The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1689
  • Yeah, her trip is fascinating, eh! My travels are all mostly forgotten due to age, or boring business trips :-(
  • I thought it was too, she has been to a lot of countries, I'm hoping she has kept blog post or something of all of them:]
  • I think she mentioned something along those lines. But BP is too much posts to check back for things. Checking her new forum ....
  • Lol, Very cool cake @AngerManagement :D

    @Rat is really a KING OF ANGRY BIRDS SPACE !!
  • .... no mention, will have to ask.
  • @angermanagement --No...Really...Get up already...You don't need to bow in my presence. I'm still the same simple rat I always been. OK, you can call me King of Space if you insist. I'd like to thank @AM for the interesting cake. I'd also like to thank @ripsy. I was in a lot of pain last night, but because he picked a DZ Space level on the daily Challenge, I couldn't go to bed without flinging a few. I literally threw twice before getting the score that put me over the top. My first attempt cleared the bushes so that I noticed the ramp under them. Duh...has that always been there? My second attempt used the ramp. Somewhat fitting that a Danger Zone level put me over the top in Space. It was my first, first place. @AM get off your knees, you're making me look bad.
  • Hello everyone -- I'm back from The Void.

    Sorry I disappeared after vacation, but it's taken me longer than usual to get back into the swing of things in real life -- amazing how things pile up on you when you turn your back for 10 days. I guess it takes at least that long to get everything back under control.

    I see there's been lots of activity -- yay! Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your flinging and real life stuff.

    We're in the middle of a heat wave, and for those of us without adequate air conditioning, it's pretty miserable...I would kill for a pool right now. Maybe I should go play Atlantis to cool down! :D
  • Oh @junkenmetal welcome back:) this heat is brutal yes? !!!! had an outdoor party yesterday..the day before our central air went out..rough week!!
    How was vaca? Where'd you go? @Hunnybunny has started a forum concerning vacations i don't know what its called , but it s there somewhere lol I'm
  • I missed cake?
  • Ohhhh shoot!! I missed the whole celebrating ...Welcome Back @ Rat :) :):) happy to hear your feeLing well enough to fling:)
    Darn error Box again @E-Star
  • @Ma there's still some cake left. I'll have #56 bring you some.
  • The wonders of modern medicine. These drugs are so good, I get insight into new strategies.
  • A ww thanks @rat :) so kind #56 your a good little rat aren't you..*pets #56 on his little head*:)
  • A ww thanks @rat :) so kind #56 your a good little rat aren't you..*pets #56 on his little head*:)
  • Lol i need some of that medicine haha obviously i can't see straight:) haha!!
  • @Kathy I told you these drugs were good. Now I'm seeing double.
  • Haha!! :)
  • Wow @ junkenmetal that sounds great..I've never seen a re-enactment its wonderful the kids got to get a feel for what it was like:)
    The link to the wedding video didnt come through though:(
    Glad you had a good time:)
    Can't believe we have to deal with this heat 2 more days!!!
  • @junkenmetal--The bride sure did looked happy. I thought I saw you. You were the one in the suit, right?
  • lol, @rat;] I finally stopped grovelling a couple of seconds ago, I've got bruises on my knees;]
  • Sounds like a great trip, @junkenmetel, nice to see you back here again:D
  • Ok got it now:) * gets comfy in Mumsie chair, popcorn..PigKiller ...ya so its noon somewhere:)*
    Who made that rule anyway¿
  • :( it won't play:(
  • @AM Great big thanks. Couldn't, naah wouldn't, have done it without your prodding. BTW, I refuse to accept your new challenge. Have you seen the scores @burpie has in Eggsteroids. Wow!!!
  • @Ma, have you been into my drugs? It played fine for me.
  • @Kathy, ha! I'm with you! Bring on the PigKillers! Is there such a thing as a frozen PigKiller? Tomorrow's my birthday, and Monday birthdays are no fun, what with work and all, so I think I'll celebrate today. By "celebrate" I what I darn well please all day, by which I mean: nothing!

    @rat -- no, I was not in the suit! I am quite visible, however -- the back of me, anyway -- I'm sitting on the right in the chair next to the central aisle, at the back. I'm wearing a blue dress with a blue and green scarf.

