The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1959
  • Whoa got busy here today!!
    Quick pop in, have way to many back logged PMs to catch up on !
    @tompuss *Snicker* Sowwy no delivery! LOL it'd be hard as a rock by the time it got to you!! :D I had a very great me day! Looking forward to nitching out a few in this new year!! ;) Huh a submarine, hadn't thought of that!! :D And nice tights by the way!! ROFLMAO poor rat!!!

    @mvnla2 both sweetp and I are some of the worst night owls here, well e-star needs to be in that mix too! :D

    @Kathy I almost poofed over last night to grab your flashlight but I actually got my bum to bed by 2am!! No electronics!! Just my book!!!! :D

    Ok gotta run! BFNIMCBLIDKBPW
  • @kimmiecv check pm, s..
  • @Kimmiecv that o.k. lol o never turned it in! ! Felll sound sleep myself;)
    Good for you 2am yay!!
  • I know you didn't and I really was going to poof over but 2am came before I could blink and I'd promised myself I'd get to bed! Can't believe I made good on it!! And actually was able to fall asleep about 3:30! Of course I only had close to three hours sleep the night before!! *Snicker* Ahh drama!! Won't bore you with it but 3 hours is tough to work with!!
    Got to the PM, thanks @Kathy :)
  • Aww @Kimmiecv even when you do good. .still only 3 hours? Crap!!
    Well obviously my previous WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee didn't work
    So ill try @mvnla2 Primal Screamm
    *Sssssiiiiiigggghhhhhh* hmmm doesn't quite feel the same as
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee !!!!!
    OB you know what i need and could you have the blues keep delivering them one after the other I'll throw the PigKiller at the darn green monsters! !!
  • Page changer! @kimmiecv. It's the year Hawaii became the 50th state!
  • *_________>> slides in just under the promised bedtime. ...
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Have a great night Pahtnah.. may the AngryBirds Goddess shine her magic hmm whatever magic shit she has. . May she shine it on your slings;)
    Night night. .
    Go go go Ferocious Five! !!!
  • She's right @mvnla2, @kimmiecv and I are the definition of "night owls." I didn't know @e-star was one, since she's on the other side of the pond. I don't know what keeps Kimmie up so late, but for me it's because hubby works at night and I just can't sleep when he's not here. Good grief, I'd be a basket case if I had to go to work during the day!

    Fighting another headache again tonight, so time to make some herbal tea to relax and do some damage in WTH.

    Have a good night @all, and happy flinging!
  • Nite, day...they're all the same to me. What's this sleep thing you keep referring to?
  • Lol rat!! :D
    Nice trivia tid bit @sweetp! Had no idea! I hope your feeling better and you sleep well! :)

    Good girl @Kathy!! Means we both somehow kept to our beddybytime promise! your comment had me ROFLMAO nice one Kathy!! Sometimes I think the AB goddess needs her head cracked open! Stingy wench!!! ;D
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Have a good Huuuump daaaaaay!!! *Snicker*
  • Yes @rat9 there is such a luxury called sleeping. I wish I could sprinkle some faerie dust on you to ease your pain so you could get some!

    I'm feeling much better @kimmiecv, after drinking my tea. I was born and raised in Hawaii, and learned all about Hawaii's Statehood. Interesting how that all transpired, beginning more than 10 years prior. Before 1959, it was called the Territory of Hawaii.

    I can hardly keep my eyes open, so it's time to say nighty night!
  • I remember you saying you were from Hawaii so it makes sense you'd know that fact. I'm glad your feeling better @sweetp, sleep deeply and well!! :)
  • Hello @folks, I hope you are all well. One night owl here too. Big difference, I don't sit with my lap top late in the nights, I either read my e-books or watch TV. What I noticed is that my eye sight worsen last two years since I start using iPad intensively (for reading and playing).
    @mvnla2 do you play AB GO!? How do you like it? I gave all of my telepods duplicates to my little nephew, luckily he can play ABGO! and ABSW II on his tablet which I doubted before as it is some cheap Prestigo model. He is very happy with all sets of blocks, sling shoots, planes and karts and he even said it was something the best he ever got. I love that game control is so easy that even 5 year old boy plays really well. I am not sure about what you said about getting high scores in ABSW II (Battle of Naboo) without character swaps. I have above average on all levels and as far as I can remember most of them I played without swaps.
  • Hey cosmo, A night owl as well huh? Sweetp I know right, with those timezones, it is hard to see who is up late or not. But yeah I am, not like we really plan on staying up late, but somehow if we know we have the day off our internal clock shifts immediately. The holiday vacation was a perfect example, from day one we turned in around 4 or 5 AM... made it that much harder to get back in the "normal (to others)" mode this week. And ditto on the not being able to sleep when hubby is gone. House feels so strange if he isn't around during the night. Only happened once and that was enough for me to realise he just needs to be here hahahaha. Luckily he has a day job ;D
  • @AngryBirdsFanGuy438 Have a super flinging birdday!
  • Hey @TomPuss :))) loved the joker tights for mister Rat, poor thing... sorry mister Rat but you seem to be the only boy toy we have left in here, and we all love to play hee hee
  • grrrrrrr
  • Hi @EStar That sounds like Grumpy Rat to me. . .
  • @Kathy -- That wasn't a primal scream, it was a primal sigh, and I agree, it doesn't help with specific levels. : )
    @SweetP -- If you think your headaches might be caused by caffeine withdrawal, try having one of your cups of coffee later in the day. Also be sure to drink plenty of water.
    @cosmo2503 -- Sad to say that I've pretty much stopped playing AB Go. It just isn't my kind of game.
    It's interesting that I'm still above average (mostly) in the first 2 bird & pig episodes of SW II, and I think it will be relatively easy to raise the couple of levels that have slipped below average. So far I'm doing pretty well on raising scores on pig side of Naboo, but have given up, at least temporarily, on 4 levels of the bird side of Naboo. I'm not using any character swaps.
  • I can only do a quick pop in at the moment but a huge thank you! @Estar the banner is wonderful.
    Thank you @mvnla2 & @tompuss lol "victory over the vortex", I love it. It's -11 celsius today & feels positively balmy! Between learning about the "polar vortex" & the "frost quake" I'm so much smarter already this year :)
    @jlz ha ha, 25th birthday huh.. ok, I'll go with that lol. And a whole keg, not just a bottle - do the boys come with it or do they have to stay in your garage? Guaranteed to keep me in a drunken stupor for quite a while! Have to let OB pop it open to share around. Thank you, ((hugs)) right back :)
  • Happy Birdday @karen68 :)
  • Mumsie comes bustling in calling to OB
    "good grief OB I sometimes wish I'd never given you my old mobile phone - what on earth was that text message meant to say!" Mumsie stops looks at the Banner and instantly OB's gobbledygook text makes perfect sense! "Thank you OB you've saved my bacon ( can I say that in here?) again!"

