do. That was a very honorable thing of you to do.
  • Night @Kathy (what's left of it for you at this point!)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use erm in a little while and sets out candles for Ahhh what she has lest of her dreamland * ;D Tomorrow is heavy cleaning day so not sure when ill pop in but enjoy your day and happy flinging back atcha!! :) ((((Hugs))))
  • Well OB another quiet day and evening:(
    I'll have a Pigkiller please still trying to work my way through a few advent levels
    I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday week:)
  • Thanks @e-star :-) I'M just doing some clean up..I'm also happy I did it day by day, but need to pull up a coupl scores i love it lol just before it came out I was saying how much I miss piglantis hee hee.
    Can't wait to see the winners in the contest that's also very exciting:)
    Enjoy your movies((((((((hugs))))))))
  • Level 9 is killing me!! OB another Pigkiller please..Erma make it a double lol :-)
  • Ok seriously Where is Everyone??
    OB you know what I'm here for thanks..and keep em' comin'
  • Hello @all, haven't been around lately. How is everyone doing?

    Oops, sorry @kathy. I just missed you by 10 minutes. Nighty-night and sweet dreams my friend.

    Been busy taking down the Christmas tree and decorations! I think those decorations and ornaments must've grown since I took them out! Can't seem to get them all packed back into the same 5 huge storage bins they came out of...and hubby just snickers, while grabbing the ladder to take down the lights outside. So I tell him good luck keeping them untangled when he gets them put away. Heehee, two can play at this game!

    OB, I'd like a large mug of cappucino with a shot of Baileys, please.

    Going flinging for the rest of the night. Catching up in the new Birdday levels.

    Have a good evening everyone. The weekend is here and it's time to gear up for the New Year!
  • Just caught me @SweetP. Nighty night:)
  • Wow quiet day!! Thanks e-star and Kathy, got everything done and just finished a wee dinner so now it's play time without interruption!! Yeay me!! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely through dreamland * Late night there @Kathy!! :D Time off is grand ain't it!! :)

    I'm off to vote in ACT before time runs out!!! :)
  • @all Just popping in to share this one with you:

