The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2076
  • great, now I made him angry, and he's taking it out on our scores. :)
  • @kelani, just 3k to go, come on, you can do it.
  • And we have to do what @rat adviced us, reach the 2,600 k - this should be possible. When I compare my scores with the other ones, there's plenty room (except #3 and #20). Those I think are manipulated - although I cannot prove this
  • @bernersenn read my last comment on page 2075. I wasn't saying your english is bad. Just want to make sure you don't miss that. :)

    Yes, 3 and 20 are probably out of reach, but that hasn't stopped you yet :)
  • @bernersenn @kelani #20 is not out of reach.ya maybe #1 do spot was a miracle but i did o.k
    You guys can do it;)
  • @kathy I'm happy with my spot on 20. It's #19 I'm trying to catch up to everyone. Every time I come inside to cool off from deck building, I play it until I'm mad, then go take it out on power tools. Works great! :D
  • @bernersenn hopped back in, just to say, well done, my friend, well done
  • What did you do @bernersenn I missed something?
  • @kathy, you're right. None of the games has secrets, the comments are as complete as seldom showed. The only factor here is luck - and time (time to get the luck).
    So I found the idea of @Rat not that bad. I hope you will join us, to reach that milestone.
    So, let's work. Happy flinging
  • Ohhhh, this is starting to get good again. I have a new nemesis in @bernersenn. Good, I thrive in adversity. Not much time today to put you in your place again, Bernie, but by the time you wake up tomorrow...
  • @bernersenn I am trying for @Rat9 goal;) I think you said it earlier Patience is the key.
  • Oohh @fenikus don't count me out so fast
    MwaaaHabahaha The Marmoset Murdering Madame is on the trail*
    Sorry im typingin the Sun can't See
  • Here's the news update on Reasons Comics:

    Because of the impending release of the iOS 8 beta, Apple has delayed all app updates until May 16th (this Friday). Pack 3 has actually been approved for release and will come out then.

    Also, Reasons Comics 2014 will be released on the Windows Store with Pack 3 included that same day.
  • @fenikus, yeah, let's to this. We take @kathy, @kelani and @rat with us, @rat when his issue with that thumb is solved. My sunday has only got a few hours left, tomorrow there's that awful thing, called work. @rat, perhaps you should put your thumb in the river, perhaps it works.
  • Don't count me out either. That deck's almost finished, and since I found the 1-birder shot on #19, I just need some luck. :)

    @fenikus @bernersenn you guys could always loan some points to @Rat. Maybe 3k apiece? ;)
  • @kelani, didn't count you out, my friend. Those 3k, how could we do this? Our Admins are also reading this crap. And I think, in good shape, @rat doesn't need our points, at the end he can offer us some.
  • And, btw, look at #14, there's much air ...
  • @bernersenn @kelani @fenikus Don't you worry about @rat9 once his thumb feels better he will most likely pass all of us; ) it will be nice when the BP Fantastic Five are all on top;)
  • @hunnybunny did you hear any word on a possible achievement badge on this episode?
  • I still want to see the Fantastic Five to become the Magnificent Seven. It'd be great advertising for the 'ol BP.
  • Haha We Are the top 5 lol!!
  • I love that movie @kelani:) o.k so who are the other 2 @sweetp and @hunnybunny?
  • Yup. and nobody nipping at our heels at the moment, either :)

    edit: Yep. SweetP and the Bunny. Although P said she can't do it, I'm still nagging her about it.
  • And why stop there?

    Eight is Enough
    House of Nine
    Ten/The Ten/The Ten Commandments
    Bloated Pig's Eleven/12/13/etc... :P
  • Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms on the left hand side of the nest! I split this day with my sis so Mum gets two occasions! She sends the card for UK Mothers day and I do the US date............sometimes..........when I remember........thank goodness for American friends ;)
    Whatever you're all doing,have a good one.
    Special ((Hugs)) @Kathy X
  • About batches, sent this week proove to @amslimfordy for the Jedi Addict - nothing happened. I'll have to be satisfied with the only one I have at the moment (yes, there's another, but that came because I got uncaged). So be it. The underdog will never be mine, because I'm not explosive in scoring, more like a diesel, takes time.
    @kathy, something like the '5 musketeers'. Here you think now, hu, there were only 3. Well, time is changing, so the musketeers do.
  • Now that @Eweber(the Mighty Manu) has escaped his captor, it's going to be hard to maintain the top anything at the river @Kelani. He told me that after all his forced practice, he will be able to fly past all the competition.
  • And thanks for the 3k apiece offer @Kelani. But I won't be needing them as bad as you will be when I can fling again. lol
  • Hi guys and dolls, it's again bedtime overhere - tomorrow bad things: work (remember, it's monday). See you
  • Night @bernersenn and there Really 5 musketteers !
    Thanks @JLZ666 and happy mothers day to Oscar and lily mom♥
  • It took him a while, but @Bernersenn has succeeded in testing you @fenikus. Unlike me, it might take him longer than thirty minutes to bump you into second (if you ever regain the lead) but he's committed. Good luck to both of you on the 2.6 quest. I think it's pushing the envelope, but possible.

