The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1955
  • Happy new year GMT'ers :D
  • @ampagechanger first of the new year :D
  • Happy New Year one and all! May 2014 bring you and yours everything you hope for! (((Hugs))) xxx
  • Good rant @AngrybirdsSpace(Blaster). More Space!!! I like the New Years banner @Estar. Especially the pig that played with the fireworks. Love the three kittens @TomPuss. Happy New Year to all.
  • Happy New Year everyone! I wish you all a healthy,happy and prosperous 2014! It's now 2am in the UK and I'm in my jammies waiting on the kettle to boil so I can take a cup of tea up to rock and roll lol!!! For those across the pond still to celebrate,have a wonderful evening! ((Hugs))XXX
  • Just got home from two doors down :) had a lovely evening, loads of peeps setting of fireworks for us to enjoy from behind the glass hee hee. Enjoy your tea JLZ and sleep tight! i am going to fling some birds and watch some telly, will be back tomorrow to catch up on all the well wishes, but for those stuck in the past year.. End it with joy and laughter as it will be a good way to start the new year! Cheers *hic*
  • And thanks Mister Rat! Actually a rerun of last year, but I loved it so much last year I figured I would use it again this year ;)
  • Not quite midnight yet for me, but I want to wish my flinging friends everywhere a very Happy New Year, I hope 2014 is good to everyone! :D
  • Happy New Year everyone!!!
  • Happy New Year! !
    I can hear the Boston Fireworks going! !
    I'm going to sleeping now nighty night all; )
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth* nighty night Pahtnah
    I had a busy day I'll catch up tomorrow enjoy your pizza hope it comes out as good as grammas; )
  • Hey @angryboy !! Happy new year. .night
  • Happy New Year everyone!
  • Getting back on an early schedule eh @Kathy!! Good idea!! :) Tomorrow is pizza day sooo not likely ill be popping in until much later!! Enjoy New Year's Day!! (((Hugs)))
    *shines Kathys flashlight for the last time in 2013 and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • Happy New Year Everyone! :)
  • Oh god oooohhh god....... all of my animations were deleted from my friends' account... Oooh no. I had collected so many views from Rovio writing about them... not a good way to start the new year!!
  • @TomPuss -- Wow is right!
    @Kathy -- Competition on, and I bet London has won hands down in terms of New Year's fireworks display. Can't imagine anyone anywhere in London sleeping through that!
  • @Sparty83 -- Just heard that Michigan State is in the Rose Bowl this year (playing Stanford). So are you enjoying the sunny, warm weather in Pasadena today? You shouldn't miss the Rose Parade if you're there. Of course, I've never been to the actual parade, but did go the day after to see the floats one year.
    May the best team win!
  • WTG @amandeep, @kimmiecv and @minh - what a great start to 2014!
  • OB break out the Cristal and the non-alcoholic equivalent
    *A toast to our Very Own @Kimmiecv and @firebombbird !!! Winners of the ABN avatars contest Wooo Hoooo
    WTG !!! CLINK*
  • @amandeep also a Big Congrats and your welcome to pop in and celebrate! !
  • I am having trouble with gravatar the page is too big to sign in:/
    I wanted to putmy winter /Christmas hat back on cuz its cooold outside but something went downloads are missing in my album plus gravatar page is suddenly to big !!I checked my zoom settings on web and Phone and tablet the same; ( is anyone else having troubles ?
  • Anybody have any idea how to save Everyplay videos to camera roll? I want to become a member of the Pigineering team and I have talked to DH Kim about it, but I have no way to record my screen without jailbreak! Help please
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster have you asked @LesToReadors ? He may be able to help?
  • Your very welcome @minh firebombbird ;)
    I gotta work tomorrow so I'm off to dreamland..
    *places flashlight in @kimmiecv special safe*
    I know your busy Pahtnah so it'll keep I gotta work anyhow wont be doing much flinging.
    Congrats again on your awesome avatar and hope the pizza day went well
    (((((( hugs))))))
    Night night all. .
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster - To save/post videos on Everyplay just use the in-app 'camera' button.

