The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2737
  • @gumby Waassssupppp!!! Home early for a Friday night???
  • @kathy just a few minutes early
  • Got my crown Back lol,,thanks for the shine @gumby :D
    Ya going out?
  • @kathy no I don't go out on Fridays because I still have 12 hours Sat and 12 hrs Sun to work. $20 for the super shine :)
  • @kathy I just added myself to the puppy parade :)
  • UH OH I am having trouble with the phone and can't get my screenie uploaded. I posted on walk thru and said I will upload it asap. I am going to try another room in the house. BRB
  • Ohh nooo @gumby , try shutting down and restarting?
  • It's it for puppy¿ try pm to Sweetp and maybe she can help, or uhmmm sqlouk?
  • Lol sorry i was late to your dilemma @gumby Grats on the puppy:)
  • @kathy PHEW I just got it uploaded. It is also 3rd place score :) Thanks
  • Nice Flinging @gumby!!! 3rd place Even...woot!!
    Blue Mongos on me!!!
  • lol already been bumped to 4th but I am ahead of comex which is always a good thing
  • @kathy wow 18 puppies going out so far tonight sweetp is going to be busy when she gets back from her camping expedition
  • Yeppers @gumby she will!! I'm sure she's got her eye on it by the campfire;)
    Now i must Wwwwhhhhiiinnne I hate Matilda !!! I almost had a2 birder on level 7 err.. uhmm in the episode that I'm flinging lol but she didn't drop her freaking Egg!!!
    OB i need you!! Can you magically fly into a level and help me out? You'd be perfect for this one!!
    In the meantime I'll have another Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion, make that a Double please.. And could you send the blues to whisper in Matilda's ear?
  • @kathy HMMM how much do you really hate Matilda? Don't you have a top score in a level that has only Matilda's in it?
  • aka level 11
  • @gumby I really really really really really Hate Matilda ya she cooperated on 11, but she must have not realized it was me!! maybe she had too many Blue Mongos lol! or Maybe i had hee hee! !
  • @kathy lol just admit it. You like Matilda a little bit :)
  • Nope @gumby Nope I absolutely Hate that bird!!! Ya once in a while she does her job,, very rarely,, if i performed that way at work if have been fired on my first day lol!!
  • @kathy well the weather forecasters get to be wrong most of the time, maybe Matilda is related to the weatherman LOL
  • Lol. @gumby b partly drop the egg or partly not!! Maybe she should move to San Diago where the weather is beautiful all the time!!
  • I'll be back ..
  • Sending Hermine your way @Ma. She already ruined my Labor Day plans.
  • No way @Pa hope your all hunkered down? I thought they said it was going out to sea before it hit you? You don't have the full force right? Just residual rain and wind¿ this one is Hermine t right¿ just a tropical storm?
  • Hmmm that's a lot of questions lol.. sorry @Pa you know me, i tend to overreact haha
  • No, I'm fine. Just heavy rain and winds here. But it's possibly going to become a Hurricane again before it gets to you. Good luck.
  • Thanks @Pa for the warning, i have the weekend of including Monday which is when we are supposed to get rain, it won't bother me, I'll just have a pajama day lol, I'll be sure to charge up my tablet before if hits,, priorities ya know;)
  • I'm probably gonna fall asleep whilst flinging lol and i have my headphones in listening to my book sooo just in case. .. good night my freinds

    Nighty night @Pa ♡ Stay safe and hope your power holds out! night
  • Good night @Ma
  • Hey @Rat,
    no problem with this one. I was very unsuccessful during Daily Challenge, which led me to think that I had been lucky when getting top score. Moreover, I am not (yet) into this Mirror World stuff. At the moment, I am struggling not to become crazy trying to have a one figure ranking in each of the Cosmic Crystals levels. This won't be enough to get top episode ranking, however. For this I would need to master the single pebble theory, etc, but at least this will be a pleasant achievement to see.
  • I have no doubt that you will succeed in the end @Sglouk. You've got unreal determination. The only flinging I've done is a few of the Space daily challenges and occasionally in Cold Cuts just to keep @Romo humble. ha ha If you really want to impress me, beat me in Mirror Cold Cuts. Romo and I have went back and forth in MCC so many times we've pretty much ensured no puppies will be adopted from there.
    Good luck in Cosmic Crystals. Btw, the single pebble level is repeatable. Just ask @Burpie. He spent two days on it. lol Quite proud of that one. But then I was proud of level 30 in Danger Zone before you trampled my score there.
  • Good afternoon everybody!! Hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing Saturday?
    @karen68 are you flinging in Piggywood? Looks like @mvnla2 has been, i haven't updated yet, need to do a backup first, and nervous about changes to existing easier or unstable levels,, level 27 Summer pignic is no longer unstable after update so I've heard:/
    OB I'll have a PigKiller Please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion:) thanks!!
    Hope we get some more customers soon:(
  • Hello guys,
    Weird day today. We didn't have Internet till 3 pm. The entire Netherlands that is using internet from KPN (on of the dutch providers) couldn't use internet. It is as if you are dead. Things that you do as normal, looking at the email, the Nest, challenge, facebook, etc. All not available.
    Anyway now it is working normal again.
    We had this afternoon a "puppyshower", as other people do have "babyshowers". We do this for every puppy that is coming into our live.

    Now gonna fling a little while.
  • @kathy not flinging Piggywood yet, haven't even updated. I figure I'll do that after the chaos of this weekend is over.
    Thanks for the heads up on SP 27 - I swear they had removed the instability but it's definately there now, and this is without the Piggywood update. It didn't happen very often for me but enough that I improved nicely.

    @bernersenn I know, without internet we're lost!

    Have a good Saturday all :D
  • @karen68 I did updated seasons. But, our lady friends have forbidden me to play PW, lol. First, we have to play SP.
    and yes, lost, complete lost without internet
  • lol @bernersenn yes you are forbidden hee hee, but i know you've peeked ;)
    @Karen68 happy i could pass on the news on 27l
  • @kathy oh yes, I peeked. And can tell, that is my game. Straight flinging. Not like MH with all that green stuff. But, nice as I am, I suffer and do my thing in SP.
  • Oh man, why can't I just be serious.
  • Hee hee @bernersen,, you always seem serious even though we who know you know better:)
    OB drinks for the house please so we can all be 'unserious' ( hmm it's that a word¿)
  • Ohh and i must agree on the MH green stuff, @ bernersenn too much.. I'm tempted to try Piggywood, but I'm resisting until i backup, although I Could try on my spare tablet....maybe just a peek heehee...
    Nooo nooo not gonna do it.. But yes i feel the episode, new update...*sigh* what's a flinger to do lol..
  • @bernersenn very smart of you to listen to the ladies :D

    Let me know when you start flinging Piggywood, I might join you.
  • @karen68 I would like it very much when you enjoyed us.
  • @karen68 Will definitely let you know,, would love to have you join us in our adventures:)
  • @karen68 I would like it too when you would join us. Not sure though when we're ready for PW ;-)
  • @kathy WASSSSUUUPP
    @rat heya stranger
    @bernersenn lol @ puppyshower
    @karen68 why don't you join our little group :)
  • @gumby Just in time,, lol i was gonna ding you :) Waassssupppp???
  • @kathy I already told you mine doesn't ding.
  • I'm probably falling asleep..

    Nighty night @Pa
  • Nite nite @Ma
  • Good morning guys
    @rat space challenge. Boaring one-birder.
    Have a nice sunday, the all of you
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