    Hi @AngerMangement! I've missed you all! Hope you've been behaving yourselves while I was gone. Well, actually, no I don't -- it's much more fun when you're all your naturally mischievous selves.

    And I suppose if you're groveling, you're in trouble with someone... :D
  • @all I've been ready for a new world in AB Space for some time now. Instead I get Red Bird Feathers. Has anyone heard any rumors?
  • @Kathy, maybe you have a popup or ad blocker on or something that's blocking vimeo?

    Try going to vimeo dot com slash 6897703.
  • @junkenmetal You're a girl. You can't be a girl with a name like Junkenmetal. BTW, nice to meet ya.
  • There's a picture of a wedding but video no..@junkenmetal
    And Happy Birthday early hee hee
    OB 2 frozen pigkillers please..:)
  • @rat, I still have to work my way through the original Cloud City episodes that finally landed on the PC.

    I have an iPad mini, but I still find that I prefer a big screen and a mouse. The only thing I play regularly on my iPad is ABF. I play against Lisko every week, and she soundly trounces me, so of course I always come back for more trouncing. Hope springs eternal.+
  • @Kathy, yum, I like these frozen PigKillers! I just put a sprig of mint from the garden in mine; would you like some mint for yours, too?

    I think you need to "hard" refresh your browser or reopen the page in a new window. The first time I posted, I forgot to wrap the html link code around the URL, so the video was embedded. Then I edited the post to put in the link correctly. If you're running your dinger refresh thingy, it might not be showing the update correctly -- you shouldn't see the image, just the hyperlink.
  • Nice to see you back, @JunkenMetel. I hope that was the great vacation, and tomorrow is your birdday so...have to get ready for the party ;D
    @rat, RFM will get an update with the classic levels
  • Hi, @FBB! How are you? I've been thinking about you lately -- we have five recently hatched baby bluebirds in our nestbox. I haven't been able to get a good picture of them to show you, unfortunately. This brood appears to be a bit camera shy.

    I'll try to check on them today and see if they might be feeling a little more photogenic. Gotta check how they're doing, anyway.
  • Oh, sorry -- thanks for the birthday wishes! My approach to birthdays these days is to pretend they're not happening... :D
  • @Fbb--What's RFM?
    @junkenmetal--I see you. What does the + mean? If it means this is a quote, it should read "Hope which springs eternal". T. H. Lawrence from Casey at the bat.
  • @FBB -- btw, did we ever figure out how to "tag" your name in a post so that it would show up in your notifications? Is there some universal solution for member who have names with spaces in them, like yours?

  • Hmmm, it seems @Kartflyer has been missing for a month, he didn't shows up in the "Badges & Ranking nominate and congratulate" group and didn't post any comment, don't know what happen with him
  • @firebombbird rfm is the new update correct?
  • Don't worry, @rat, you'll be able to get somewhere near that score in no time with your flinging abilities;D
  • @rat -- sorry, I didn't realize we hadn't been formally introduced. Very nice to meet you, also!

    Of course a girl can have a name like JunkenMetel! I posted the story way back in the thread about what your name means; I'll try to dig up the link for you. It's a pretty amusing story, and there's even a photo to go with.

    Apparently a + means !

    It's the new math.
  • Heeheee! *happy dance* Good morning/afternoon @all!!
    Drinks are on me today......OB crack open the bubbly please. Picked up my beautiful 4 wheeled baby and she's a keeper lol! My boy is one set up in the tennis...@karen what do you think? It's fantastic so far but yeesh they're knackered already :(
    It's hot,sunny and just a wonderful day so going to fire up the BBQ,keep one eye on the tennis and one eye on my baby HaaHaa!!
    Going to be a popper as far to much going on but have a great day everyone! with me? :-D!!!
  • @AM-- No, nope, not gonna do it. I want a new Space world.
  • @rat, RMF = Red's Mighty feather
    @JunkenMetel, I can't wait to see the blue birds !!! I really don't know about the name but here is some example : @minh, @fire_bomb_bird. Try to mention me with these name and let's see if I can get the notification
  • Oh, and thanks for pointing out the correct quote, @rat -- I don't think I knew the original source.

    I always imagine a reference to this quote as being spoken with a British accent, something like "Ah, well, hope springs eternal and all that, eh what?"
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