The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1692
  • :( * ouch!! Now new bruises...picks herself up off the floor , brushes off dust..straightens up hair' hrmmphhh Mumsie all you had to do was ask...soooorrryyy!!*
    OB a PigKiller please o...
  • Oops! Missed you both again. @kathy IKR? HaaHaa!! But you see where it goes?!
    Ohhhhh really @mumsie? New dusters for new badges? Ok.....better head over there. BTW It was me that left the glass of bubbly for you,nobody else wanted it!
    Sorry...still watching F1 race! Got a lot going on......
  • Thanks JLZ - OB Kathy's Pigkiller is on me!
  • Ty @Mumsie :) no worries I'm o.k and i got plenty of comfy time in your chair the last couple days:) :) kept it cozy for you:)
    Did i miss something dusters for badges huh?
  • @mumsie what are you knitting!!!!!!
    @kathy did you get it to work?
  • Oh, @mumsie I love the dustrr you made for @harrystar6 can I get one????? :)
  • Yep got it @sunshine :) tooo funny:) :)
    Hmm i definitely missed the duster story ¿ @Mumsie..
  • @sunshine,@Kathy @mumsie....gotta love and leave for the night :( had such a fab day and hopefully things will continue to improve ........ Kisses to you all & the one you're with...:D
  • Night @jlz!!!!!! :)
  • Congrats to the Scots, and also all the other Brits on Murrays win
  • Any one here ¿ i just got a notification that @bonneypattycat has taken the lead in todays challenge cloud city 4-5 haha didn't realize that was the challenge today and i just happen to be flinging there maybe that's why i got notice? @Amslimfordy? How? I don't get it..I've never got challenge notice before..the system knows where I'm flinging if its a challenge?
  • So confused hahaha..OB PigKiller please:)
  • * reluctantly places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth..back to work tomorrow and I'm up way to late*
    *places wheel of cheese next to hole in the wall, wonders where heyyou getouttamyway went..maybe to visit @angryboy?
    Good night all..happy flinging night shift:)
  • Mumsie wearily packs away her knitting but she has a lovely pile of dusters now, off for a shower and then off to golf!
    Many happy returns of the day @junkenmetel - have a great day
  • HaPpY BirThDaY @junkenmetel have a wonderful day and many joys in the next year!!! :)
  • *shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely through Dreamland * Hope your first day back to work is not to tough @Kathy! Especially as your getting about as much sleep as I tend to on a work day! :O

    Great banner @e-star as always you brighten up a special day for peeps!! :)

    @mumsie your a knitting fiend!! Nice work though! Good luck this week with your golfing!! :)
  • Happy Birthday JunkenMetel, have a fabulous day
  • Hi all! @JunkenMetel - Welcome back! :D

    A friend invited us to BBQ with them so we went there yesterday and I was 100% sure that it'll be a pain 'cause everyone would be taking some beer. Well yes, I was right with that BUT 'cause I told that I'm trying to stay sober, they had bought only non-alcoholic beer to the BBQ-party so I I wouldn't feel awkward when everyone else is drinking. There was a guy who had his own beers with him and he was sssooooo drunk. I took one beer (a non-alcoholic), but when I tasted, I decided to stay on a soda line. I'm so proud of myself right now! I'm also so thankful that I've got friends who are taking care of me when I'm not capable to do that myself :D And the food...OMG! There was chicken, beef, sausages, salad and the list goes on and on...I'm still so full that I don't even want to think about eating :D

    Edit: OOPS! I forgot to say: HAPPY BIRDDAY @JunkenMetel! :D
  • @lisko a huge pat on the back for you!!! ;)
    @ Kathy the notification you got is a new system. I received several yesterday. I think if you place a score on the Leaderboard for the level of the day you receive the notice.
  • Happy Birthday @junkenmetel!!!!!!!! I couldn't decide on which cake to make so I made you three!!!!!! Two with Blue Birds and one with AB Blues!!!!! Enjoy the party!!!!!! Cheers! :)
  • Mmm beautiful cakes @sunshine :)
    Happy Birthday @junkenmetal :) sorry i can't stay first day back up work..
    Lol I'm sneaking in the ladies room. Having flinging withdrawals already!!
    @lisko (((((((( hugs)))))) you go girl!!! So proud of you got being strong, and Great your friends are being supportive!:) think this..that drunk Guy is probably hating life right about now, waking up feeling like absolute hungover crap..poor Guy..maybe he'll get some support from the friends as well..;) sobriety can be catchy:)
  • Oh and ty @sunshine for explaining the notification thingie:)
  • I like the cakes @sunshine, especially the AB Blue Birds one
  • @firebombbird thanks! How are you today? :)
  • Oh my gosh! What an amazing surprise to wake up to! Thank you everyone for sending me such kind and creative birthday wishes! I don't know that anyone has gone to this much trouble for this old bird for decades, honestly. Thank you all so much, especially:

    @minh - you'll have to teach me how you do that amazing text, and how kind of you to be the first one to send me birthday wishes; you're such a good friend

    @Kathy - thank you so much; hope your day is spent somewhere nice and cool

    @E-Star - what a beautiful "official" birthday banner; thank you so much my dear

    @Mumsie - thank you and hope you have a great day of golf

    @Kimmiecv - thanks so much; I just notice your avatar -- brilliant!

