The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1958
  • @rat may I have the next (virtual) dance?
  • I love the colorful avatar Pa @mvnla2 that's not far off the true color it bring forth hopfullness for Spring; ) is frreakin freezing right now. .I can't wait to fill my bird feeder and have the yard full of birdies; ) 2 more months:)
  • Oohhhh imagine @Mumsiemichelinman and @rat9ballerina dancing
    *presses B2 on jukebox*
  • Now that I'm crippled, I get asked to the dance. Ain't life a bitch.
  • @mvnla2 you do know my laughter earlier was directly a result of the image of Mumsie and Pa that you mentioned right ? I am slow at getting the rolly guy up there and pa commented on your avatar in between. .I really do think is pretty with the colors; )
  • I'd be (virtually) honored @mumsie. Bring your rocker and I'll bring my crutches. We may start a fire with all that wood on the dance floor but who cares. It's cold outside.
  • I would turn the lights down low to set the mood..But..not a good idea lol
    OB turn the lights up higher on the dance floor.
  • Well @rat -- It's possible I overdid it a bit, and maybe Gravatar helped some. The previous avatar is in my album, if you want to compare. The previous avatar was actually adjusted by @E-Star to have a lighter background (I think). The photo was taken with the bird in shadow, and there are other pictures of it with much brighter red plumage. It is a hummingbird, after all, so it's colors could be quite vibrant.
  • Put "Baby, It's cold outside" on the jukebox @Kathy.

    *hums to himself*

    *So really I'd better scurry,
    But maybe just a half a drink more.
    Say, what's in this drink?
    I really can't stay,
    But @Mumsie, it's cold outside.*

    Thanks for the wonderful dance Mumsie. You're very light on your rocker.
  • Darn Gravitar!!! But it doesn't look real to me @Mvnla2. They are colorful birds. I hope you can find a good real picture. I'll keep an eye out for ya.
  • *press I2 on jukebox. .*sorry i got lost. .
  • Pa if you look at the picon the profile page it's as real as real can be; )
    I think just cuz its small here it doesn't show the detail.
  • Nope, I blew the little birdie up. He's just the wrong color @Kathy. I was listening to the Louis Armstrong version of "Mumsie, it's cold outside" in my head.
  • Sorry Pa I hit the one on the jukebox. . Thinkin it's Bing I don't feel like popping back there. .lol
    I love Louis Armstrong:)
  • Well folks it's been fun but I gotta go hop in the showa. . Get my stuff ready for tomorrow
  • @rat -- I think if you saw this bird in the sunshine, the colors would be pretty vibrant. These are the pics I was looking at:
    I think one of them is the one E-Star adjusted the colors on.
    So rat, why do you think you know the real colors?
  • Oohh pretty @mvnla2 I like the 3rd one over from the left in the second row the best but they are all beautifully colors; )
    Really gettin a showa now lol...shower.
  • No expert here @mvnla2. But the blue is too blue, and the red is too something...I love the pictures in your link. They look real, colorful, and pretty. It's like watching a colorized version of a black and white classic film or TV episode. You know it's not quite right even if you can't point to the reason.
  • All showered and ready for tomorrow. Now just flinging time;)

