The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1644
  • @Kathy are you around? I have 5 levels left, where are you at ATM? Done? I'm trying to hurry but argh having a time of it on 34! :(
  • Ooopsy bad math! That means 6 levels left to hit!! Crap!! Although a few of them aren't bad scores so if I can't make them higher I won't cry over it, but at least 3 of them need Serious work and there are 2 up above I hate so much I'm not even going to sweat trying to do better! Hated them and after 3 days in each one with NO progress I'm calling them oh well done!!!
  • I'm here @Kimmiecv just trying to clean Up a couple levels:)
    No worries take your time:)
    OB a couple pigkillers please:)
  • Let me gUess 19 and 14¿ Those are my wurst having trouble with 37 but its doable;:)
  • Nope it's 15 and 16 that have me pulling my hair out @Kathy! :/ I HATE those levels!!! 6 days total with Nothing to show for the wasted hours!!
  • Ooohhh not sure how i did on those..I'll check;)
  • I remember 15 it took a bit to figure gotta time it right..aim in between top and secondsshooter time so one Birdie takes a ride on a laser shot into the second tier important to get lower Birdie to go through bottom glass and set off the fuse:)
  • Argh!!!! @Kathy I tried timing, hitting from the top and middle, I tried it all for 3 days and couldn't get a good score!! Evil frikken level for me!! Just won't cooperate no matter what I did!! :/ 3 DAYS!!!! Both those levels got the best of me!! I gave in to the dark side!!
  • Lol nooo !! 16 you gotta make sure that shot to the top is perfectly level to get the ricochet i didn't do so great on either one myself:(
    You've done awesome on the rest though:)
    WTG Pahtnha!!!
  • We've Both done well at the rest if them @Kathy!! :D a couple of bad ones didn't slow us down!! WTG yourself Pahtnha!!! :D
  • Don't give up @kimmiecv! Give it a rest for a while, but don't give up!
    OB a round of PigKillers on me please. I FINALLY got into 83+k on Tat 1-21 (yes, that's the one I whined about 2 weeks ago).
    Yes.... I'm still working nickels & dimes in Tat.
    Hang in there!
  • LOL thanks @abcrazy and of course I'll hit them again before I move on once and for all (can't help myself! Hate to be beaten by a level!) Congrats on getting the level you wanted conquered!! :)
    I'm off to make dinner! @Kathy if I miss your good night, sleep well and I'll be back later tonight to take care of stuff! :)
  • Oh and thanks @KitKat and @abcrazy for the pig killers! Huh maybe the buzz will help my flinging! LOL ;)
  • @Kimmiecv - Haha, I laughed almost for the rest of the day, actually the other guy seemed to be sober (at least I hope he was, 'cause he was driving the car) :D You should have seen this guy's face when I went there, he was sssooooo embarrassed xD

    @mvnla2 - There's some music festivals, but most of the people are just escaping from cities to the country side and usually there are bonfires and that kind of stuff and people are staying up all night and getting drunk :D Oh, and me and my hubby usually make a bet about how many people will drown (nope, not funny), 'cause when the weather is warm and sunny, people get drunk and after that they usually decide to go swimming or something like that and the result isn't so positive. I hope that this year there wouldn't so many victims :/
  • Wtg @ABCrazy :) thanks fur the drink..I'm flinging 'just one more'
    Then my pillow is calling...
    * places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth *
    Sleepy sleepy..oh and my new tablet came..WRONG version again..i give Up..
    Happy flinging all
    *sprinkles magic flinging dust all over*
  • Good morning @lisko I too enjoyed your story. Have a great day!
    G'night @kathy @kimmiecv I'm done flinging for tonight. *Catches some magic flinging dust* for later use. Thx!
  • @ABcrazy - Good morning! Hahaha, that really was an awful monday, hopefully today will be a better day :D
  • Finally decent score on one Birdie but good enough:)
    Good night ladies:) ooh and OB and @rat and How Many Babies? To many g'nite John boys and amary Ellen's for g'nite grampa:) :) ;)
    Night @Kimmiecv..g'nite @ ABCrazy g'nite @mvnla2 g'nite all;)
  • Oops good morning @lisko :) g'nite;)
  • Hey everyone
  • Good night @Kathy! :D
  • *shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to Dreamland *. Good night ladies :)

