The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1957
  • I'm still here...... Surely someone is lurking.
  • I want some pig ears, but it's after hours for OB, and I don't want to make people think I'm stealing.
  • Yeesh far too late to do candles!! *shines Kathys flashlight and replaces batteries, sets out a single candle just in case!* Your kicking piggy butt big time @Kathy!! Awesome blossom!! :D

    @karen68 I've never heard of that before either but then I've never lived in cold places only warm ones! Very interesting that is unless it happens to you! Kinda like some of our quakes here where the whole house moves with a loud boom. Definantly freaks you out!! I'm glad it's a normal thing and not your house going down! Funny your hubby slept through it though!! LOL :D

    Thanks for the congrats @tompuss and @mvnla2 I was surprised but really happy my e* creation made it! :) The mission is to get new trophy winners this next round!! :D

    Ok it's super late so gotta go!!
    @theanonymoussomeone OB is always ready to serve no matter the time as time zones are so different everywhere so pig ear away!! LOL
    Have a great Saturday everyone!! :)
  • *sighhhh* I've got the post holiday blues. Must shake myself out of it as life really really needs to get back to some sort of normality! The house looks so sad and empty without the tree and decs although on the plus side it looks huge lol! I'm doing the same as @estar and lighting loads of my candles to brighten the place up. At the moment my tables are a serious fire hazard ;D
    @karen68 I've never heard of that before,how freaky not to say bloody scary! We live next to a large range of hills and mountains but thank goodness we've never experienced that before. We're still waiting on our winter weather to arrive. At the moment it's just mild,wet and windy.....same old same old. @kathy you're living in a winter wonderland lol! It looks gorgeous but obviously it's no fun to be in unless you're 6 yrs old!
    @tompuss yeah Inverness was a fair old hike but to be honest the majority that he's found have been down south in England so that wasn't so bad! He's looking for a specific make,model and colour and obviously at the right price which is proving hard. Looks like we'll have to make a couple of trips down south to get what he wants. I'll let you know where we end up! Glad to see Nessie is alive and kicking in Switzerland!! Great photo! I was convinced I saw her when I was a little girl. I remember sitting on the banks of the loch with my sister never once taking our eyes off the water Haahaaaa!! What an ungrateful sis in law you have :( I just don't understand some people. Does being family give you the right to say these things? Would she have been so brutal if it was from a friend? Hmmmm...... As for pressies I love giving them and put a lot of thought into them. If I see something throughout the year that someone would love I get it. Actually I normally have to reign myself in!
    @rat9 keep off that foot for goodness sake before you do more damage! Very happy to hear there's no serious damage. Take care and no more ballet dancing until your fully fit ok? ;D
    Right enough blethering. Hubby's cooking tonight so going to look out some old fave vids to watch later and just snuggle down for the night.
    Hope everyone has a great night!
  • Afternoon @JLZ666 and @TomPuss ;) thanks for the candle @Kimmiecv lol quite right though i didn't need it. .i zonked out like a light the minute my head hit the pillow haha and thanks for the shine:) @theanonymoussomone the kitchen never closes so no worries,AND like i told you before if you have no change then that's o.k you can still have some pig ears I trust you; )
    Cheer up JLZ things will be cheery in no time. .just think Valentine's day is coming;)
    @TomPuss is that really a pic of the Loch Ness monster ? I always wondered if anyone has actually ever seen it ?
    I'm having another lazy day*sigh*its starting to get boring lol
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please I'm off to fling somewhere. .
  • @JLZ666 -- Took the ornaments off the tree yesterday; and the tree comes down today (it's artificial, so needs to be wrangled back into its box). House guests gone. Will be nice to be able to walk through the living room without feeling like it's an obstacle course!
  • Just popping in as I'm making a bowl of guacamole. Hubby doesn't like avocados but loves guacamole so I have to make it so he doesn't "know" there in there.........yeah.....go figure?!!!! Weirdo!
    @kathy No honey Nessie isn't real! I'll get shot by the Scottish tourist board for saying that but it's true! My heart says yes but brain says no. I avoid Valentines day at all cost so that's no excitement sadly:( Just 354 days till Christmas!!!!!!!
    @mvnla Hubby says it looks like we've been robbed we've got so much space! I don't have to move like a contortionist to close the blinds in the bay window now lol!
  • @tompuss love the pic of Nessie alive & well in Switzerland! Just wondering though, how did she get there? ;)
    @kathy I guess you won't be bored for long, you'll have more snow to shovel soon. We're supposed to get a good dumping Sun eve/night. Kids go back to school on Mon but are hoping for a snow day the 1st day back.
    @jlz666 Can't believe your winter hasn't arrived yet, so there's no snow in those gorgeous hills of yours? I know what you guys mean about post-Christmas blahs. My tree is still up, we traditionally leave it up til Epiphany which is Monday so I'll take it down then. Actually I have to, it's a real one & the recycling pick up is Tues. I'd leave it up til the needles all fall off if I could. The house always looks a bit sad with everything gone.
    Have a great afternoon/evening everyone :)
  • Aww @JLZ666 The Nessie doesn't exist:( just cuz you haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't there hee hee I like to believe;)
    And no Valentine's day either. .welll all i can think of is the next one hmmm you probably don't celebrate that either. .WtH put your tree back up lol;) ♡♥♡♥
    Our tree is still up taking up the whole living room it'll likely be up till spring before 'the mom'get around to taking it down. .not my tree. .not my decos...not my job lol;)
    Ikr @karen68 another storm due Sunday. . Maybe I'll get Monday off as well haha I wish, I'm sooo not ready to go back to work.
  • @karen68 Yes, hard to imagine how she could swim all the way there, hmmmm *thinks*. . .
  • Oh my goodness @rat9 - only just heard - OB texted me as I've been away so long! - so sorry to hear about your tumble - interesting that you when straight down no touching the treads but owwww! Do hope it's easing up now and Mrs Rat has got over her fright. Have to say I'm with @E* - cannot begin to comprehend why a match took precedence over an ER visit with a swollen & black ankle! Or does one have to have a Y chromosome to understand!
    @karen68 - spooky! Have frost quakes always existed or are they a new phenomenon ? Scary though!
    @mvlna2 - sounds amazing to have been to 48 states! I haven't even been to all the counties in the UK! Oh and I meant return a gift to a store not to the giver!! Not brave enough to do that!
    @jlz666 - aww no car and what's that you say no Nessie!! Shame on you!
    @kathy - snow looks delicious! So glad it's not outside my house!! Too much like hard work and too cold for a nicotine break!
    @tompuss - thank goodness Switzerland offered Nessie a bank account for all the tourist money she gets - and so nice that she has to be resident there for part of the year!
    Ok that's me caught up - I hope! Off to fling!
  • She who does not fling has taken good care of me since the fall @Mumsie. I wonder how long I can milk this? I like it. Every whim taken care of. I think I feel a relapse coming on. As for the Bowl game, I ended up taping it and went to the ER. The pain over-rode the Testosterone. Waste of time though, my team lost miserably. Go Broncos...

