The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2740
  • oops it is broke
  • Hi @pig1011 .welcome to ABN :)
    I am at work now so i can't stay and talk, will be back later. have fun!
  • @gumby where are you bumping me? Drat, I hate being bumped..
    @rat yes it's a beautiful place to live. Most of the larger houses were built with garages, but many occupants, including us, knocked them out to create a large kitchen / diner on the ground floor (I think in the US you call that the first floor) and then have huge lounge and smaller study on first floor (your second floor) Bedrooms and bathroom, we have three of each, up more bloody stairs. So our cars live outside. Not on the street as you may expect in the UK, we have a courtyard shared by five houses.
    You've lived in the UK, so know that our houses are tiny compared to yours, and you are welcome, I'm sure you are a charming gentleman in real, not virtual, life....
    (God did I just say that!)
    @kathy off to your daughters site
    Hello @pig 1011 Binary?
  • Yikes mis-typed meant @pig1011

    @kathy given encouragement. My mum died of senile dementia so a great cause
  • Thanks so much @hunnybunny ,it's a great cause, ,sorry about your mum, mine the same (((((Hugs)))))
  • I wondered where you were Mrs. Bunny? It must have been a long walk back from the Quay Marina where you took that lovely picture of the sailboats with the Millennium Center in the background.
    So your BABY has to stay outside just so you can have a larger kitchen. Poor Baby. The small kitchens and what passed for a refrigerator were some of the hardest things we had to cope with in England. I know you're happy you were able to expand yours. It's still probably too small for Mrs. Rat though. She currently has two 28 cu ft. refrigerators and a 20 cu ft. freezer at our house. She is a Southern Belle after all. They have a different set of standards. hehe I think E-Star's entire house would fit in our kitchen/breakfast area. But when it comes to her cooking needs, she gets whatever she wants. I've been getting fat on some of the deliciously creative meals that she's prepared since retiring. I'm happy!

    Hello @Pig1011, where ever you are.
    @hunnybunny in SP I am on your tail, didn't play today so you are still safe :)
    @rat how ya doin

  • @kathy the new guy stole your crown right off my head LOL
  • @gumby Waassssupppppp???
  • @kathy nmh I tried the challenge but can't even get close
  • Not so good @Gumby. I lost some sight in my right eye last night. ???
  • I'm headed to bed.

    Night nite @Ma
  • Nighty Night @Pa
    What!! lost sight? talk tommorow. .night ♡
  • @rat ? lost some sight in 1 eye?
  • Wtf new guy? I haven't been to the pub in weeks an now there's new guys! Cooking awesome
  • @knichy lol yep a new peep in the BP
  • Lol @rat I also think @estars entire flat fits in our kichen or sitting room. But space (!) is not everything. Mr and Mrs Rat, Mr and Mrs Bunny, Mr and Mrs EStar happy? That is what is important....
  • Seriously @rat get thinner....
  • @pig1011 to be cool, you need to fling, post your scores and your strategies. To be heroic I suggest you beat @rat in Space
  • Yikes did I dream @pig1011 post about being cool? It was there! Has he been removed....
  • @hunnybunny his/her post about being cool is still there You only have to go to the bottom of page 2739 to see it :)
  • @Lol @gumby it's there. Less OB special stock for me!
    @gumby we are here together eventually
    How about a flinging ((hug))
    My flinging partner
  • @hunnybunny I am always up for a good hug :)
  • btw any idea what kathy meant by forced power ups?
  • Rio has "forced power ups" in the latest, or at least, the last episode I played. Ask @bernersenn he's better in Rio than me. Certainly the first two levels forced you to use a PU. One was a daily challenge recently. @gumby hope that helps
  • Sorry @Pa i did say Nighty night, but i never hit send :(
    What's this about no sight?
    @gumby see pm.. Waassssupppp!!
  • Nighty night all flinging friends
  • @kathy WASSSSUUUPPP, sorry took a nap and then went and got some food :)
    @rat can you fill us in a bit more about your eyesight?
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! ! No worries, I took a break myself, shower and food:D
  • ya @Pa what gives?
  • Sorry @Gumby, @Ma. No news yet. Still waiting to see the eye doctor. But I'm afraid I have a bit of a blind spot in my right eye now. Must have popped a blood vessel.