    Holiday Rube Goldberg machine.
  • Hey Thanks @TomPuss that is pretty cool :-) thanks for sharing.Hope your holidays are going nicely.
  • Lol @KimmieCV yep I hit a new record last night errmm well this morning haha lately I've been waking up at 2am with tablet on my lap glasses hanging off my face!! This morning it wasaround 6:15ish hee hee luckily Iwoke up before bf came home from work to catch me hahahaha!! Enjoy some flinging time, well it's long past'enjoy'i guess but good luckanyway:)
  • @TomPuss -- Great video! Plan to share.
  • man my other website has reached new soap opera extremes
  • Hey ho @all!
    @kathy I think peeps are still busy with Christmas business so that's why the BP is so quiet!
    @sweetP You've taken down your tree and decs?.....nooooooo,why?! It's only the 28th!
    @tompuss thanks for the vid! I take it you've seen the new Simons cat? Fab!
    @e-star @kimmie,yep I needed the kick and voted! Sorry it was last minute but what the hell happened to December?
    OB you naughty naughty man:( Our poor @mumsie42 (and lets be honest your fave patron) had been awarded Secret Santa and you just let it fly??? That sweetheart has kept your rocking chair warm for the past year,knitting her knuckles to their nibs and getting more blind by the minute. Could we please have some Cristal on ice for our wonderful Secret Santa?
    I'll take a glass to go as I'm still entertaining...I'm on day 14. Mum has been here 14 days,Step Dad 7.........nuff said ;)
    Hope everyone is enjoying some "me" time. I'm having "who are you talking to this time" time....nuff said ;)
    Just about to fall into a large glass of wine and enjoy some of the benefits of visitors home cooking! Thai fish cakes and curry! Yum!
    Happy Saturday!
    BTW I completed New Rio yesterday....WTH are those awful hideous bonus rocket birds on?!! Nasty nasty,uncooperative evil things! Sorry just thought I'd bring Tues forward!
  • Probably right @JLZ666 Hopefully everyone is having a grand time:)
    Thanks fir the heads up, *Clink* @Mumsie congratulations!!!
  • Hi @all! Are we coming out of hibernation at last? Nice to see y'all!
    @JLZ666 Yes, lovely Simon's Cat! And agree with you on those wretched bonus birds - I just can't handle them, they're worse than Space Eggs. Some bonus!
    Had to work very hard to make it possible, but I have managed two blissful days of "me time". Decadent stuff like watching DVDs all day, one episode after another. Glad you, @kathy and @mvnla liked the vid.
    Hello there @yimmy!
    Hubz and I are gonna have our last episode before bedtime, so bye for now!
  • Mumsie looks surprised as OB swoops over bearing a silver ice bucket with a bottle of Cristal, bows low (well as low as he can whilst balancing an ice bucket on one wing) and whispers "congratulations, @JLZ666 ordered this, I've polished your rocking chair, fluffed up the cushions and ironed your throw, please allow me to escort you to your corner of the BP" OB crooks the other wing, Mumsie places her hand on it and OB walks her to her rocker, kicking heyyous (gently) out of the way. Mumsie sits down accepts a glass of ice cold Cristal and pats the stool next to her for OB to sit down and tell her all the news!
  • @tompuss - 2 days of me time - wow! I want some of that!
    @jlz666 thanks for the champers - love it - haven't had any since yesterday with the marauding hordes! (41st wedding anniversary with children & gkids!) Couldn't agree more about those incredibly unwieldy rocket birds! Do you think they'll fly straight if I finish this bottle?
    @Kathy - "clink"
    @sweetp - decks down already??? Do you now put up New Year ones?? Ours stay up till at least 2nd Jan
    @kimmie - bet the place is spotless - my secret is just to make sure the dust is uniform so everything looks the same! Oh and low lighting like @e* says!
    I'm under the covers already - played golf today and we had a last supper of leftovers! So no cooking! Laundry tomorrow (maybe! ) and then some flinging time!
    Loved having a new level everyday now back to all the new episodes and get my leaderboards up to date!
  • @JLZ666 -- Totally agree with your, TomPuss' and @Mumsie's opinion of the rocket bonus birds in Rio. Forget which level was totally giving me fits, although I found all of them difficult.
  • Aww OB how sweet:) you take such good care of Mumsie I knew we hired you fir good reason;)
    Love to have someone take care of our fine feathered friends,@Mumsie I am just now finally trying to finish watching it's a wonderful life, bf gone to work I'm cuddling up in my blanky , flinging and watching the show.
    OB I'm sorry for this ,I know it's not Tuesday(hands out earplugs)
    These advent levels given me fits with the random scoring!! Spook
  • Well see there Never underestimate the Powah of the whine lol:)* happy dance :-)*
    too bad I got it a good score on my phone 2 flings after the whine..I wish I got it on my tablet but meh. I got it lol..Thanks OB I'll take another glass of n ok I not#1 or anything special just another level finished:)
  • Woo hoo @LaurenM that's awesome:) happy you had a nice Christmas:)
    That's what I have Samsung galaxy tab 3 I love it:)
  • Abgo is fun I'm still having to get used to it though..can't decide wether I like tilt or touch..
  • Holy Moley it's 1:15 oops I did it again..Nighty night everyone:/
    *places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth*
    Have a great evening/afternoon/morning all whichever the case may be.
    I'm gonna be bummin' next week when vacation is over lol..
  • Oh I forgot one @JLZ666 lol I've also been getting those "who are you talking to now" looks lol they just don't get it! I say Ermmm I'm in the middle of a conversation ha ha and I get the'look'heehee Nighty night..or oh good morning to you lol..
  • Mumsie sits now ready for an afternoon of knitting - she has had a lovely Christmas but somewhat disappointed that the giant touchscreen did not arrive in the BP wonders whether Santa mixed up the address!
  • Hmmm it looked bigger in the advertisement!!
    I'll order another, then we'll have 2 hee hee :-)
Post in the New Forum!