The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1960
  • *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * WAHAHAAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAA OMG DWF @Kathy!! Freaking hilarious!! Love it!!!! :D
  • Good Morning all:)
    Sorry i missed you @theanonymoussomone good luck on your spelling bee; )
    Is this the district one?
    Have a fantabulous flinging day everyone; )
  • Hi @all! Meant to pop in again to say night-night, but was so sleepy I dropped off while watching one of my fave series. The weather here is unseasonably mild and it's making me feel dopey. .

    Go @TAS with the spelling bee!

    Ah, the incorrigible @rat. . . OB, reserve a cosy corner booth for hot doc date!

    @SweetP This marshmallow thingie sounds great! OB, an Ovaltine with marshmallows please. No chance of getting one over here, that's for sure.
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Good luck in the spelling bee! I'm sure you'll do well. Don't underestimate the importance of sleep. A brain without enough sleep turns to mush and you're likely to misspell the easiest word, e.g. kat. Speaking of which, spelling bees must be really difficult these days with the proliferation of deliberate misspellings.
    I'll expand on @SweetP's advice: Be sure to eat welll and get lots of sleep both today and tomorrow. You should also be sleeping on the schedule you will follow Fri. night that give you plenty of time to get to the spelling bee early. Switching sleeping schedules is well known to dull your brain.
    @rat -- What a coincidence and a thrill to meet someone who thinks you are a celebrity!
  • @mvnla2--I never said I was a celebrity. I said I was a pillar (someone who supports other people) of the nest. You think I'm a celebrity. Cooool! Thanks for the booth @TomPuss, but I won't be needing it. After thirty-eight years of marriage, I'm not THAT crazy.
  • My apologies @TomPuss. I can see after the doctor and the dance with @Mumsie where you got the idea from. I need to watch my step. I might have the seven year itch X's 5.43.
  • Yeah, @rat, I thought you'd been getting around some. .
    Nothing like a dermatologist to fix that pesky itch!
  • Alright, it's been a year since Pig Dipper.
    And we've had ONE update to ABSp since.
    Star wars, on the other hand, got 5 updates in the year after its release.

  • Hi @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster , you caught me lurking. Actually, I'm done with AB Space, the former nr. 2 guy, Goavs4, looks done, and the interest in general is waning. Look at how many people have entered scores for the successive episodes:

    1898 Pig Bang
    1483 Cold Cuts
    1287 Eggsteroids
    1201 Danger Zone
    1163 Fry Me to the Moon
    1121 Utopia
    878 Red Planet
    666 Pig Dipper
    325 Cosmic Crystals

    It seems that you and Mr. @Rat9 are the last two die hards.

