The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2078
  • Sorry to hear it @Rat9. I hope you're back in form next month for the Space update. My only goal until then is to find 230 points to retake the lead in Pig Bang.
  • There is a silver lining @bernersenn. My wife loves to travel but you can imagine how painful a long flight is for me in the those cramp seats with my size. She finally decided if we were jumping the pond, I'd need to sit in first class. She's jealous.
  • Well, if you stop eating popcorn and get the butter off your fingers @Burpie, it should be no problem for you. I hope to be in flingin' shape by Space time. That's my goal. I'm going to be very disappointed if I can't compete in Space after waiting so long. Btw, do you suppose @HappyShake will be back from safari about that time?
  • Sorry @Hunnybunny. I needed to put my game face on for the upcoming Space release. The Rat kicking Space's butt avatar is back.
  • @bernersenn You asked for a target, I humbly oblige. :) When you catch up, I'm in trouble. I don't see many more kelpoints out there.

    @Rat Sorry water fouled your JPTS. Hope it passes soon. No sweat though. Everyone knows that a score that takes us 2 days takes you 10 minutes. btw, do you wear normal rx glasses/bifocals/trifocals? I may know something that can give you that closer look. Collards with bacon. Yum. I think we must be related somehow.

    @burpie glad to see you! I thought we'd chased you off with all the pastry harassment. Neat thing about the river top 4, the order is a mirror image of what it was when we first got there.
  • Almost as it should be @Burpie. That Cosmic Crystals ranking still has me a little perturbed.

    @Kelani Except for the occasional quick peek, holding the I-pad close causes increased pain. So I'm not worried about vision workarounds. Tried bifocals once but they put the lower field too high. Never tried again.
  • Dang @Kelani! WTG dude, and I think you just severely demoralized me with your 131K one-birda on BR-19. I hit several but none better than 126K. I will have to dig deep to muster the will power to get back in the game.
  • @Rat I ask because they make a loupe-like screen magnifier that fits over ipad screen. Makes it much more visible at arm's length. Also, that $35 thing I got my mom lets her mirror her ipad screen on her big TV. She has to hold hers at arm's length as well, and has an awful time seeing at that distance with her glasses.
  • @fenikus No doubt you will, man. Your potential points on #4,9,14,19 already have me worried. @hunnybunny got 129k very fast on #19, so perhaps you will too.
  • Did you post a walkthrough strategy already @Kelani? It probably wouldn't hurt me to read it if you have.
  • I still think you're fooling yourself with reduced power @Kelani. I don't think you have any control over power in Rio. Anybody else want to put in their two cents? I really want to know.
  • @Rat Find a yellow bird. Pull back 1 inch. Fire him full power at 45 degrees. Note trajectory. Repeat, pulling back 1/2 inch. He goes slower and lower. If there's no power control, he'd take the same path or not leave the sling. It may not be as obvious as Space with the dots, but it exists.

    edit: also, on PC you can see the sling's stretch lessen when you reduce power.
  • @kelani, in trouble when I catch up?? Yes, I am back, not with higher scores, but done with work. What are these troubles, as I can see you have actually 2 highschores. So, there are 18 to go.
    Other people in this pub: have a nice afternoon (in my case evening). So, talking enough, let's do some good jobs
  • @Kelani, that's the trouble: the thought of playing BR-19 again makes me nauseous. But you're right, there are points elsewhere, I'm particularly optimistic about BR-14. Alas, it's the last day of nice weather here in CT so I will take the dogs out and hopefully recharge my batteries in the sun.
  • @fenikus, as you speak, since yesterday I'm doing that #14. There must be a one-birder, didn't see it yet. Last week it took me 4 days to finish #9, when it worked: highscore. So let's work on it. You all know the target that @rat has pointed us to.
  • @bernersenn Yes, I am in trouble because of the many possible points you can get on 6,13,14,16,19 and 20. I only have level 9 & 14. Also, all that work in the hot sun last week made me sick, so I may be unable to fling anywhere from 2 days to 3 weeks. I think they call that a golden opportunity :)

    @fenikus same here. I hate 19. A battery recharge sounds like a good idea. IMO you have potential on 2,9,14,19,20. I dunno if the #19 1-bird guide I posted will prevent nausea, but having some direction to rely on helped me get through it.

    btw, what did you say you used to record screen on PC? I may have to make a video to convince @Rat Rio has variable power flinging :P
  • lol @fenikus, @bernersenn looked me up on Google+ and also found the illustrious Kelani Kabab (bern- that's not me, but it's a funny name)
  • @kelani, got sick from the sun? You are making me jealous, extreme. Here it is rain, rain and 54 Fahrenheit. And that for weeks and more to come. @burpie, am I right?
    Man, be careful with mentioning that funny name here, we got some jokers in this pub.
    And, let me say this #14 sucks
  • @Kelani. Found a yellow bird and marked an angle to make it repeatable. Then shot full power and as weak as possible. All shots kept hitting the same spot. Which levels do you say have power control other than 19? I want to give you a fair chance.
  • I read your answer in the BP @Kelani. It was all I needed. Thanks again.
  • @Rat Level 9 is what I checked, but it's global. Just for you I checked Smuggler's Den 1 and even ABO 1-1. Without a finger/thumb over the pointer on PC screen, It's perfectly visible. Surely it's not something silly like only PC has it. If I can get a screen recorder working today, I'll post a video for ya.

    @bernersenn well, more like hard work in the sun. It's been very hot and humid here, with lots of dust and pollen. 60 hours of those things gets me every time.

