The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1690
  • I also want a new Space world, @rat:] Hasn't been one in 7 months:(
  • @junkenmetal--Ooooohh, new math.
  • @Rat @AM I'm also waiting for a new Space update, No space update since January :(
    Well, i think they will update Space after releasing their upcoming game AB Go!!
  • And I'll give it a try, as well: @fire_bomb_bird, @minh

  • Hi, @Aman -- haven't chatted with you in your new avatar!
  • @rat, did you have any luck in your quest on Pig Dipper 6-16?
  • No, still can't get the notification :( Oh well, I always check all the comments when I get in here so no problem
  • Notice my new avy too ? :D
  • That's a shame, @firebombbird, by the way, is your username a reference to Ho Chi Minh city, the capital city of Viet-Nam?
  • *presses L2 on jukebox* Wooo Hoooo @JLZ666 :) :) let's dance!!!
  • Sorry my browser running slow today!!:(must be cause of not enough use yesterday lol
  • Named after the famous President of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam?
  • Thanks @JunkenMetel , it's Abra-Ca-Bacon theme avatar. Glad you liked it.

    I like your avatar too,
    Well, Blue Eggs? I've never saw blue eggs :D
  • Minh is my real name :)
  • @AM--I might go back to it someday. I'm pretty happy with third and I can't see taking away someones only first place. He was so happy to get it. Plus, and I'll deny it if you repeat it, I don't think I can beat that score.
  • Interesting to know:)
  • You can, @rat, but I can see your reasoning;)
  • @fbb Oh? Well, my username is also my real name :)
  • @minh how come i forgot that?
  • @Rat -- New Math is the only way to go. The way I do it, 2 + 2 = 5, every time.

    I am old enough that New Math was first introduced when I started school. So I remember, I think it was in first or second grade (when I was 6 or 7), trying to figure out how to manipulate numbers in different base counting systems.

    Why they thought it would be a good idea to try to teach children that young how to perform numerical operations in base 8 or base 12 is beyond me. Even though I took math all the way through Intermediate Calculus in college, Math is not my friend, new or old. I blame it all on that early experience of "what the heck is this?"

  • Going back to cloud city:( im really not liking it AT All!!!
  • @jlz keep cheering the boy! As you well know, if he wins, he's a glorious Brit, lose and he's back to being a dour Scot.
    It's what these English do to us Celts, just celebrate our victories!
  • @Junkenmetel good trip by the sounds of it. Me and He-Who-Does-Not-Fling sort of eloped (long story) but what an amazing place to get married, given my time over again, I'd definitely plump for a setting like that
  • @Rat Well done on first place. When you coming to Seasons to trounce me?
  • @minh -- I like your avatar, too, although I wish I could see it larger. I can see that there are lots of cool details, but I can't make them out. And unfortunately, I can't see your profile directly -- I guess that happens with multi-word user names.

    Hi @Hunnybunny and @jlz -- I take it you two are up to your elbows in champagne, stawberries, and Wimbledon?
  • @hunnybunny--Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel. I'd never trounce you.
  • @AngerManagement, have you checked my PM ?
  • ...unless you were above me.
  • @Hunnybunny -- we didn't elope (now there's a story I'd like to hear someday!) but he-who-does-not-fling and I spent our honeymoon (hunnymoon?) in the UK, in London and Scotland. I've been back over there several times since, and I'd go again in a heartbeat.
  • @junkenmetel my Wimbledon Sunday lunch guests pulled out at the last minute, so double the Pimms, smoked salmon, summery chicken dinner for us! Strawberries to come later. And perhaps champagne, if, and only, if......
  • @Hunnybunny -- that sounds really lovely! Wish I could just fly in to join you. Although I'm not a tennis person, myself. But it's easy to get caught up in something when you're with congenial and enthusiastic company.
  • Off to get some stuff done in the real world for a bit...
  • Awww @kathy you've went back into the clouds?! Sorry I missed you shake your thang! *grabs kathy by the arms and twirls her round* oooooh sorry,forgot about the bruises *gently places kathy back down in mumsies chair* we can boogie later!
    @hunnybunny yep I hear ya ;) he's a British winner but a Scottish loser ;)))) whatever I'm used to it:D I'm in and out the garden like a nutter right now! My nerves can't take it! He's our local boy as well and we were going to go through to Dunblane to watch it with the rest of the town but time got away from us so I'll just have to bite my nails in the comfort of my own home!! I've got a bottle of bubbly on ice but only if...........;)
  • BTW wonderful food your guests have provided!!
  • @Rat Is the maid home yet? I agree with Kimmie, equal pay and rights, and chivalry. I worked in London for two years, if a man gave up his seat for me on the tube, I always thanked him. But normally I'd get run over by a herd of wildebeest (read business men) who left me,and much older women standing.
    But, there was an upside to underground travel: you never needed to go to the spa. July it was like a sauna, in the rush hour you normally got a full body message from fellow passengers rubbing up against you, and if i was really unlucky, some creep doing a spot massage where I really didn't need one :-(
  • Focus, Murray, focus. Make me and jlz very happy indeed
  • @hunnybunny--She won't be back until very late tonight. It's quite a long drive. but she loves her little SC430 convertible. She puts down the top, lets the wind blow her hair and smiles the miles away. Did I say she likes her car?
    Sounds like you want to eat some cake as well.
    I lived in England for two years and I agree with your Tube assessment.
  • Come on Andy!! It's infectious.
  • The more the merrier @rat thank you! Woooohooooo! 2 sets down!!
  • @Rat I too have a little convertible, and I love too
    Two sets up!!! Come on Murray!!!
  • @Rat googled SC430 looks a lot more impressive than my SLK
  • LOL!! "2 sets down"????? there's scottish pessimism for you!! Need to calm myself......
  • Calm down, calm down
    Champers on ice please OB
  • @hunnybunny--In the luxury car market, now that they don't make them anymore, they've gotten quite hot. She gets letters and phone calls from the dealership at least once a month wanting to buy it from her so they can fill all the orders they have for one. It tickles her. Her answer. From my cold dead hands maybe.
  • @hunnybunny--Such a beautiful woman. Nothing to be ashamed of there. Your making us fat old bald guys want to run and hide.
  • Off to watch the end of the tennis, see you all soon
  • Back again, aaarrrrggghhhh no Murray
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