The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1842
  • Wow! I've actually managed to hold on to one of my highscores in Cosmic Crystals! It should be gone soon, though.

    Page change wooowooo!
  • @ABSM I've left some "crumbs" on 7-11
    95k clearly possible. Get another top score!
  • Is anyone having a problem with Cosmic Crystal 7-21, it looks like some kind of bug, here's my description on level gitches and bugs thread :
  • My strat for 7-11 works, just got my first top score in Space. Until Rat, ABSM, Bubbleslover et al get stuck in ;-(
    OB drinks on me today
  • @JunkenMetel Glad to see you again! Good to know business is booming! As for me at work the business isn't so booming, but other than that I am enjoying every minute of the day :D

    Got to do a popper, have a couple of things I want to work on today! You all have a fantastic weekend and "kick some bacon-behinds" today!
  • Hi @E-Star! So nice to here from you, my dear.

    Sorry it's slow at work for you, but I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying yourself.

    I'm in a similar situation -- have been spending all my time working on new business development, writing proposals, etc. Nothing has landed yet, but we have a few things in the pipeline that we are hopeful will sign soon. And then we'll be slightly overwhelmed!

    But fortunately I work closely with a really wonderful colleague and dear friend. We work really well together, we have a lot of fun doing it, and we easily mix our friendship talk in with our work talk. She lives on the west coast in Napa Valley, and I'm here on the east coast in the Boston area, so we have a 3 hour time difference.

    Which means that she'll send me a file at the end of her day, that arrives late at night my time, and then I get up early, before she's even awake, to work on the file and turn it around for her at the start of her day. And then we go back and forth on the multiple projects we're working on together during the day, until our last call at the end of her day, which ends about 8:30 in the evening, my time. I never have the sense that she's an entire continent away; I always feel like she's just in another office.

    None of which I'm getting paid for, because it's all new business development, and I'm a self-employed contractor/partner. It's amazing how much work you have to put in to just get as many potential clients as possible to consider you, in the hope that just a few will give you work. But I'm having more fun than I've ever had in my career, and learning so much, so I think it's all worth it.

    However, I haven't had any income in several months, so I really do hope a project starts up soon! Fortunately, the hubby has been very supportive, and his job is stable, so we're managing OK.

    Hope you whip your to-do list into shape today -- just watch out for ladders and buckets! And make sure your nail polish matches your cleaning supplies. :-)

    Talk to you soon.
  • Happy Birthday @TAS! Hope you have a fun day!
  • Hi @BubblesLover, how are you?

    Mostly these days I've been just playing ABF with @grannyK and @Lisko, who really make me work hard at my skills every week! But it's fun to have other players to challenge you.

    I'm excited to have a new world to conquer in Space, and I guess I'll have to check out Endor on my iPad mini. Wish that was also on the PC, where my ancient eyes can see what I'm doing on a larger screen, but I'll make do.

    Sounds like you've been busy flinging lately -- what are you enjoying most these days?
  • Happy Birdday! @tas
  • @burpie -- Good Luck on Egg-10! I said good riddance to that level as soon as I got 3*.
    @laurafj and @theanonymoussomeone -- Happy BirdDay to both of you! Late for Laurafj, sorry.
  • @angermanagement -- Are you still having problems with 7-4? The only tip I can give is that you want to hit the clear part of the planet, preferably close to the bottom, so the blow is not too glancing; however, exactly where doesn't seem to matter too much. You might want to take screenshots after each bird, showing where you hit, and send them to Slim along with platform and operating system. If this continues, he will probably tell you to send them to Rovio. Haven't looked at walkthrough recently, but did you ask if anyone else was having the same problem?
  • Happy Birthday to @tas and to @laurafj :)
  • FIVE days, FIVE levels to go! (I have done 224 levels above average in 16 days!)

    Unfortunately, these five are ones I am really struggling to get above average, so I don't know if I will get them before the 19th or not. Then again, maybe I will get lucky, and fit in Moon of Endor too! Wouldn't that be cool!
  • Woo Hoo @bonneypattycat!!!! Cheers:) that's impressive, you can do it!!
    OB all BPC drinks on me for the next 5 days:)
  • I couldn't for the life of me get that pig to die, @mvnla2, but I got the 3 stars an alternative way, I will do some testing on it after I complete CoCr and MoE :D
  • @AngerManagement -- Congrats on the 3*. Did you post your alternate strat? BTW -- Which pig wouldn't die?
    @BPC -- If you list the 5 levels you have left to go, maybe some of the BP regulars can provide a few extra tips. Last I checked, I was above average on all the older ones, but it was a while ago, so not sure I will remember. But worth a try.
    BTW, I thought Cosmic Crystals was fairly easy, once you realized that you need to explode the planets and preferably get a chain reaction of explosions. Good Luck!
  • Thanks @mvnla2! These are the levels I have left to get above average:

    Hoth 3-40 (boss fight) I am working this one now. Getting very close, just need to hammer this one out. Originally skipped over it as my brain was hurting!

    Cloud City 4-13
    Cloud City 4-25
    Haven't spent a great deal of time on the CC ones, but enough I felt I had to move on for while.

