The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2083
  • My apologies to all women, but especially @Hunnybunny. My attempt to make fun of sexism went over like a lead balloon. Using Ronald Sterling as a mentor sure didn't help either. I don't know why? lol *sarcasm meter pegged at high*

    Here's some of his good arguments lately:
    "I'm not a sexist. I love lots of women at the same time."
    "I'm not a racist. I know Michael Jordan."
    "I'm not white. I'm 50% Jewish and grew up black."

    Edit: Dagnabit. I didn't need this statement to be a page changer. I wanted it on the last page of the paper with the obits.
    But noooooo! They made it the Front Page Headline.
  • snicker. *hands @Rat a bigger shovel so he can dig his hole faster.*
  • Thanks @Kelani. With friends like you...
  • Hi @fenikus. Reading back I saw you question my BR-20 Strategy. Let me verify it's "DESTRUCTION YOU CAN DEPEND ON". I'll fling a few using my own strategy verbatim. It's a single fling and watch, so I should survive a few attempts. I'll be back soon.
  • @Pa for the record I personally did Not think your comment was sexist ..I just took ait at value Proof that no matter man or woman the flinging skill is proven equal;)take @Karen68 for example she is a lean mean flinging machine as is E* it's not a matter of gender just a matter of skill and combo of luck and or time spent and or platform. .in other words anything can determine a score but not gender and i don't think you meant your comment to mean that; )
  • Thanks @Rat, I am more interested in exactly where @Kathy sent the bomb bird and when she activated. I am now positive that how you do the first shot is irrelevant and it's all in how tnt explodes. Don't try too hard, I don't want you to accidentally drop me to fourth pl…er, I mean I don't want you to injure yourself.
  • @fenikus if i recall I aimed the bomb bird Straight at the green shelf maybea tad to the lower part and activated immediately on impact; /
  • I didn't @Ma. I was trying to be sarcastic. Women are built different than men. Thank's to the creator or evolution, whichever you believe, for the wonderful differences. But we're not better or worse. Just different.

    @fenikus I wasn't able to implement my own strategy as well as @Kathy, but I did improve my score by 650 points. So I'm going to call it confirmed. Destruction you can depend on!!!
  • Works for me @Pa :) on both above comments; )
  • That was cruel making me fling a few @fenikus. It reminded me of all the fun I'm missing.
  • What!! @fenikus I told you before exactly like Pa.. why did you make him fling? Grrrr...
  • It didn't hurt too bad @Ma. I just miss playing with my new toy @fenikus.
  • O.k @Pa ;) don't worry ;) if he makes you hurt well that's another story ;) ;)
  • Thanks @Kathy…so bomb bird hit the shelf straight on (on the lower part of it), it didn't go _under_ it, did it?
  • @Rat, your stone balls theory has a lot of merit but I think it's only part of the mystery. The way Nigel is released can rack up a lot of points. Don't try it, but if you played around with hitting him with Matilda, you could see that in addition to standard 10K you can get anywhere from zero to few thousand points.
  • No @fenikus it didnt go under just kinda inn the middle but atad lower. If you go under it destroys the cement balls too much
  • Just for the record @fenikus. I shoot it just under the platform and activate before you hit the TNT. I think it accelerates the concrete balls so that they disintegrate on impact. More points. I watched in horror once as the last ball hit "what'shisname" in the chest and disintegrated without moving him. I got 196k on the next shot using three birds. It could have been top score if he'd moved after being hit on the second shot. Whaaaaa!
  • Hmmmmm? I've wondered about that. @Ma, he's tempting me to fling again.
  • Maybe he's scared you'll kick his butt when the space update hits Pa so he's trying to get you out of commission before hand?
  • @Rat, I've tried the under platform activation and gotten the balls to go at super high velocity and hit Nigel in the process. Average result. Also, a couple of times I had only 1 or 2 balls left and in the end got 164K (before bonus birds are counted). Not a bad result but I'm looking for more. Other times, I had 168K to 170K (before bonus) with many balls remaining. I did notice that when Nigel is hit directly on the head, that brings some bonus points.
  • So in other words, if you had the total of 196K with 3 birds (last one being Matilda), I don't think a simple math will do to infer max of 206K with 2 birds. Matilda can bring about 5K in those bonus points by hitting Nigel hard so I think real max with two is about 200K.
  • Maaaaaaa!!! He's doing it again. He knows I can't resist beating him at his own game so he's taunting me. grrr...told me I can't add!!
  • I never said that you can't add, though I don't know. I know that you can count…at least to…number 4!!! Booo-ya! Tssssss…on fire!
  • @FENIKUS Stop it !!!:put your avatar on for Gawd sake man! ! Go taunt the #1 guy!!
  • Nigel's head is worth more points? That's new.

    Don't worry @Rat I just sent @fenikus a very distracting PM. My long-windedness should keep him tied up for a few minutes :P
  • @Kathy Leave the #1 guy outta this. He's busy :P
  • @Kelani, reading your PM…you want us to do what to @Rat? No way man, @Kathy would kill us.
  • Lol @kelani I meant the #1 guy in level 20 gorlord or whatever his name is;
  • What's wrong with my avatar, @Kathy? I spent a lot of time centering that question mark square on top of that cool grey background. I don't understand why people don't like it.
  • Lol @kelani I meant the #1 guy in level 20 gorlord or whatever his name is.
    Btw @fenikus where exactly did you hit on #5 and did you send in the second bird?
  • @Kathy did you call him gaylord and edit it? :O Shame!

    @fenikus we apologize. your crapatar is lovely. :)
  • Well @fenikus if you like it that's all that matter lol.;) but you'll never win the avatar contest hee hee..
  • Hahahahahahahamwwaahaha You saw that @kelani ? You couldn't have I never hit Post.. you just guessed!!
  • Uhmmm What am i gonna kill you for now?
  • @Kathy I have ESP *spooky muzik*
  • Haha.. sooooo @fenikus @kelani what are you planning and Why would i kill you for it? Fess up boys! !
  • @Kathy, BR-5…it was a 1-birder. You can see the general area where I hit on the screenshot but more specifically I think I hit where horizontal plank and the little stone rectangle on top of it meet.
  • Thanks @fenikus that's where im trying. Tough level:(
  • very tough. I can match that trajectory a hundred times and get all bad scores.
  • Me to @kelani
  • YAY! @fenikus multi-DCB has arrived.
  • Got a 4x DCB on PG-1 Score 173,910
  • Why @kelani are you researching DCB when score not allowed anyway?
  • Are you posting all these DCB scores @Kelani? Doesn't sound fair.
  • BTW @Gravatarless, BooYa!! That's for being mean to me tonight!!!!
  • Ya @kelani if your posting them then i quit:/
  • @Kathy because after I got 2 of them on BR in one week, I got curious about what caused them. Now I know everything there is to know about them, and if I was an EvilKel, could get any score I want (in 10,000 increments).

    My original plan was to give all the juicy info to Rovio, to make Rio a better place, but I don't like your and @Rat's tone, so I may have to use them as a deterrent to keep you two showing some respect :P
  • @Ma, I can fling in small doses now. It's getting better. Maybe twenty minutes every other day. It'll be enough to deal with the avatarless dude.
  • a. I voluntarily didn't post my 2 natural DCB scores in BR. Do you really think I'd start posting cheat-obtained ones?

    b. On a level with a 63k high score, how long do you think 173k would last?

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