    Have a great night everyone. . I'll be lurking for a while;)
  • Alrighty guys, be excited... My new app will be available for all mobile operating systems in March!!
  • Wooo Hooo @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster what new app?
  • It's a retry of Mooroy Comics, except instead of weekly comics, they're released in periodical updates in 10-comic packages. I've got ideas for extra goodies like animations, guest artists, etc. Three of my friends are doing the coding while I work on graphics and the first two packages of comics for initial release.
  • Ooh sounds great @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster I'll look forward to it; )
    Did you manage to restore the stuff you lost?
  • Does anyone remember where in SW you get the green Sabre and the upgraded obwan and Hans solo?is in potj right?
  • Good night Ma.
  • Mumsie wakes up in her rocker! What a dream she had, her and @rat dancing to “baby it's cold outside" (Now that's an earworm! Can see me singing that for the whole 2 hours of my first car journey today, and then probably again on the 1 hours journey after that! Thanks @kathy!) Mumsie stretches and realises her rocker is not quite in the usual place OB scurries over and points excitedly to the notice board where, to her horror, Mumsie sees a huge photo of herself and @rat dancing! At least his tutu and tights are colour co-ordinated whilst Mumsie looks as though she covered herself in superglue and ran through her wardrobe!
    Off to North Yorkshire!
  • Good Morning everyone; ) jeez I feel like i was just here not long ago?
    *read up* ahaha because iWAS...
    Have a great fantabulous flinging day all! !!
  • @E-Star -- Just heard that there is a second post-season college football game at the Rose Bowl today! Something about a national college championship. The business community in Pasadena must be ecstatic!
    More stuff you may not want to know: The Rose Bowl is a football stadium in Pasadena (just north-east of downtown LA). I suppose it is called the Rose Bowl because the game is played on New Year's Day after the Rose Parade. The Rose Parade is a VERY big parade, in which all the floats are covered entirely with flowers and other botanical items (nuts, nut shells, grass, etc.). So this year, the Rose Bowl game was played on New Year's day (between Stanford and Michigan State), and today they are playing another important college football game in the same stadium!
  • The AFC championship is Saturday and the Patriots are playing; )
    That all know about football lol;)
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please; )
  • The wind chills are so cold that school is cancelled tomorrow for me. The wind chill right now is 2, and they're expected to go down to -20.
  • Wow @blahalb09 that is ccccooold!!
    Today it's 50º here tomorrow 14º lol so mixed up. .
  • Wow! @Blahalb09 -- I thought I must not remember where you live, but you do live in Virginia, right? Probably only people in CA will sympathize with you though. My brother-in-law in WI sent me a pic of his outdoor thermometer this morning which was at -20 F (-29 C), and that was without the windchill, which would bring it down to -50 F. FYI, -40 F = -40 C.
    I'm wondering if they're going to tell all non-essential government employees to stay home tomorrow.
  • I saw such cold weather (that -20F) only once, two years ago during an extremely cold winter. The school was obviously not cancelled (my school NEVER is). I seriously thought I'd turn into a block of ice before I get there, every morning. Never wanna experience that again!
  • Good Morning @theanonymoussomone :) and everyone; )
  • Well yep I did it again. .wake up with tablet in forehead!! Oops on a weeknight no less gonna be greeaatt day at work! NOT!!
    Have a fantabulous flinging day everyone! !
  • @SweetP -- Your idea of going to bed "early" puts Kimmie to shame! No wonder you're dragging. Not to mention Mon would not have dragged on as long if you'd turned in earlier. : D
    Hi @theanonymoussomeone! Are you back in school? Bet it's pretty cold where you are also, although probably not cold enough to close school or get you bragging rights anywhere outside of S CA.
  • @Mumsie--I hope that earworm wiggled out the other ear and gave you some relief from humming "Baby, It's cold out...side".
  • @TomPuss--Do all women like to dress up their playthings? Hmmph!
  • @rat Course they do, toyboy
  • *peeks in* ooohh my. I forgot the earplugs again. .thanks @Sweetp your a doll! !
    Poor Pa can't get a break haha; ) those are nice tights heeehhooheeee!!
    *Pooofs back to work*
  • It is whine Tues, but I think this is more like a Primal Sigh than a whine or scream; not sure that earplugs necessary.
    I was checking all my leaderboards for the most recently released episodes, and noticed that I was way below average on Battle of Naboo! Been trying to get above average for several days now, so far just on Bird Side. I've come to the conclusion that it may be impossible for me to make it above average on all levels since I refuse to use character swaps. It's true that there is at least one strat / video showing an above average score on all levels I've looked at so far, but these are done by some of the very best flingers, and I'm not one.
    So Siiiiigggghhh!
    I wish Rovio would permit distinction. I notice that the number of people entering scores is continuing to decrease drastically as Rovio puts more emphasis on IAPs. One of the nice things about ABO is that it didn't require much money, so people were playing it all over the world. Now you buy your way to the
  • I finished your thought for you @mvnla2. Not so in Space. All are skill levels. Some are harder to find than others, but I think they all have solutions even if I haven't found them yet.
  • Hello everyone, how is everyone's 2014 going?
  • Hey @AngerManagement I'm good thank you; ) how are you?
    Well I'm good except I'm joining @Sweetp in the WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee
    WTH is soooooooo hard! !
    OB I'll have a sl Strong PigKiller please:)
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