    Stars S-6 ARRRRGGGG!!!! Most levels I get within 5 to 60 minutes. I have spent hours on this one :(

    This list could grow if one more person posts a good score, I have a number of squeakers. So all of you just stop it! .... Please :)

    What is Cosmic Crystals, is that one of the new levels? If so, I'll get there after I complete the above levels, hopefully before my goal date of the 19th.
  • OB Break out the secret ingredients * places bowl of fruit punch on the center table*
    Team BP let's rally Up and help our pal @bonneypattycat :)
  • Had look a CC 4-13 mostly luck and time patience AngryBirdsSpaceMaster tip about the chain very helpful. AngryAdvisor( lesleyg) details are the way to go. I remember waiting a very long time for the shooters to drop into the right position.
    I'm going in to try it:)
  • Yep that's the way @BPC just waiting, rinse and repeat..:(
  • @mvnla2, I don't think it would be as good as the 2-Birder, so I didn't bother posting it;) The pig that wont die, is the one near the top of the middle of the screen, and he is at the end of the purple hard crystal stuff that explodes once the planet explodes!
  • @BPC I've edited my tip on 4-13. I think it might help :)
  • @AngerManagement I'm starting to think its a problem with your Android. I got it after two attempts on the ipad
  • @BPC -- Excellent list of difficult levels! Glad I'm done with them. Can't really be of much help. Sorry.
    Always have trouble with the boss fights in SW.
    CC-13 caused me grief, so can't help.
    CC-25 I think you'll get following the alternate strats with a little persistence and a good dose of luck.
    S-6 basically followed video with some input from Austin RHL
    Unless I missed one, that's only 4? So if you knocked one out in the meantime, congrats.
    Cosmic Crystals is new episode in Space; guess I'm mixing my games.
    Unfortunately, I found the Moon of Endor more difficult. In fact I am still missing 1*.
  • @AM just "ugh" Not like you to give up! Go to the leader boards, look for someone on Android that has got it. Send them a message. Any tips? Go on, you can do this.........
  • Sorry can't help on SW. Never played, well played a few levels and gave up. Not my thing at all
  • @rdnzlrips82 -- Can you tell @AngerManagement how to figure out what operating system he has on his Android? I think he may have a real bug.
    I've discovered the magic shot on 4-13. It requires you to play Moon of Endor 5-1 to upgrade Han Solo.
    Fire Han as close the the bottom of the first air vent as possible without hitting it. The second he leaves the slingshot, tap the tower so that he fires the lasers level and they destroy the tower. (This is impossible with the red lasers.) He should hit the middle air vent, fly up, and hit the floating platform. Hope this helps!!!!
  • @angermanagement go to settings on your phone go down to the bottom 'about phone'
    It should give you're operating system mine is 4.0.4
    @mvnla2 what makes you think is a bug?
  • I also got another update for absw about a'bug fix'
    @angermanagement have you got that? Go to google play store click on'my apps'and see if there's an update'?
  • @laurafj
    Happy birdday 2 both, sorry late, medical emergency (solved).
  • @Kathy -- I think it's a bug because AM can't get the video strat to work, and it's almost impossible not to get it to work.
  • Hmm @mvnla2 is space 7-4 ¿ I haven't opened the update yet , maybe he's just trying to hard
    Or could try uninstall then re-install that may help.
  • I'm spaced out! Time to see what movie is playing behind my eyelids tonight. Night @all!
  • @Kathy, thank you for being my head cheerleader! I have been following tips posted in the comments (what would I do without them!), but no luck yet. I just need to keep flinging like a mad woman!

    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster, thank you for taking the time to look into 4-13 for me. I must say it is tempting to do Moon of Endor now, but it wasn't in my original game plan/personal challenge, so I will try to do 4-13 first... we will see... so, so tempting...

    @HunnyBunny, I didn't think I would like SW either, that is why I put off playing it much until now. I want to get in on SW2 in the beginning, but it bothered my OCD to not have played SW yet. I am liking it much more than I expected. I will give Space a pass though, I get enough of gravitation fields in SW!

    @mvnla2 I have tried every imaginable strategy for S-6, and I haven't come even close to average! That is the one I most fear will spoil my game plan :(

  • Your welcome @BPC :) S-6 took a long time,i knew what worked best for me was aim the Droid toward the bottom boulder first then quickly aim the next one to the top before debris gets in the way. Good luck you can do it!! :)
  • 4.1.2 @mvnla2, not sure if it is a real bug, I actually just updated my phone's OS, so I'll try out the level and see what happens! Thanks @kathy, and I'll update ABSW too;)
  • :o Worked first time XD
  • Seems as though it was a bug with my previous android version??? 4.1.1 is what I think it was!
  • Awesome @angermanagement !!! Glad it helped:)
  • @bpc; For 4-13, persevere and it will happen, for 4-25 use traneric's general strategy, and use my aiming and timing pointers and for S-6: Use AustinRHL's method! Enjoy, great flinger!
  • @mvnla2, you are right, I missed one!

    Path of the Jedi 27

    Well, at least I just got that boss fight out of the way!
  • Thanks @AngerManagement! Off to Cloud City I go!
  • @Kathy, yes I will give the 2-bird rapid fire approach another try for S-6, it is the strategy I have spent the least amount of time on (those cannons always prematurely get knocked out action).
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