    Pigineering is currently not big on videos as it's far more effective to share screenshots for community build projects. Also, no need to apply for membership or anything as there is none required. All are welcome to pop by Facebook and drop a strange pigture of anything related to the green bacon :) No Facepork? Pop by the Bad Piggies forum here on ABN and we'll take a look at whatever comes out of your screenshot reel. (Seriously, screenshots better. Videos, clunky, wastes bandwidth)


    It's been the end of an extremely busy Christmas/New Year period for me and all I have to show for is this little parody news broadcast I made on New Year's Day.

    Viewer beware: It contains King Pig Office porkpaganda as usual!


    In this news porkcast we tackle two topics:

    1) Amazon and UPS Christmas shipping being delayed
    2) Rare footage first pig landing on the Moon, rumored by many to be a hoax.

    And yes, instead of publishing videos of the same old contraptions, we thought to engage new community members (& kids) to and make full use of their pillow collections :)
  • Good Morning all! ! On my way back to work .. yuk
    Have a fantabulous day everyone:)
  • Mumsie comes in wearing her special gloves that @SweetP gave her in B&R! Ok onto the big touchscreen and Rio Rocket Rumble! OB pass me the headphones please I need to concentrate on these bonus levels with these stupid rocket birds!
  • Good afternoon everyone!
    As I write I'm sitting in a car dealership in Inverness,Scotland (150 miles from home) We've been on the road since 10am and already been to see another car 100 miles from here which was a no no and sadly it looks like hubby isn't taking this one either. Heyho It was a beautiful journey up through the highlands but unfortunately no sighting of Nessie ;) I'm pretty sure he's not taking the car so we'll head back home soon (should take around 3 & 1/2 hrs) Hopefully we'll stop for some grub on way down but Jan 2nd is still a holiday in Scotland so it might be slim pickings. @mumsie your gloves are beautiful and well deserved! The TV looks spectacular as well OB! Oh for a screen that size to fling those bleeping rocket birds! Arghhhhhhh! I've been flinging in the car and everyone on iPads are sooooooo lucky! Try it on an iPhone......not a chance of accurate trajectory,you can't see the bloody things! I've 3 starred them by sheer luck and I'm NEVER going back,never ever ever!
    Ohhhhhh OK hubby looks miffed to say the least so better shut off from here. Just fancied a blether and whine!
  • Well, @JLZ-666, the good news is that like house hunting, you only need to find one. Hope you and hubby find hat needle-in-a-haystack of a car on this trip so that you don't have to drive that far again soon. Good luck! And keep looking for Nessie!
    Happy New Year to everyone!
    Congrats to @Kimmie, @Aman and @firebombbird!
  • @JLZ66 -- I can't imagine playing AB on any device in a car! I can barely hit the correct keys to type anything, let alone aim a bird.
  • Well the big screen helped a bit ( perhaps it may of course just have been Lady Luck popping in!) got two bonus levels wi 3 stars - back I go!
    @JLZ666 - flinging on a phone ! In the car! And you 3* them !! Mmmm - maybe I'll suggest to hubby that we go off for a long drive!
    Still quite quiet in BP - OB and I have had a long chat about life in general and how to return Christmas presents without upsetting the giver!
  • @bird-addict hey sweetie! Yeah it's a one in a million car lol!! Nessie didn't show herself sadly but we can only hope, I've been looking for her since I was a little girl and nothing..........@mumsie haaaahaaa seriously you thought I 3* in the car? Noooooo! Just tried to improve.
    1/2 way home,2hrs to go....
  • Hello @all. Happy New Year.

    Oopsie! Not the way I wanted to start the New Year. Fell down the stairs. Just from the first landing. I didn't touch any of the steps on the way down. Bent my left foot back into a position it's never seen before. Good news; I don't think I broke anything. Bad news; it turned black and swelled up almost immediately. I didn't do my left hip and shoulder/neck any favors either. I can't go to the hospital. Don't want to miss the Sugar Bowl with Alabama and Oklahoma. Maybe after the game if my foot continues to swell.

    Too bad about the car search @JLZ666. It took me over a month to find the wife's car in the perfect color and upholstery. But we did find it in the last place we looked. lol Maybe, if you're real good, Santa will bring you an iPad for Christmas next year. I can't imagine playing on an iPhone. My thumb covers the entire screen.