    Of course, if there is another episode I'll still play it ;-)
  • Hello, I'm new around here. Haven't entered any scores, too embarrassed! So, Hi, Burpie, AngryBirdsSpaceMaster, tompuss and rat. And anyone else! Any tips on where to go in ABN?
  • Welcome @SheBird :) this is the place to be for questions? And to meet people, chit chat
    What are you looking for ? Any thing specific?
    And since this is your first visit your drinks and food are on the sure to read page 1 for more detailas of our forum;)
  • Please don't be embarrassed to enter scores lol iwas the same way when I first started.
    Sorry everyone else I didn't read up. HI I'm home; )
  • Oh @SheBird I should have also said this is not a real time chat so you have to refresh the page each time and you may not get an answer right away but someone will see your post and answer soon;)
  • Thanks Kathy I'll look around a bit
  • No problem anything I can do to help; ) @SheBird
  • Thanks again. I'll take a free coffee before bed, if that's ok
  • Certainly @SheBird. OB is the bartender and will bring you anything you want; )
    OB a coffee here for our new patron. .
  • OB = Orange Bird lol we are not really crazy here. .is a long story;)
  • @SheBird coffee before bed? How do you get any sleep?
  • Hi @shebird - welcome to the BP - best virtual pub in the world! Open 24/7 no matter the time zone! OB is the best bartender too!
    @rat - how fantastic for the dermatologist - bet she brings you into dinner conversation with fellow flingers - I can just hear it - " oh guess what! I met @Rat9 ! Yeah THE @rat9 from ABN - how Awesome is that!"
  • Oops hit post before I could say go @TAS - knock 'em dead!
    Nngb @all - a nice peaceful day tomorrow with no small people around - I swear one small 2 yr old feels like having 100 heyyougetouttamyway's underfoot!
  • Awww @Mumsie you love every Minute ;)
    Nighty night Sweet Dreams. .
  • Oh @Shebird - I have no idea if you are interested (or old enough - but don't reveal your real age if you are a teen ) but there is a Seniors thread too
  • Hi @SheBird -- Welcome to the Nest and the Bloated Pig (BP). Don't be embarrassed to enter your scores. Some of the worlds best flingers are at the top of the leaderboards, but most of us started at the bottom, and still aren't all that close. Believe me, no one looks to see who is at the bottom, or even below average. My progression was from wanting to complete each level, to wanting 3 stars, to wanting to be above average on our leaderboards. I was doing OK with the above average until it became OK to post character-swap scores in AB Star Wars II.
    Posting scores is very useful if you want to improve your flinging, because you can sort your leaderboard to see which levels need the most work.
    If you haven't already tried it, you might want to look at the daily challenge, under community.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 for explaining things. .as I said I had unexpected guests, unannounced so I wasn't able to give full attention.
  • Too funny @Mumsie. Too funny. he he heh
  • @burpie Interesting. Only 325 for Cosmic Crystals. That episode surely didn't get much hype beaches it was right before ABSWII. However, space remains my favorite game and I plan to finish getting above average on all levels.

    @SheBird Welcome to the BP!

    @all So is the BP ever going to end up in the new forum? I'm fine with it here, I just am curious what the plan is on that.
  • Hey @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster long time no see:) how's things?
    The BP isn't moving to new forum we are established now in the community bar;)
    Permanent part of the Nest; ) cheers !!
  • Not bad for 2 members having a silly late night conversation haha;) Who knew...
  • Gotta run BRB
  • @kimmie don't worry about a slightly late birthday wish - I'm kind of late with my thanks! Love the cake & flowers! And also thank you @rat9, I love that your doctor flings & knew who you were, the world can be a small place sometimes! @sweetp the card is beautiful, thank you! ((hugs)) to you all! :)
    Hope everyone is having a good night.
  • Hi @SheBird. You wouldn't happen to be a dermatologist? I've got this strange itch.
    Don't mind me @Shebird. Most flingers are nice and take on the characteristics of red birds or bomb bird, etc. Me, I'm a loon.
  • Hi guys. Welcome to the BP @shebird. I,ve been studying for the district spelling bee up until now and came to say goodnight. So.... goodnight! :^)
  • Hey @theanonymoussomone darn I missed you again! ! My dinger is slow..sleep well
    We are all rooting for ya!! Go get em' I'd wish you luck but you don't need luck.. you got the smarts to win..;)Sweet Dreams night
    *packs a bag of pig ears , OB give these to tas before he goes to the spelling bee*
    Ohhh my goodness i forgot to ask Where is the spelling bee. .?
  • @Theanonymoussomeone -- Glad you're going to bed at a decent hour. Maybe you confused me by getting up unbelievably early the other day.
    @Kathy -- I think the spelling bee is Sat, but don't know where, although he did say district, not state.
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- I've been lobbying for a link to the BP from the new forum, but so far, no go.
    @all -- You might remember that I was bemoaning the AB Christmas presents I got -- some AB golf balls, and a red bird coin(?) purse filled with miniature angry birds? Well, I gave them to a young girl who plays golf, and it turns out that she also plays AB. So they've found an appreciative home.
    Now if I could just figure out what to do with the other presents I have no use for.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 I knew it was district but who knows where I was just asking ,wondering if theytake a bus or whatever just curiosity; )
    Why do you want to give away your Christmas presents? I'm sure there must be a homeless sshelter or salvation army (who usually pick up) that you could donate to?
    If not I'll send you my address in pm lol ;) One man' s Trash is another man 's Treasure" ;)
    Just kidding. . I'm sure you'll find a worthy cause. .
    I gotta go to sleep I'm way past my promised time...
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Nightly night Pahtnah catch ya tomorrow; )
    Yay!! TGIF !!! Well I'm not so tgif right now I'm more wthif but when i wake up I'll be tgif hee hee night
  • Just reading back up the whole page. I just have to laugh @TomPuss! @Rat9's itch taken care of by a cute dermatologist...teeheehee!

