The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1744
  • @WiiWillie -- Of course Ken was a better golfer than that; I probably get higher scores that he got on a good day every week. I would love to have a handicap index in the high 20's. I don't play for money either, can't afford it.
    Being a terrible (well, maybe only poor) golfer doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.
  • Woo Hoo @AmsLimfordy that's quite an Honor:) congratulations!!
    Thanks for the champagne and beverages for the teens:)
  • Oops that was @Amslimfordy :)
  • Now OB i need a glass of bubbly..and put in you plugs CC 4-39 is driving me crazy (not a far ride)
    WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee !!!!
  • @Kathy, are you using the walk thru guide?
  • @wiiwillie i am trying for higher score using wicket strat.I'm about to give up:(
  • I got above average barely..:(
  • YESSSSSS!!! I Finally took my Biggest nemesis level down!! Wiped that evil sucker out after days and Countless hours!!! I Looooove WWwhhhiiiinnnneee Tuesday!! Best thing ever!!! :D CC-18 is Done!! Never. Ever. Going. Back. There!!
    @Kathy I hope the WWwhhhiiiinnnneee and luck kick in on 39, it was a bear! Ill head back to 40 and you let me know when your ready to move to the next headache ie: boba fett!!!
  • Congrats @AMslimfordy!! That is an awesome achievement!! No wonder your so excited!! :)
  • Woo Hooo Congratulations @Kimmiecv:) *high fives, pours bubbly* 'clink'
    Yes 39 is a Grisly Bear!!!!! I'll let you know hopefully soon..good luck in 40!!:)
  • *high fives and clink* yeahhh @Kathy!! I'm so happy I finally got that evil level!! Now for everything to click for you!! Which I know it will!!! :)

    Thanks for the bubbly @AMslimfordy!! :)
  • Gonna take a dinner break..I'll be back...good luck all!!:)
  • Thanks for the confidence boost @Kimmiecv see you in a bit:)
  • Enjoy dinner Kathy! :)
  • @WiiWillie and @Kimmiecv I gave you both new locations on the map. You can see them if Google Fusion Docs ever cooperates. Right now there is no map.
    I forgot to make the pin for both of you a large purple one, but it might be fixed by the time the map gets fixed.
    WiiWillie -- I told you some about the cost of playing at Pebble Beach in the group; however, if I ever actually played there, it would cost a lot more. I would feel compelled to get a new, designer-label golf outfit and make by husband get one also. (What I normally wear to play golf has no designer labels.) Plus, you would need bad-weather gear most of the year. I think I do have acceptable bad weather gear, but you get the point.
  • LOL @mvnla2!! :D We did actually have that one spat of good weather and even PB got lucky!!! :D Thanks for the extra space, you may have just saved my sis from extinction!! LOL ;D
  • @mvnla2 Who's worried about your designer labels at Pebble Beach? Others or You?
  • LOL @rat in PB it would be Both!!! :D Bunch of snobby SOBs in this area! I like to wear my ratty old patched up jeans (my favs!) just so the snobs stay away from me!! ROFLMAO :D
  • @kimmie It's a very nice upscale golf course. I'd dress nicely to play there. But I'm comfortable in who I am and haven't needed status symbols such as designer labels in a long, long time. Personally, I think people that do are trying to hard and are not comfortable in their own skin. Just sayin.
  • Hmm @Kimmiecv is wiiwillie in your area?
    I'm beginning to think I'm aiming wrong on 39..the 5th link up in the chain? Is that starting from the flat one on the bottom ? I keep making the shot perfectly but the top didn't fall or the right side won't fall..the couple times I've got it all I've only got less then my present score..please help before i throw my stupid phone out in the street..
  • @Kathy Go to your happy place.
  • @Kathy 5th link from the TOP!! NOT the bottom!!!
  • @Rat -- If you're playing at Pebble Beach, where I never have, it costs ~$500 / round (without recommended caddie which is probably another ~$100), so the people who play there are all super wealthy, and I imaging you would be treated like a 3rd world refugee if you showed up in what I normally wear to play on public courses in LA.
  • @rat indeed it is, I've eaten lunch there loads of times and I'm not a label chick, never have been, to much granola bitch in me to care! (others words to describe me not mine, although I have no beef with it!) heehee get it No Beef! Wahahahahahaahahahaahaaa
  • Arghhh *Dope Slap* read Kathy Read!,! Sevres me first i was using drsmal method before reading down to see he actually got score using wicket strat..o.key dokey ty maybe I'll get it done!!
  • Roflmao @Kimmiecv never heard that saying'granola hitch' ...and good you have'no beef' hahaha Roflmao....
  • Argh!! I told you wickets strat @Kathy!!! Now go get em!! I'm hitting the droids right now, we have to get those done too and I know you've done a few so I'm hitting them while I wait :)
  • @mvnla2 Your going to hate me, but I had an opportunity years ago to play at no cost to myself. It was inconvenient and I wasn't big into golf at the time, so I passed on it.