    I tried to fling a few days ago. That lasted about five minutes. It felt like someone was cutting off my left arm with a rusty handsaw. BTW @Kelani, you weren't seeing things. I did score an additional 10 points that day. Ha ha
  • My bad only 4 musketeers :/
  • @Rat I knew it! Sorry it went badly for you :( re: the testing, mark my words, before I sleep tonight, bernie's gonna be the least of @fenikus worries. :>

    2.6? wow. If I add the difference btwn my score and the top scores, I get ~2,646,000 So I guess it's theoretically possible.
  • Until I get better @Ma, only three.

    Don't forget @Kelani. Those are the top score tallies "today".
  • Nooo Pa your just the inactive musketeer atm but still a big part of the team. .heck if it weren't for you i woulda been out long ago Coach:)
  • @Kathy he's on the bench, but still in uniform and collecting his paycheck :)
  • Yep @Kelani we can hold the fort!
    Gotta go clean my car BBFNIMCBLIDKBPW
  • At least SWDNF said hi before she headed back out the door for another week. I think I'm still married. ???? No flingin'. No wife. Guess I'll have a bachelor party.
  • Pa you really should think about a stylus ? I hate that your sitting on the sidelines:(
  • @Kathy I forgot what W means again. Will or Won't? :(

    He doesn't need a stylus, he needs those eye-tracking glasses, or the one that sits in front of you like a webcam. Then he can fling and not move a for his eye. :D The only problem with those, if he sneezes, the hard blink might make his ipad explode.
  • Means Will @kelani lol I'll never Not be back haha I gave up quickly on the cleaning of the car to hot and I'm in lazy mode.. already did 2 loads of laundry that's it for my extent of Sunday working haha..
  • Never heard of such a thing @kelani you mean Google glass es?
  • wow @kelani that's aawesome! ! I soo wish i could get a pair of those for my nephew!
  • @Kathy Does he have a disability, or just as a cool Auntie gift? :) I really think within 5 years the technology will be added to the cameras or a sensor on all devices. You won't need to use your hands at all. Some of the expensive systems are accurate down to a single pixel. Perfect for the Discerning @Rat.

    I really wish I still had my electronics lab stuff. If I did, I would've gladly whipped up a pair for Rat and your nephew in a weekend. They'd be ugly, but would work :)
  • @Kelani I'd use a stylus or a finger if I didn't need the stability of holding the I-pad. My hand shakes, and by using the thumb while I hold the I-pad, everything shakes the same. As I've said before, it's funny to watch me try to eat soup.

    BTW, I got a federal summons for jury duty. It might be for that kidnapping case in North Carolina. I hope so. I want to give it to that low life.
  • @kelani my nephew is disabled he has SBS (shaken baby syndrome) when he was five months old his caretaker. His Symptons are very comparable to cerebral palsy but he is smart as a whip! He is 14 now . We never expected he would be.
  • @Rat Soup sucks for me too. I have your nerve entrapment problem in my elbow. After too much axe swinging or shock-type impacts, It shakes so much I could stab myself with the spoon. Mine's fixable by surgery, is yours not?

    Sounds like the eye tracker would be perfect for you, unless you're afraid your neighbors will giggle and point :P

    Yeah, I can see you in jury duty. trying to hide flinging from the judge. The gallery thinking they're hearing periodic little cartoony cheers. I'd buy that on video.
  • @Kathy That's awful. :( He's lucky to be alive, intelligent and able to see. That's pretty rare. He must be a pretty tough kid. Yeah, he definitely could use a pair of those. I think it'd also give you some cool auntie points, too. :) I'll keep my eyes open to see If they make it to market.
  • Well @Kelani they try to tell us he can't see barely out of one eye and not at all out of the other But we know he can. .I've done tests of my own. . Like walking in the room silently and he immediately looks at me and says "hi auntie Kathy" also I used to play pogo on the computer and he could definitely tell One game from the other.. and on Pop Fu he could tell me which color to choose so I believe he is more ccapable than the docs say.
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