    Welcome @SheBird to the BP! Just ask anything, anytime and someone will be able to help you so don't be shy! Anything I can help you with, please let me know.

    A quick answer to your question @kathy...I really don't think there is a bus that TAS will be riding. Since contestants can come from all over the district (county) it's pretty much the responsibility of his/her parents to get them to the venue at the correct time. I'm just crossing my fingers for @theanonymoussomeone, hoping he beats all the other kids in this district!

    Going forward with @kathy's idea, maybe you could donate the unwanted gifts to our veterans at the VA hospital, DAV, American Legion, or Wounded Warrior Project, or if they're toys, to the LA Children's Hospital. It's a lot easier than trying to re-gift or return, because you know it'll be much appreciated, no matter how small the donation.

    Aww, @mumsie your grandkids love you so much they can't stand not being close by! LOL Someday when they're much older, you'll reflect on this past week and give yourself a chuckle.
  • Welcome @SheBird One of the most fun things to do here is to tease our beloved @rat9 unmercifully! Crazy place, crazy people - enjoy!
  • *slaps forehead!!* @karen68 I'm glad you liked the gifties!! Enjoy your special weekend, you deserve every single minute of it!!! :)
  • Hi @kimmie Sleep tight! And dream of Saturday xxx
    @burpie So good to see you
    Likewise @SweetP, @mvnla, @kathy, @mumsie, @rat (how that poorly foot?)
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster I love Space but am rather dreading an update coz I think Rovio will add PUPUs. . .
    Have a fantabulous flinging day, everyone!
  • My foot looks multiracial @TomPuss. It's black and blue and yellow and red and white and a few brownish colors. I'm going to use it to run over to the daily challenge. I just noticed that it's in Space. I can always use another puppy. Come with me @AngryBirdSpace(Chaser). Somebody has to play Space.
  • Ohh my OB quiet night for a Friday
    I'll have the usual; )
    * press E2 on the jukebox *
    One last Christmas song before we change the jukebox
    *hint hint @rdnzlips82
  • See @rdnzlips82 been so long i forgot your name lol,)
    Hope all is well...
  • Guess what everyone...
    I yep me joined the Gym today; )
    I'm going on a Health kick; )
    Lol last time i joined I paid 10 $ a month 29$ annual fee and guess how many times I went?
    The winner gets free food and drink for the weekend; )
  • @Kathy -- Isn't it @rdnzlrips82?
    My guess is that you never went, or if you did it was only once. I belong to a gym, and there was one year where my motivation for going once was that if I didn't go, the cost per session would be infinite! Fortunately I now go almost every week.
  • Lol yes @mvnla2 I thought that's what i typed the second time but now i see i just did it wrong twice:/
    And yep you win; ) I never even went not once. .plus they charged my account for the yearly fee that's when i canceled. .soo I spent 160 $ on something i never used Plus bf signed up too sodouble..but this time I'm really going to give it try. .I need to gain weight soo I figure maybe it will help me eat healthier and quit smoking; ) wish me luck. ..
  • Brb gotta wake up bf for work. .
    OB @mvnla2 food and drink on the house for the weekend;)
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