    Happy Birthday @karen68 - soooo pleased the weather has become so much warmer for your celebrations - dare I suggest a BBQ?? Have a great day!
    Mumsie gives OB an apologetic hug, thanks him again, chooses a (really quite large) piece of cake and "poofs" home to dreamland! Gkids are exhausting!
  • Happy Birthday @Karen68 sooo sorry I'm late I had an appt.
    Hope your birthday is filled with your every wish and dreams come true:)
    Lol sorry i can't fix the weather for ya; )
    Happy Birthday @angrybirdsfanguy :) hope you get your wish; )
  • E* awesome job on the banner once again! !:)
  • Thanks @annafrid, @mumsie, @kathy! Time for some cake :) Two fingers of Scotch too please OB?
  • Yes @rat9 there is such a luxury called sleeping. I wish I could sprinkle some faerie dust on you to ease your pain so you could get some!

    I'm feeling much better @kimmiecv, after drinking my tea. I was born and raised in Hawaii, and learned all about Hawaii's Statehood. Interesting how that all transpired, Before 1959, it was called the Territory of Hawaii.
  • Thanks for the suggestion @mvnla2. I do drink a Monster energy drink in the afternoons, and I've cut that out. So I'll try having my second cup of coffee during the afternoon. Hopefully that works!

    Yes, @e-star you're so right! The holidays really didn't help much around here either, too much fun with family! So, now that all of that has passed, hopefully you're getting to bed at a more decent time! As for my hubby, I just hope he goes back to days soon so we can enjoy the weekends together more.

    Glad to see we're not alone in the night owl department! Even though you're not flinging @cosmo2503, staying up late is what it is. Heehee.

    That is a beautiful banner, @e-star! You never cease to amaze me with your artistic talents.
  • Oohh how pretty @Sweetp . I'm sure Karen will love it;)
    I'm off now. .lol just woke up dozing while flinnging

    DWF Lol lucky i didn't get pulled over. .night night all
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Night night Pahtnah have a great night. .get those piggies! !
  • Hi @all
    Happy Birthday @Karen68
  • OMG @Kathy! Good to hear you're safely at home and didn't get pulled over! That's all we need, is to bail you out of the slammer. Remember to drink some water and some motrin or tylenol before going to sleep to avoid the morning hangover. Sweet dreams, my friend.

    Hello @rat9! How's your foot coming along? Take it easy, and don't rush it trying to walk on that sore tender foot!
  • Well, back to flinging in WTH for now, which is giving me so much grief! Aieeee!!
  • Whoa, barely made it under the wire for your birthday @karen68. It wasn't my fault. I've been walking around in a stupor ever since my dermatology appointment this morning. I got hit on by a cute flinging doctor who knew who the Rat was when I mentioned she should check out the nest. She was awed by meeting a minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor...minor pillar of the finging community. ROTFLMAO Really made my day. She who does not fling got a real kick out of it too.
  • Hey guys. I've been studying a lot for the spelling bee. It's on Saturday. I also haven't really had time to play Angry birds. So anyway.... how are you guys doing?
  • Sigh. *orders 6-piece pig ears and munches lonesomely.*
  • School is closed tomorrow due to weather. Yay!
  • Is anyone lurking? {•__{•
  • Hello there @theanonymoussomeone! Just popped in for a quick look around before going to bed. You're up late!

    Good luck on your spelling bee Saturday! I'm cheering for you kiddo, and I know you'll do good. It's nice you have the day off tomorrow. You'll have plenty of time to relax and do a little flinging and studying for the big day! Remember to eat well and get plenty of sleep on Friday. Take it easy and go get 'em!

    OB, please give @theanonymoussomeone a large mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows and some Oreo cookies for dunking.

    Speaking of sleep, it's time for me to say nighty-night @all. Have a happy flinging Thursday!
  • Lovely banner e-star! And Fab gifts from everyone!!

    @tas you'll do great I'm positive!! Very exciting stuff!! Can't wait to hear how you did!! :)

    ROFLMAO @rat9 you hottie!! Making the doc all hot and bothered!! Love it!!! :D Good thing the misses has a great sense of self and enjoyed it too!! LOL ;D
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