    Long time no see you @TomPuss. I like giving better than receiving. My wife is spoiled, always has been. One year she pulled the "you got more than me pout". Trouble was, when I pulled out the receipts, I had spent three times as much on her as she spent on me. She's never went there again. She also hates to be wrong. LOL

    @JLZ666, depressed with fire...ooooohh, dangerous.

    @Estar and @Kathy The slow boat finally arrived but I can't go greet it in this Tutu. Too cold. Maybe if E* gets me out of this ridiculous costume....

    Hi @Karen68. I heard of frost quakes while growing up in South Bend, Indiana. But I never experienced one. Sounds like more fun than earth quakes which I have experienced.
  • Hmmm Pa. . Shewhodoesnotfling?sounds reminisent of shewhowillnotbenamed..hahaha
    Roflmao happy to hear the slow boat delivered its passengers safely; )
    Go Pat's !! And ya will you lose that silly image that E* so nondiscreetly placed in our minds never to really be forgotten haha oh my where my rolly guy go..
  • Oohhh and I think E* mentioned it..or was it me lol
    *it is not a tumour* my memory bites...I got the electronic cigarette. ;) of course while i was asked the store buying ciggies and a new lighter.:/
  • @all--Yeah! Somebody posted a good strategy for the daily challenge. It got me a new puppy. Name to come later.

    I tried that electronic cigarette @Kathy. But I was just coming off a cold and it made me cough worst than my first real cigarette. I'm going to try again soon.
  • Hmmm @Pa let us wonder lol.. now who coulda posted a strat in space good enough to earn a puppy? I guess @Burpie Roflmao. .
    Yep mine made me choke also which is why atm im freezing my but t off! !
  • Watcha gonna name this one? What's this#4?
  • Early nighty night. .
    Have a great night all. .
    *Places flashlight in @Kimmiecv special safe*
    Hope you had/having a great 'Kimmie day' Pahtnah catch ya maybe tomorrow nwwahhh♡♥♡♥《night all
  • It wasn't @burpie, @Kathy. Nite, nite.
    BTW, that's puppy number five out of nine attempts. I'm flinging at better than .500.
  • Eight pizzas @kimmie? Tell me it was a family reunion. Not just a normal dinner at the Kimmie house.
  • Hiya @all. Just popped in for a couple minutes for a hot cup of tea to go. I'm way too sleepy to stay and chat. I don't feel very well either so I better get to bed.