    Edit: No worries. I haven't used my right eye for flinging since joining the Nest. I've always been a one-eyed, fat thumbed, old bald flinger. What? Y'all didn't believe me? ha ha
  • @rat hopefully there is no permanent damage
  • Ruh roh @Pa I hate Eye issues,, have a few myself:( no fun.. and scary
    O.k tablet keyboard not cooperating ,willnsign out on phone bbfn
  • Right. I'll just eat a few more carrots. That'll fix it.
  • ya @Pa carrots What are you a bunny now lol,,Heehee Rat turned bunny..oohh scary..
    anyway this is me on my phone signing out..night gumby..sorry i missed ya
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • A bunny huh? Ha Ha

    Nighty nite @Ma
  • Whoa @Sglouk! What's your rush? There's not much glory in beating an old one-eyed fat man with a twitchy thumb? I see the end of the Rat's benevolent reign in Space. ha ha Treat my subjects with respect Sglouk. They've earned it. Except for maybe a little white bunny. She enjoys losing more than any flinger I've ever known. lol
    Sorry Mrs. Bunny. You've been too nice to me lately. You're destroying my reputation as a mean ole rodent. ha ha
    Let me make it up by serenading you.

    You walked into the BP
    Like you were walking on to a yacht (or was it a cruise ship?)
    Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
    Your scarf, it was apricot
    You had one eye in the mirror
    And you watched yourself gavotte
    And all the guys dreamed that they'd be your partner
    They'd be your partner, and

    You're so vain
    You probably think this song is about you
    You're so vain,
    I'll bet you think this song is about you
    Don't you?
    Don't you?

    Apologies to Carly Simon. I took liberties with her great song.
  • Hey @rat
    well, I am happy that I get closer and closer to your mark, but, believe it or not, I am sorry as well.
  • @Sglouk Don't apologize for your awesome flinging. I'm just ribbing you. If I ever get to feeling better I'll show you how I got my crown in the first place. Ha ha Keep on flinging. You're doing great.
  • Mr Rat I throw this lyric back

    She is frequently kind
    And she's suddenly cruel
    She can do as she pleases
    She's nobody's fool
    But she can't be convicted
    She's earned her degree
    And the most she will do
    Is throw shadows at you
    But she's always a woman to me
  • Greetings all.

    Have just come into the pub and seen some Billy Joel lyrics.

    Can I request that a minor '80's hit single be played on the jukebox:

    Enjoy (or maybe not)!
  • O.k @Pellystar I can live with that one lol. Catchy never heard it but it is catchy:D
  • Glad you enjoyed it @Kathy

    BTW I forgive you and the gang for attacking my Easter Eggs crown :)
  • Lol @pellystar I did, indeed, enjoy that one
    How you doing in Piggywood? Or your self imposed challenge to be top ten (or was it five?) in Seasons, Rio and ABo?
  • But you got it back!
  • Thanks @Pellystar for forgiveness:) heehee, don't look now but......
  • Hi @Kathy @Hunnybunny

    I was playing Piggywood, then away from AB entirely for a few days, then checked in and saw that my No. 1's for Easter Eggs, Hogs Kisses *and* Go Green had all been toppled.

    So decided to try and get them back - now have all of 'em for now.

    So now I will either go after Summer Pignic No 1, or improve Piggywood, or improve ABO to get the top 10 across ABO ABS and ABR

    Or do something else get a life etc!!!

  • Lol @Pellystar,, if you go for ABO, try playing in airplane mode to avoid that annoying new pop up that prompt you to watch a video, then forces a pu on you!!
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