    @Mumsie The only way to successfully return the gifts is to not get them in the first place. If you're anything like us, you don't need or want anything they can afford to give you. We stopped exchanging gifts a few years back. Best thing we ever did. Except for the Nephews and Nieces. We still get them something. We're not Scrooges.

    CongRATulations to Kimmie and Aman. Sorry @kimmie, I voted for your winter avatar. I was a close call. But this way there are two winners. Yea!

    I'll try to get to a few of the pm's I have backed up in the next few days. But for now, I think I'm headed to bed to rest up for the Sugar Bowl. Roll Tide!
  • I was so ready for a real picture of Nessie @jlz :(( and hoping you would have found the one in a million car, IKR what are the odds of that happening. Enjoy your final leg of your journey home, knock some sense in those monkeys (rio are monkeys right?! Hahahah it been so long since I have been in AB Rio I forgot, owww dear!)
  • Mister Rat!! Nah ah you didn't?! How on earth did that happen? Black immediately? Must be lack of information for me to understand the superbowl taking precedence over going to the doctors, but please do look after yourself! As for the gift giving, 100% agree! We stopped a couple of years ago, now we only buy presents when we know the receiver will love it and give it right away for no special reason. Enjoy the game and rest up!
  • Well @jlz666 I just answered my own questions lol so sorry you didn't find Nessie, she is out there somewhere patiently waiting for you keep the faith; )
    PA did you Really fall down the stairs And Not go to the hospital because of a Football game !!!
    Hope your team wins after all. .and pray you didn't do some serious Ddamage! !
  • @all--Worst than I thought. I laid down for two hours and couldn't get up. The game will have to wait. Headed to the ER.
  • Paaaa !! Jeeez my thoughts and prayers are with you (((((( hug))))))
    You know how to give the missus a fret dontcja!!
  • @Mrs Rat my prayers are with You also (((((( hug))))))
  • Happy New Year Everyone!!! :)
    Yeeesh trying to catch up on all things nest after only 1 day of off time and my head is spinning!! Thank you all for the Congrats!! Since I abso LOVE my e* original it was awesome to see it win! Very exciting and made for a very happy start to the New Year!! :)

    @JLZ-666 WTH!! No car and no Nessie!! :( And so much driving! Yikes! I do hope your hubby finds his car soon! Fingers crossed it happens Very Soon!!

    @rat9 are you kidding!! No of course your not!! Your as bad as my Mom!! We had to drag her to hospital after her fall and your worried about a game?! Freaking tape it!! Ahhh what to do with you!! LOL Just Try to take care of yourself and Stay Off The Foot!! I hope the swelling goes down and not up!!

    @tompuss the London New Years was Amazing! Shared it and amazed all who watched it! For sure that has to be the Best blast into 2014 anywhere!!!

    @Kathy the pizza was a huge hit!! Out of the 8 pizzas made only 2 left and this morning only 4 pieces LEFT!! Hahaa man can my family eat!!! :D
    *grabs flashlight and does a quick shine for today, then gives it back to kathy!!* ;)

    I hope I didn't miss anything but likely did! Sorry for the quick pop in!!

    I'm off to try and continue to catch up!! Everyone have a great day/night!!
  • Phew there you go! Make a long post and miss the follow up!! Good luck @rat9 and glad to see common sense prevail!! Kisses :•
  • Crap what Happened!!? I was just inn the nmiddle of an awesome shot and BAM!!
    *looks around** haha @Kimmiecv thanks for the shine.. maybe now i can actually hit something. Glad your Pizza day/night went over well. .gramma recipe must be delicious. .hmmm
    *poofs to Kimmiecv to grabs the last 4 slices*
  • *OUCH* stumbles back in rubbing very red hand*
    OB I'm gonna need an ice pack....
  • Well is Official We are having a blizzard! ! Just got the Official warning €€
    *does a happy dance!~~♡♡♥♡♥ No Work Tomorrow wooo hooo!!
    *Oh the weather outside is Frightful, but the Snow is soo Delightful*
  • @Rat -- Glad to see you, even if you're on the way to the emergency room. Was beginning to wonder where you were. Hope you recover quickly. Maybe this fall will fix all your earlier problems, instead of making them worse. (OK, extreme optimism, but I don't think it ever hurt anyone.)
Post in the New Forum!