The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2077
  • @Kathy Sounds like it. Docs always love the worst-case scenario. Since his vision's compromised, does he have really good hearing? auntie Kathy. That's so cute. :)
  • Man, I am on fire w/ pagechanges
  • Yes he has very good hearing and he loves Music:)
  • @kelani I Am not relinquishing my Crown lol!!
  • ↑↑↑↑See the crown @e-star made that special for ME and you cannot have it!!
  • @Kathy You can have that crown. I just found another one :)

    Did @bernersenn go to bed? Aww. I have a bedtime story for him.

    Goodnight room. Goodnight moon.
    Goodnight cow jumping over the moon.
    Goodnight light, and the red balloon
    Goodnight @bernersenn, we'll see you soon.
    Goodnight boat. Goodnight oar.
    Goodnight @bernersenn's #1 score. =)

    He let me be #2 for all of 2 hours, so I let him stay #1 for 6. :P
  • Crap I got logged out! Okay on that note I'm
    *GoNe FliNgIN'
  • *donates all his pagechangers to Queen Kathy's count* There ya go. Now you're unbeatable.

    This is weird. The current BR ranking is a mirror image of what it was when we first hit the top 4.
  • Poor @fenikus.
    WTG @Kelani. Maybe I'll stick to Space when I'm fling capable again. Y'all are going crazy at the river.
  • Too many syllables in the last line @Kelani. Remove the word river. It still gets your point across.
  • Thank you Mr. @Rat May I go to recess now? :p

    He told me to give him a target, so I did. Lucky me. I dunno how much more of #19 I could take.
  • Is that where you got your points @Kelani? 19?
  • @Rat yup. Went from 125k 2 birder to 131k 1-birder. Only took 2 days. Hmm. Unless I can get close to his great score on #9, I'm all out of points.
  • Did you get lucky or find the sweet spot for one birders on 19 @Kelani?
  • Arghhh!!! I tipped that marmoset and he Flipped over 3× And survived1!
  • Arrrrrrgggg!! It ain't fair Ma. They're suppose to die.
  • @Rat I found the 1-bird sweet shot, but there's so many 'Ifs' it took 2 days for them to converge along with a good score. It's making posting a strategy a PITA.

    @Kathy Where is this gymnast marmoset you speak of?
  • I feel all neked. My score is in the 2,570k's. All the leaders are in the 2,580k's. I need to suffer through less than 1k to make my score look respectable @Ma. I'll be right back.
  • In level #5 its the acrobatic marmoset! ! @kelani !!
  • K @Pa Coach Dont Hurt yourself we'll be herev at least Forever!!
  • Is it hi, low, or middle on 19 @Kelani? My guess is high.
  • I already took care of it @Ma. No sweat. Good drugs!
  • @Rat actually it's low, and low speed. Where'd you get points? :P
  • Wow, what a hard strategy to write. It sounds impossible because it darn near is.
  • @Rat before your drugs wear off, go make 6k on 14. You could do that one in your sleep.
  • Ackk how did I miss all this? My notification not working;/
  • Miss all what? It's just been me sitting here by myself for the last hour :P
  • Lol @kelani I missed five messages:/
  • @Kathy you mean the 2 from Rat and 3 from me?

    It got so quiet I was watching on documentary on Zeppelin and fell asleep. Woke up to see that Robert Plant has not aged well. Wow.
  • And I just got kicked out again! :(
  • Yep @kelani 2 from Pa 3 from you = 5 I missed but I think i fixed it now:)
  • @Kathy Glad it's fixed. that's why I leave the tab open. I wonder where @Rodent wandered off to?
  • @Kelani Lost my cook for another week. If I want to eat, I cook.
  • Ahem *cough* @kelani you wouldn't now be referring to my friend and ccalling him rodent ?
    I can't type anymore my phone keyboad auto type sux !! Don't have the patience right now.
  • I see points everywhere except 3, 17, and 19 @Kelani. There are points there, but I can't visualize them.
  • @Rat 2 hours cooking? bet that's some tasty food. It's good you know how to survive sans cook. I forgot my grocery list on my last store trip, so I'm down to gatorade and goldfish crackers.

    @Kathy I've called him Rodent many times. He answers to it :P You can get mad if someone calls him @Vermin or @PlagueBucket or something really mean :)

    Aw, don't lose patience. :( I'm gonna sleep, I think. Worn out from deck building. Can't keep eyes opezzzz
  • @Kelani Corn on the cob, turnip greens, fried chicken, and cornbread. I'm stuffed. Watched a movie and now my eyes are drooping as well.
  • No worries @kelani just my hoodoo voodoo phone acting up again Sweet Dreams. .
  • Night Pa♡
  • Night Ma
  • @Rat Fix me a plate! I'm partial to collard greens, but that's a great Southern menu. What I end up eating tonight won't compare.
  • My bad @Kelani. They were collards with bacon and some sautéed onion.
  • Oh well, that's what you get when you gonna sleep, #1 position gone like the wind.
    Today, it's working, argh. Goodmorning everybody - although the most of you are wasting their time in their bed's.
  • Yea! I flung a few this morning before my thumb told me to stop. I couldn't resist that juicy tip @Kelani laid in my lap last night. Thanks Kel. More points there, but at least I see how now. You flingers at the top better get busy. I see lots of points and got a lot closer to you in a very short flinging session.
  • CongRATs on first place at the river @Kelani. If you want more than a short visit, you better not stop flinging.
  • Wow, what a show in Blossom River! Finikus is (temporarily?) down to third place, Kelani leapfrogs from way behind to the lead, Bernersenn is going slow but steady, and Rat is in the race again and turning on the afterburners. It's a 4-way race to 2.6M. I'm going to need more popcorn!
  • Hi @Rat, about keeping your Ipad stable, try an uggly thing like this:

    Last year I had big troubles in the lowerpart of my bag. Because I kept the Ipad on my (crossed) legs, I always stressed up the connection between the spinal muscle and my pelvis. For weeks I coulnd't fling - or even use the Ipad. Then my wife came up with such thing, first I laughed at her. Later, when I discovered the convenience of it, I used it daily.
    Just an idea - I want you to come back and play 'without pain'
  • Thanks for trying to help @bernersenn. I've tried all sorts of ways to make my life less painful the last twenty-five years including what you referred to. I couldn't use the pillow because of my neck. I've had too many neck surgeries. It's not very bendy anymore. If I try to look down from a sitting position, pain and headaches ensue quickly. I also can't hold the weight of the I-pad out far enough in front of my body without pain You'd get a kick out of seeing my workaround. It involves a couple of gel pads, a higher than normal table, and glasses focused further out than normal because of my long arms. It's not pretty, but it works. I hate that I need to have the I-pad at least eighteen inches from my eyes. I'd love to have a closer look. Everything is so small to begin with. And don't get me started about sleep. I only have one position that allows any sleep and it requires nine pillows. My wife never can tell if I'm in the bed or not with all the pillows. lol And since four of the pillows are size and composition sensitive, I need to take them with me when I travel. One suitcase is dedicated to pillows shrunk down in large vacuum packs.
  • Sorry @Burpie, but I had a flame out on the afterburners after a short flight. I'm still grounded. I'd love to see poor @fenikus's face when he sees his ranking this morning. I don't think he saw it coming after I dropped out. It's far from over at the river. You might want to buy the popcorn in bulk.
  • @rat, oops, that is bad, I'm so sorry for you
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