    Have a good time flinging and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Nighty-night and sweet dreams to all Nesters on this side of the pond, and good morning to everyone across the way.
  • Oh @sweetP hope it's only a sniffle which will be gone by the time you wake up - OB just look in the cupboard and have all ingredients for whatever remedy she needs when she comes back!
    @Rat - methinks shewhodoesnotfling is sooooooo much nicer than me! I have a stopwatch on catering to every whim - it usually lasts approx half a day!
  • Methinks you doth protest too much @Mumsie. I don't believe you. You're a sweetie.
  • I tried the electronic ciggie as well and while I did like it, it was just nothing like the real thing. Also it made my throat slimy after a day. But on the bright side I did reduce the amount of ciggies a day as I promised myself 5 to 7 a day when I bought the e-ciggie... I don't use the e-ciggie anymore, but still on 5 to 7 a day (opposed to the 12 to 15 I used to have). But the best way of course is none at all, so will keep trying to reach that goal... just not now... brb ;)
  • @E-Star -- From the perspective of one non-football fan to another, whether the Sugar Bowl is more important than the Super Bowl depends on who is playing. If it is your college team that is in the Sugar Bowl, or any other post-season college bowl, like the Rose Bowl, etc. (I don't know all their names), then that bowl game is HUGE! The Super Bowl is huge for all professional football fans, especially if their team is in it.
    Fortunately, my husband is not a football nut, so we play golf on Super Bowl Sunday, when the courses aren't crowded at all.
  • @rat -- Ballet dancers often wear leg-warmers when practicing. They also come in men's sizes, but not sure about XXXL. : D
  • @mvnla2 no there are more?! Okay that is it, I don't even wanna know LOL. So the golfcourse is the place to be huh during the games? Well have fun that day! And LOL I think a purple one would go perfectly with his pink tutu, shall we put an order in? The internet is a great place they must have one that will suite him somewhere right?
  • Pa I knew it wasn't Burpie i was just joking. .stupid me I didn't even say congratulations on three puppy im sorry Congratulations; )
    @Sweetp i hope youfeel better and is just a sniffle like Mumsie says
    E* I know the feeling i have to go back to work tomorrow too:( I'm getting used to lounging around the house lol.. but it is getting kinda boring.
  • Just remember @Estar and @mvnla2. One size does not fit all. I hate shopping for clothes. It's a lot better than it was 20 years ago, but I'm still very limited even if they have my size. Which ain't very often. At some of the better internet sites, I can put my sizes in and it will tell me what they have available. It saves a lot of frustration and time. But I still end up with a pink polka-dotted jumpsuit or sparkly purple sweat pants.
  • @SweetP -- I forgot to wish you well. Hope you're feeling well this morning.
  • Yes! My San Juan Firecrown is back!
  • Off to enjoy a last evening of "heroes" watching, only 9PM, so still time enough for me to turn in on time right, yeah probably not LOL
  • Have a wonderful night E* ;) ((((((Hugs))))))))
  • @mvnla2 what is your San Juan Firecrown? And where was it?
  • @Kathy -- The San Juan Firecrown is the avatar I had been using until we all chose poppies. It is a hummingbird. I also decided to boost the colors a "little". I liked the bright red of the poppy, and wanted the firecrown to pop a bit more.
  • @mvnla2 oh yeah !! I forgot that's what it was called. .love the color boost;)
  • Ahh and you ketpt the no pu symbol too:) nice!!
  • Oh my oh my - @E* how on earth did you find that site!! @rat I think now you are firmly stuck in the tutu til E* pops back in and releases you BUT you should be lovely and warm in those tights and a real bargain as well!
    Well I'm off to sons house tomorrow for a couple of days on school run duty as DIL's Mum is on holiday and they are both mad busy with work. Hoping to use the time to read, inwardly digest the info from ABN AND actually perform a backup for all my AB stuff on the iPad. Question to anyone have you upgraded to ios7 ? Any issues? I know @mvlna2 had a few That's one of the reasons I've waited to upgrade til I've backed up my stuff.
  • @Mumsie -- Will have to look back and see exactly what problems I had. But I would say back up, and upgrade.
    BTW -- Is golf done for the winter in your part of the world, or do they let you play if there's no snow and you're crazy enough to brave the cold? In the real winter parts of the US, they totally close the courses for the season, so you can't play even if there is no snow and it's a reasonably warm day.
  • No here in the UK if you're mad enough to go out (like I did today!) you can play - the course generally are deemed to close themselves - that is - the holes fill with water so course is closed. Often play on 'temporary greens' in the winter - areas of fairway with a hole and a flag usually near the real green but that is to protect the greens. Of course if we have a lot of snow the course is closed but generally speaking it is the wet that closes the courses near me. It's actually great if the ground is really hard and frozen cos the ball goes a long way but not necessarily in the direction you want it to!
  • Also have to say when layered up that I look like the Michelin man the swing is not quite as it should be!
  • @Mumsie @rat -- Now we have the mental images of Mumsie looking like the Michelin man and rat in a tutu! : D
  • That's OK @mvnla2. We still look better than that poor San Juan Firecrown. Bring back his true colors. He was beautiful. Now he looks ill.
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