    Yeah, we have jokers. mvnla2 makes a typo, and suddenly I become a princess. :)
  • @bern-dawg, our beloved Rio is once again under attack from invaders from Space. We can't let it fall! Let's join forces once more and fend off the army of Princess Lea…er, I mean Lelani.
  • @fenikus if I'm Princess Leia, that makes you and bern the dark side. Everyone knows how that war turned out :P
  • @Kelani, I never recorded AB videos on a PC but I'm sure it's doable, I suspect quite easily -- just get any screen recorder program. But I believe you now about reduced power shots, though to actually see it I had to use my index finger and flex my neck in a position that would probably put @Rat away for good. It's just totally invisible when you use your thumb for flinging and it's hard to gauge how much power you're using.
  • @kelani, @fenikus, let's face it: I'm that way behind in Space that I need to play 3 months in a row to complete these games with a decent score. It's my fault, I know. In a certain time I tried to keep up all the updates from Rovio. Then I had to choose: Rio and Seasons, once in a while ABO. Dark side? I switched in the lights here, doesn't help with flinging, lol. But it isn't dark here (wet and cold it is)
  • HOWEVER…(little wheels in head starting to roll) I just realized that I can use screen mirroring to solve the thumb problem.
  • @fenikus, that video thing is just the start. I got everything here to create video's. But, but, but, there is always a start and an end. That, I have to get rid off, because people don't look at video's where the main program starts at about 30/40 seconds. This video's made me thinking different about the nesters who do this (yes, Kelani, double - juvinal, lol) - I admire those people.
  • Btw, that level #14 is drivin' me crazy. Always, always this lottle marmoset on the right survives, will not die
  • @bernersenn, if you have the right screen recorder program, it can actually be a cinch. QuickTime player on my Mac, for example, comes with a neat Trim feature that let's you isolate the part of the video you want, and then when you export the video, it exports only the wanted part. In other words, I don't start recording, play the level, stop recording, start recording, play the level again...etc. I leave recording on and stop only when I get a score I want to make into a video.
  • @fenikus I have a few recorders, but no editor for crop/resize. At 1366x706 even a 15fps 0:30 mp4 is HUGE. I haven't looked what's available lately, figured I'd try the Ask method first :)

    btw, try it with the side of your pinkie fingertip (hold hand perpendicular to screen). It's a bit easier to see.

    @bernersenn exactly. You must trim the fat, or nobody will watch it. I admire them too. @estar has been posting a lot of videos this week. She does 5 video posts and strategies in less time than it'd take me to write a strategy.

    re: level 14. He does. but not always! Detonating halfway to the ground lets him live. The lower you let bomb falll before detonating, the more likely he will die.
  • Keep hitting 'em @bern-dawg, we must prevail! -- future of our game as we know it is at stake! I don't care if it's you, me, Manu, crivit who takes the crown but we must fend off those Space Invaders.
  • (Space Invaders = Kelani + Rat + Kathy. We all make the BP Fantastic Five, but that sounds good to me only as long a native Rio man/woman is on top).
  • @Kelani, I believe QuickTime Pro version for PC has it. Not sure how much it costs though, it's free on macs.
  • Fenikus Thanks, I'll check it out. Last time I used it years ago, it just handled mov/avi. Crossing my fingers for progress.

    edit: According to Apple, it's now $29.99 for both Mac and PC. lol.

    Crap. I just finished watersealing the deck and a surprise t-storm's rolling in.
  • I don't have a Mac. I'm an Apple illiterate. Have/use the Ipad because I can see much better what happens as on the Iphone. That Iphone I had to use, because my wife wanted me to use a smartfone. So, Iphone came, not touched. Until my wife switched the phonecard from my old beloved Nokia 3310 to the Iphone. "Where is my phone?". Overthere. That's how I started to use Apple equipment. I use it like other people use their tv, switch it on - play your game - and switch it off.
  • @Kelani, what's wrong with .mov files? But I actually don't even export to the machine, I upload directly to youtube. It does it fairly fast, i.e. 3-5 minutes for up to 1 minute video.
  • @Kelani I haven't read everything yet, but I'm not talking about other episodes, only Blossom River. I haven't seen power flexibility in Blossom River!!! Tell me what level in BLOSSOM RIVER has power flexibility. In case you haven't heard me before in the other messages, I'm talking ONLY about BLOSSOM RIVER.
  • @bernersenn, I did well with Apple stock but I'm not an Apple connoisseur either. I have Samsung Galaxy S2 for phone and never bought "my" iPad. My sister had it for work and then got the newer one and somehow got to keep this one. If her company's IT ever gets their act together, fenikus may be gone bye-bye (cuz I'm not sure I'd shell out those big $$s just to play a game…though I am thoroughly addicted to AB now so maybe).

    I did buy the MacBook Pro laptop though. That is one well-oiled machine. 6 years of heavy use and still like new.
  • @fenikus I think Apple designed mov to deliberately be a pain in the butt for PC users. I have a dozens of old mov files I made that can't be opened by anything except a certain old quicktime version. To be fair, I dislike most proprietary file formats.
  • @all I have a fat thumb, it's true. But every level in Space has power flexibility and I have no problem using or seeing it. I haven't seen it in Blossom River. Did I hear @fenikus say he has power flexibility in Blossom River as well. Which level/s @fenikus?
  • @Rat, all of them.
  • And AB Original. Maybe it's more sensitive, or the lack of red dots is throwing you.
  • I just finished testing every level in Blossom @fenikus. No power control on any level. I just lost a little respect for you.
  • @Rat, it's really hard to see under the finger. You almost have to put it ahead of the sling stand for reduced power. Just trust me, don't try to get in position to see it, you will mess up your neck (I'm not kidding).
  • I didn't see a pixel difference @Kelani.
  • @Kelani, sounds like we're really going to have to make that video. He's going to injure himself.
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