  • LOL @Kathy people have been calling me that since I was a teen!! :D Heehee you got the play on words too! *snicker*
  • @kimmie You didn't answer my question yesterday, are you a vegetarian?
  • Heee hee @Kimmiecv okay I'm out!!! See ya in a bit..good luck with the Droids;)
  • She did it again!!! OK, I'm coming to dinner to find out for myself. LOL
  • LOL sorry @rat!!! I was trying to kill stuff!!! Yep I'm a veggy but not a vegan :)
  • Your welcome to dinner anytime @rat! The rest of the fam eats animals!! Blecky
  • @Rat! Don't hate you, just envy you! Wow, a free-to-you round at Pebble Beach! Didn't know you played golf, but I can understand why you refused. Given the fact that I'm not a good golfer, I don't know that I'd enjoy spending that kind of money to play an awful round (even if I could afford it). As for the designer attire, I am comfortable in my own skin, but don't like being treated like a second-class citizen because of what I wear, or for any other reason, for that matter.
  • @rat, could you have just played the 7th and left? @mvnla2 put me there!
    Yeah, it would be a waste for me to play, they would probably throw me off the cliff if they saw me play!
  • @WiiWillie -- Think we should continue the conversation about golf here, not in groups.
    Interesting calculation, will have to see if I can come up with an appropriate one for me.
    Sounds like you are a pretty avid golfer, even if you haven't played for a while. Hope you get back to it, I think you'll enjoy it.
  • @mvnla2, hey I can "talk" golf, if it is okay here, don't mean to monopolize the conversation. I took a certified golf fitting course in Austin TX, where I met Harvey Penick. My favorite putter has his name on it.
  • @mvnla2 I haven't played golf since my first cervical spine surgery in 1991. It's not like I was any good at it anyway. And so what if snobs feel the need to talk. Not my problem. But I'm a guy and it doesn't matter as much. I've driven around the course many times. Gorgeous!
  • @mvnla2, of course you can bring your hubby, does he play golf?
  • @mvnla2 @WiiWillie I currently live across the river from the Augusta National Golf Course. Another beautiful course. I've never been able to get tickets to watch other than practice.
  • @rat, I've seen it on TV, I can imagine it is beautiful in person!
    Okay, I'm outta here, my wife just said she was going to have to join a chat room to talk to me.!
  • @WiiWillie It is. They time the fertilizer and other things to get the azeleas to bloom right on schedule for the Masters. It's....awesome. Can't think of words to describe it.
  • G'nite @wiiwillie :)
    I'm outta here to wow @Kimmiecv 40 is a doozy its only 8 past Tuesday so what the Heck is that yellow thing with a sword jumping around I'm going to have nightmares of trilogy of terror!! BF just left for Work..i gotta turn in flashlight..I'll try to finish up tomorrow..Wednesday late day for me with doctors stuff but I'll try
    Good night all
    *places flashlight on Kimmiecv booth..reluctantly:( poofs home to pillow...
  • @Kathy I think your talking about Vader :D I have to admit it is a bit creepy watching him twitter round from post to post!! Especially once his saber starts smacking the yellow sparks! LOL As to tomorrow no worries, I'll be working so won't be around until pretty late your time and I'd rather you took all the time you need to finish up CC so neither of us ever has to go back there!! It's not like there aren't a lot of droid levels to go through so a few extra days are no biggy! :)
    *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Annnd off to do dishes and other kitchen duties!! :/
  • @Rat Here is the link to the cartoon for you golf enthusiasts.
    They may ask you to log on or sign up if you forward it, but is worth a try, and free.
  • @WiiWillie -- Thanks for the link, I was going to look for it today. We don't get BC in the LA Times. I suggested here rather than the group because no one, including me, visits the group regularly.
    @Rat -- Sorry about your back, I'm sure no golf is the least of your problems. It's interesting that the golf swing doesn't bother my back, but putting really does -- doesn't hurt, just thoroughly tires it out.
    Did you know I put Angryboy on the green of maybe the 13th hole at Augusta (a par 3, so now both Angryboy and WiiWillie have holes-in-one on famous courses. I don't care about the talk of snobs, but I do hate being treated by staff like a second class citizen, and believe me, they would, no matter how much you're paying.
  • @WiiWillie -- I forgot to thank you for inviting my hubby along to play Pebble Beach when you win the lottery! Yes, he does play golf, better than I, but not to worry, he probably doesn't play better than you.
  • @mvnla2 You're right about no golf being the least of my problems. The neck, cervical spine, is connected to everything. There is a reason the word "bottleneck" has the word neck in it. Bottleneck (limiting the performance of an entire system by a single component). But my thumbs, and occasionally my brain, still works. As I've said before, AB is a good distraction device when it comes to pain. But don't you pity this old fool!! I'll whup all you flingers with eight fingers and a thumb tied behind my back. lol
  • @Rat -- Haven't you already whupped all of us? No pity, but wish you could get rid of the pain once and for all.
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