    LOL lisko too funny!! :D

    Off to finish dishes :(
  • At the moment it seems that today is even worse than yesterday...I am stupid, I am an IDIOT and I really feel like ****. Yep, TLM woke up and now he's got a summer flu. He was preatty much angry like a bee and I thought that he would calm down I we went for a little driving around. Yep. Too bad that hubby had moved my car between the one he got on saturday and the one that's leaving today. I thought that I could easily drive between the tree and the other car, but nope. Not even close. Now m car is all scarred from the driver's side and I feel like I'm really the worst driver in the world. Yay. Not.
  • Hi to @everybody out there! Finally we have real summer day here, I just love it!!!
    @mvnla2 so you made visit to Scandinavian bakery in LA? Princess cake looks georgoeus and I bet it is tasty. We should ask @lisko if it is also popular in Finland.
    @lisko you mentioned that your hubby collects cars. I wonder if he buys old cars and rebuild them to make them really unique or he just buys cars because he can't resist having another „metallic pet“?
    @all what drew my attention this morning is Miss Oklahoma for Miss America stupid answer case. I am pretty sure that most of you know what's it about. Unless you don't I will try to explain. One of contestant for Miss of the USA was asked following: "A recent report shows that in 40 percent of American families with children, women are the primary earners, yet they continue to earn less than men. What does this say about society?" That only 20 year old girl, poorly educated was supposed to give quick and smart answer to question that couldn’t be easily answered by American feminist leaders and of course she was totally confused. I will not discuss her answer which is, to be honest, ultimately stupid, what I want is to ask you older and well educated American women what would you answer if you were asked? Would you be able to answer in 30 seconds? This case make me believe that people are really nasty for making fun of this girl’s answer. I am 40 and to be honest I DO NOT and couldn’t think of answer that would be intelligent. I’d like to hear your opinion…
  • There is Angry Birds GO announcement in AB games pause screen now saying it's coming soon. now I guess it WILL be really soon. Probably next month, what do you think?
    Icebreakers are coming this week. Who is going to play?
  • @cosmo2503 - Yep, my hubby collects cars...He's been gatherin the rare ones and if one is not "in shape" he'll fix it. At the moment he's still working on a project which he wants to get registered, but it takes time. A LOT of time actually.

    Oh, I completely forgot the Princess cake...I haven't tasted it, mostly 'cause I just hate marzipan and almost the whole cake is made of it! It really is a pretty cake, but not for my taste :D
  • Hey @cosmo :) I saw it on HLN today ad nosium, yes she gave a pitifully inept answer that made no sense whatsoever but in truth it seemed a trick question fraught with political BS IMO the reason I say this is really what could she say that wouldn't piss someone off?! My answer is this our Country while great is still ass backwards where women are concerned and still mostly considered 2nd class citizens and while not as bad as it was say 20 years ago, still needs a lot of work in equalizing everyone. Problem is it'll likely never completely happen. And I'm betting its no different in other Countries, so what does that say about the world?! ;)