    @Hunnybunny - thank you my dear

    @Lisko - thank you my dear friend, and good for you -- I'm so happy so glad your friends were there to support you! I don't suppose you're going to let me win this weeks ABF Tournament for my birthday? No, I didn't think so.... :D

    @sunshine -- thank you so much; I'm overwhelmed by how gorgeous my cakes are. I think it's only fitting that the Blues should be the ones to serve cake to anyone who wants some today; there should certainly be plenty to go around!

    I'm so lucky to have so many wonderful friends, all over the world. Thank you all, and I am now guaranteed to have a great Birthday!
  • Happy Birdday @junkenmetal have a good day :)
  • Happy birdday @JunkenMetel :)
  • @junkenmetel a very Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful day :)
    @lisko that's great news, social occasions have to be very hard. It's so wonderful that your friends were there to support you. Good luck on your 2nd week!
  • @junkenmetel Having just been formally introduced yesterday, I shan't pretend to be best buds. Heck, until yesterday, I thought you were a "Dude". hehe
    But I still want to wish you a Happy Birthday.
  • @mumsie I feel you deserve an apology. I had such a wealth of things occur to me in the last ten days that I missed noticing the two beautiful hand made dusters you gave me. I especially like the duster with all my children's names on it. How did you get the text so small? So sorry and thank you very much.
  • Thank you so much, @Harrystar6, @Annifrid, and @karen68. Thanks to all my kind friends, I am having a wonderful day!

    And thank you, @Rat. Somehow, I feel like we've known each other for much longer, and I think that's because we have a similar sense of (subversive) humor. And a middle-aged female can totally be a Dude if she wants to be. It's all a matter of attitude. Also, I work in advertising, with a lot of either artist types or geeky types or artist-and-geeky types, with the average age hovering in the mid-20s. I regularly find myself working with a group of people who could easily be my grown children, and greeted by the exclamation "Dudes!" whenever someone walks in the room. So to me, "Dude" isn't always gender-specific; it depends on the context. I usually consider it a complement. :-)

    There are plenty of other terms that my friends and colleagues use to address me, but since this is a family-friendly forum, we won't go into that here...

  • @junkenmetel In that case, Happy Birthday "old" friend. I'm glad you get me. I'm somewhat an acquired taste. roflmao
  • Have a good day to you too @JunkenMetel, it takes me about 15 minutes to type those colorful codes but it worth to try for your birdday wishes :)
  • Happy BirdDay @JunkenMetel Have a great day :)
  • @junkenmetel Ditto. Couldn't have said it better. About the only difference between us is I hit em' with a couple of quick jabs, whereas you paint an elaborate picture and sneak up on them. Same sense of humor though.
  • @junkenmetel, happy birthday from newbie here at the bp
  • Thank you @grammyk! That's very kind of you, and much appreciated.

    Yes, @Rat, I think you've perfectly described our approaches. Combined, I doubt anyone could stand against us. I know I certainly wouldn't want to try...
  • Oh, @grammyk, please excuse my manners! Welcome to the Nest! I hope you're enjoying yourself and getting a chance to meet people. It's a very friendly group around here -- everyone was exceptionally kind when I joined. I doubt you'll meet a nicer group of folks anywhere.

    I hope you keep visiting us and add to our little (well, maybe not so little) community! Please don't be shy; we're all here because we enjoy meeting new people and having friendly discussions. Sometimes we even talk about Angry Birds! :-)
  • Happy Birdday @JunkenMetel!!!! May your biggest Birthday wishes be made true today.
  • Thanks @ripsy! I'm not sure I can think of a wish any bigger than to have so many lovely people thinking of me today.
  • @junkenmetel. Happy birdday! Hope your real life day surpasses the virtual one.
    @lisko Congrats on getting through your first party! It's great that your friends are so supportive. Something you might want to investigate: I've heard that non-alcoholic beer and wine actually contain a small amount of alcohol, so are not recommended for those trying to quit.
  • Thanks @JunkenMetel, I have been dropping in a lot and enjoying meeting all the different people from all around the world :-)
  • Anyone lurking?
  • Obviously not. All out enjoying the sunshine. I've just come back in and really enjoying TorT 3-8. Lots of ice, blue birds and TNT. Happy day....
  • Mmmmm beautiful cakes @sunshine -
    @Lisko - well done you - fantastic to know you have supportive friends in the real world too!
    @rat - to put all the names on I use a huuuuuggggeee magnifying glass!
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