The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2738
    @bernersenn thanks
    @rat yo, another space challenge for you :)
  • @kathy looks like I borrowed the crown again, you still haven't payed for the last shine :)
  • @gumby Waassssupppp??? Uhmm i don't have to pay a Crown theif for returning then stealing my crown again lol:)
    Yes tomorrow looks like we'll be wet and windy, good day to sleep in:)
    @Pa how is the storm¿ past you yet¿
  • @kathy no but you gotta pay for the shine :P
  • O.k ok @gumby
    Ob drinks on me for the crown theif!!
    And I'll have a Blue Mongo with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion:)
    Ya,, ya give him a shot too lol
  • Dratz! I missed another Space challenge. Just as well. That level is not flinger friendly. Did anybody get a puppy? I was at the botanical gardens in Atlana, Ga admiring the Chihuly exhibit.
  • Sorry you missed the unfreindly flinger challenge @Pa
    Hope you enjoyed the botanical gardens? Mrs? Sure it's keeping you busy lol
    I'm just miserable , my mouth hurts bad, can't put the stupid partial teeth in.. Ya I'm just miserable all together:(
    Thank goodness i have over more day off of work to lay in my bed and continue to feel sorry for myself and miserable.
    Good news is, even though my car has a pretty good dent, I've decided to keep the check.. is money in the bank, a dent in a door.. priority...
    Arggh OB I'm in pain I'll have another of whatever i had before?
  • I'm gonna listen to my book and pass into dreamland hopefully.

    Nighty night @Pa
  • Still hurting @Ma? At least you can stop worrying about door dings now. ha ha Don't forget to put part of your found money into your retirement fund. Nobody wants to work forever.

    Nighty nite @Ma♥ You'll feel better in the morning.
  • Well @Pa soon I'll have another chunk of $$$ to sock away,, dentures are 100% satisfaction guarantee,, i can't wear them, I'm not satisfied, x I'll be getting my $$$ back! So what no front teeth= money in the bank,,ya mo money ,mo money...priorty. .. decisions suffer in my own place , or have teeth and suffer living with ,,,duhhnndunnndun "The Mom"
    Lol i should make a movie...
  • OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please, with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion ty
    I'm flinging in Piggywood until my tablet charges, is well.. Interesting..

  • Nighty night, all.
    OB drinks on me for the deceitful @Kathy! She knows why!
  • Huh?? Me deceitful @hunnybunny ¿ i don't know why but I'll think on it in the meantime thanks for the drink :D
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's Super Secret flinging potion.. Thanks:)
  • Ooohhh that @hunnybunny,,i wasn't purposely being deceitful ,
    Just didn't come up i guess:/
  • Storm has arrived, been windy all day but just slightly cloudy,, now off and on downpours:/
    @gumby Waassssupppp???
  • But how will you eat corn on the cobb or an apple @Ma? Spend the money and get yourself some good teeth. No-brainer!
  • I'm already paying the money @Pa they aren't doing it right :(
  • I want corn on the cob!! I can manage apple pie.. Not an apple:( well sliced up i could

    It huuuurttsss!!! Wwhhhhiiiiinnnneeeee I'll have to survive on imaginary Blue Mongos, OB another please,, add some blended fruit;)
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Good night @Ma
  • More drinks for @kathy its not that thing you hadn't mentioned before that made you deceitful. It's a flinging thing....
  • Hmmm @hunnybunny if i have a flinging secret, iwish i knew what it was??
    I'll take that drink though lol:)
    OB the usual:) please
  • @hunnybunny are you speaking of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion? I was nt deceitful i just don't know what it is¿ hence 'Sunshine's secret'
    Something she made up in the early days:/
    Not feeling well today,, early to bed....Dentist tomorrow. ..
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Quiet day.
    Nighty nite @Ma
  • Very quiet day.
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPP
    @rat hey
    @sweetp how was the camping?
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! !
    yeppers pretty quiet lately @Pa..
    @Sweetp welcome back :D
  • Sorry @Pa Had a rough Morning At the dentist, all 'seems o.k now, will see in the morning. .
    Gonna listen to my book for a bit..
    Nighty night @Pa
  • I'm pulling for your teeth resolution @Ma. Oops! Maybe I should talk about pulling teeth. What I'm trying to say is, I hope your teeth problem is resolved soon.

    Nighty nite @Ma

    What's up @Gumby?
  • Thanks @kathy, we were gone for the Labor Day weekend and didn't get back until yesterday! It was a beautiful camping getaway in the Eastern Sierras for some fishing, hiking, rodeo, county faire, and many other activities over the weekend. Hubby and I didn't want to get back so soon so stayed the extra two days exploring the rest of Bishop, and the mountainside where there's still snow on the ground! Took a drive up to Mammoth Mtn, and did some shopping before heading back to our camp to pack up and come home.

    I'm still feeling pretty tired and being lazy, so I don't really want to read the last two pages, so anyone want to give me a quick run through of what I missed?

    Feeling pretty sleepy again, so I'll have to catch up with you all after my nap. *yawn*

    Happy Thursday y'all!
    @rat how ya doin?
    @sweetp you didn't miss much except for the puppy parade a few days ago
  • @gumby Waassssupppppp!
  • 2 more puppies to go and I will be bronze YAY.
  • Still not flingin' @Gumby. But I enjoy lurking. There are some excellent flingers out there.
  • Did you mean "Yea!"? Or is "Yay" a new word I know not.

    Edit: You're correct @Gumby. Yay is a word. Boy do I feel old!
  • Yay!! @gumby !!
    Yea = Yat @Pa :)
  • I'm out,, earphones in, book on..another early night Thank goodness Tommorow is Friday, this Dental work has taken is toll..:(
  • Nighty night @Pa
    sorry I've not been around much :( hope you feel a bit better to fling a bit soon ♡
  • I still fling the occasional challenge @Ma. But I pay a price if I fling very long.
  • Nite nite @Ma
  • oopsy Wske up everyone lol..
    have a Fantabulous Day:)
  • Ooo! Oooo! Speak of the devil, a Space Challenge! Luckily I didn't need to fling long to get a puppy. YAY!
  • I left you some crumbs @Ma.
  • @kathy WASSSUUPPP
    @rat congrats on another space puppy :) ( do they come with those bubble helmets on )
  • no challenge for me @pa..stuff to do. .
    @gumby Waaasssuppp ?? I'll be back soon
  • @kathy lots is up I will send you a link to read about whats going on in my neighborhood.
  • Thanks @Gumby. My puppies don't need bubble space helmets silly. I live in South Carolina, USA, Earth.
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