    I'm off for bed! Have a great day! :)
  • Oh dear,that poor girl made it onto the UK breakfast news this morning as well:( My husbands reaction?......."well I've seen politicians give worse answers when put on the spot" there was no right answer for her,she couldn't possibly have responded without offending somebody. I'm not American but of course I agree that there should be equal pay for equal abilities. It makes no sense at all for it to be any different. On the other hand......and I'm keeping this short;) Here in the UK we have a very generous maternity package which although is great for the working mother,can be terrible for small businesses,which is why I work alone. As @kimmie said equality throughout the board will likely never happen but we have to be thankful that we have a much louder voice than women in other countries.
    OB it's lunchtime could I try the crab sandwich and a large black coffee to go please.
    Have a great day @all!
  • OK, sounds a little political, but here's a man's two cents. Total equality for all? Heck yeah!!! Can we give the power to the government, any government, to dictate solutions to social stupidity. No! This is a problem that has to be solved from within the hearts and minds of the masses. Will you or I see it in our lifetimes? No. It's getting better at a mind numbingly slow pace, but it is getting better. Here's hoping for a social nirvana eventually.
    Try repeating this quote I heard somewhere the next time your in public. "Joy to the world, all the boys and girls. Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea. Joy to you and me."
    You'll probably get a smile or at the very least, a second look. Hehe It could work? My love to all you birdies wherever you are.
  • Hey guys
    Thanks for the wise wisdom @rat.
    I don't know what she answered @cosmo. But it sounds like people are judging people's abilities on their age. Now by that, I mean, say a 10 year old boy saves his dad from a fire. Now say a 36 year old man saves him. People will admire the 10 year old more and say, "I never thought someone that young could do that!" Of course, if you are very young (13-14 or younger or something) then it would be very impressive for something like that to happen. But I think that at 16, 17, 18, somewhere around there, humans are mature or at least through puberty, and are juggling many responsibilities and college offers and may even have harder decisions than some adults in certain areas of their life. Thinking of that girl as young and stupid is just perpetuating a stereotype against a member of society and even part of society itself, saying that people in late teens, early 20s don't know anything. 18 is still technically adult in most places, and adult means
  • ):DDDDDDD I had nothing to do here since it was kinda quiet, so I checked the challenge, knowing I couldn't win anyway, and I found.......
    My awesome J-14 level!
    Now that brought back old memories, and I knew I couldn't let @hallieginsb win with MY strategy. So you can guess what happened.
  • Mumsie pops in to pick up her knitting which she left here yesterday - gosh it's quiet in here, she tiptoes to her rocking chair so as not to wake up OB who is having a little snooze behind the bar! Good night all
  • Hi everyone
    It's Whine Tuesday! Whiiiiineeeeee, I want to finally leave Tatooine, but there are two levels that I can't move with ... 22 & 34. Hope this helps!
  • @Mumsie -- Just finished my first round of my first-ever match play tournament. I lost, but it was fun. Continues Thurs and next Tues.
    @Cosmo2503 -- I think the Miss USA contestants are supposed to be pretty well educated, but haven't watched that for years. It was of course, on all the news.
    I agree with @Kimmiecv and @Rat. I would add that it still is much worse in many countries, and has improved a lot in the U.S. in the last century. No, I'm not that old, but old enough to have been involved in the women's movement, and I read lots of books on the history of the movement and laws affecting women.
    There is obviously still a long ways to go, and if anything, the rate of change seems to be slowing down.
  • Could you add fishfingers+custard to the menu?
  • @Whovian0 -- Welcome to ABN and the BP. Since this is your first visit here, food and drink are on the house. You need to be older than 21 to order alcoholic drinks. You can order anything you want, whether on the menu or not. Just ask the Blues or OB. Do you actually eat the fishfingers with the custard??? What kind of custard?
    The BP is run by the @team (see p. 1), who seem to be otherwise occupied today.
    To get an avatar that shows up in the forum, you need to use Gravatar (see the forum thread on Avatars). There are several (well, at least 2 that I can think of Whovians on ABN). You will probably do a better job of recognizing them than I would of remembering who they are.
  • @Whovian0 welcome to the BP. It's a great place, at least to me. This is a great place to get to know many of the "nesters", as we call them.
    You can also tell how you came across Angry birds nest here:
    Can't wait to hear it!
  • Hi everyone i saw all the comment.about miss America ?
    Equality is in the eye of the beholder women in this country with the same education, strength and ability DO get equal pay i know many women who are electricians.plumbers.and in the'trades'as we call my job i make more of an hourly wage than most hourly paid..due to my experienced..if everyone was exactly equal where would the initiative be to strive to be better, work harder or learn more?
    I agree with the Guy in the wall with the 1200+ kids..l
    Lol 'joy to the fishes in the deep blue to you and me':) my cents..:)
  • Thanks @mumsy for telling me about this forum. I will come back later when i think of something to say :-)
  • LOL @grannyk! Welcome to the BP :) glad my long winded directions got you here! ;)
  • @Kathy -- I agree that everyone does get paid more for more experience, but there have been lots of recent studies that show that women with the same experience and skills as men are not paid as much. They also sometimes do not get the same opportunities for new assignments that are necessary for a higher-paid position. Yes, I did earn more than my husband for the last few years of my career, but my job was much more stressful and demanding. Did I get paid as well as a man with the same knowledge and experience? Hard to tell, but I certainly didn't get paid more, and for much of my career, I am sure I was paid less.
  • @grammyk -- It's weird that your name still shows the space, but when I look at your profile, there is no space. Did you get an e-mail of this message and Kimmie's?
  • @Kathy I wish I lived in your world! I've had the experience of being paid less for the same job so I can't agree with your idea that it strives to make you better if it's unequal, especially when I was doing a better job but I didn't play golf with the big boys on Friday while my counterpart did whether his job was done or not. Nope it's not a good feeling to know your doing a great job but being paid less because you don't have the right "equipment."
  • @mvnla2 i really haven't looked into polls or research studies on the subject as i don't put much faith in those things.I'm sure its different in different states and probably some employers but i think our country has come a long way in equal rights movements for everyone..i guess i just see a lot or'hear a lot of' demand to be'equal when one's not worthy of the equality because they don't see both sides of the equation..such as yes if you want equal pay you must have equal qualifications which i think is practiced for the most part in this country
    Also i feel we are very much on the edge of breaking a BP rule,;)
    I should have kept my 2 cents to a p.m ;)
    Welcome @grannyk :)
  • @Kathy -- OK, agree to disagree. No need for PM. I won't post any more on this subject.
  • @Kimmiecv i also agree with that!! Due to my recent experiences..but not pay issue just treatment issue..which led to other things i probably told you
    Anyhooo i can't really delve into this subject unless ap.m cause of my political views and against rules..and bf aggravating soooo..
    Like the Guy that lives in the hole in the wall

    Jerimiah was a bullfrog !!;););)
  • K @mvnla2 gotcha ;);) no hard feelings k (((( hugs)))
  • Figures! Your here I'm here and dinner is on it's way in 2 minutes :/ dang it!!
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