The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1892
  • @all good afternoon my flinging friends!

    @kimmiecv So sorry to hear your mom is in so much pain! Soft tissue damage takes a longer time to heal and get back to normal than broken bones. Maybe a couple of warm compresses for a few minutes at a time would ease the pain. Then switch to cold pack for the swelling. That's always worked, well for me at least. She needs more chocolate!!!

    @kathy and @AMSlimfordy, woot-woot Red Sox!! Next stop, World Series!

    @kimmiecv, @kathy, OB's relative is relentless. I left him behind to gloat, but threatened that the Fabulous Five will be back in full force!

    Well, I'm off to do a bit of flinging. Have a good day @all!

    Ooh! Page change!
  • I have an idea for a seasonal drink here at the Bloated Pig. It's called a "Not So Angry Orchard" -- Angry Orchard hard cider with caramel vodka and a cinnamon sugar rim. It's delicious. We can call it a "Not So #AngryBird Orchard"?
  • Hey there * slides an OcktoberFest to @amslimfordy ;) sounds good:) where'd ya come up with that. ? How About Our RED SOX !!!!! Wooo Hooo
  • Haha seen Slim here before, you always pop in when working on something. Any clues?
  • Hi like the hash tag idea slim;)
  • # works well
  • @hunnybunny did h you click on slim link not mine. ?
  • Clicked on Slim's
  • @kathy, @kimmiecv, I was just looking at your SW scores, you ladies have been kicking butt!!! When do you plan on playing and entering MoE scores?
  • @BPC I was talking to Kathy sometime ago about how she hated ABSW and then looked at her scores, and Kimmie's. Amazing. They're kicking butt in Seasons now
    @Kathy no news from 'Pa' as you call him. Just waiting for that pm lol
    Goodnight both
  • No No we really didn't 'hate' absw @hunnybunny just got frustrated a bit lol;)
    @BPC not returning anytime soon we are endeavoring to conquer seasons;) currently iN Ham O' Ween :)
  • @hunnybunny tsk tsk no asteriks inferring swear words please;) same as abbreviated letters. ? Sorry
  • I'm enjoying myself this weekend. We don't have a whole lot to announce at this point.
  • Cool beans @AmSlimfordy ;) nice relaxing weekend;)
  • Hi @AMslimfordy, I just read this on the main page of Badges & Ranking:

    "Certified Nester and/or Alumni List has been pulled by admin. We will be working on this list in the next few days… along with a very special badge to award early next week!"

    Has there been a change of mind regarding Certified Nester and Alumni?
  • Ooooh noooooo!!!! I LOVE my skeleton head!!! Please don't take it away @AMslimfordy!

    @tompuss very cool video! Relaxing indeed!! :)

    Hello @Kathy! Wanted to pop in while I had a couple minutes and before you head to bed! Can't believe it's already Sunday!! :/ Where the heck do the weekends go so fast! I've ditched 1-5 for the time being, going to pop in there everyday like the rest of you for a few flings. Have a feeling that one is just a too lucky shot!
  • @KimmieCV Whatt!! Why Do you think slim is taking your Skelton head? What skeleton head? Hi;)
  • How's mom doing?
    I'm up for a while only 9; 30;);)
  • I just noticed there's no 'my rank button up top where you see your badges?
  • I saw burpies post about doing away with alumni and certified nester badges, sounds like they'll disappear from our profiles :( I love my skeleton head!!
    @Kathy I know it's only 9:30 your time but I can't stay long so wanted to at least pop in and say Hi :)
  • I just looked there @kimmiecv and saw no such post? @burpie whatcha talkin' bout Willis. ?
  • Looks like they're "cleaning house" I guess, just hope the old badges stay up on our profiles even though they'll be closed, kinda like the other closed badges.
  • Yep I hope so @kimmiecv :/
  • Uhhh yes it does @Kathy under notification
  • I looked under badge and and rank where's notification. ?.
  • The group page or main..?
  • K I found it @KimmieCV :(
  • Oh thanks everyone for asking my Moms eye brow has actually started swelling again?!! Not sure why and thankfully it hasn't made her eye shut but she's still awful sore in tons of places. Like @sweetp (I think) mentioned, it takes a while for soft tissue to heal so she's taking it one day at a time.
  • I was confused cuz Burpie said main which is differnt then group. ?
  • I really hope the badges don't get erased from profiles but I guess we won't know until the newest update.
  • No out crap its swelling again:( does s he need ice on it.. im sure is very painful:(
  • No he said main B&R page which is the page you go to @Kathy, at least for the current events. :)
  • My keyboard driving me nuts it guess what I'm typing and mostly it guess wrong by!!
  • Yeah she puts ice on it throughout the day, it helps for a bit with the soreness and I think it's really helped break up the awful bruising too. Man she pulled a whopper of a fall this time!!
  • No main is on site page. ? Sunshine group is well group:/
  • Anyhoo I found it I hope we keep our badges pics I like them too:(
  • Pooh my alarm just went off. That's it for me then! Got to get dinner on! @Kathy ill miss you before you head off to your pillow most likely. Have a good sleep when you go but until then kick bacon butt!!! :)
  • Hopefully it will heal well with no scar, that's scary at least she didn't break anything.
  • K K then see you tomorrow((((((((((hugs)))))
  • I'm trying to kick Bacon b utt lol!! HoW is tough!! Enjoy you dinner;)
  • Dunno @Kathy, I just know I found it immediately when he said main page of B&R.
    Sorry I gotta go :( See ya laters!! :)
  • ((((((Hugs)))))) back @Kathy :) I think Mom will do ok on a scar for the most part, she's taking good care of the scrape. :)
    Chow baby!!! LOL
  • Vitamin E help prevent scar, you break open the capsule and rub it in;)
  • @burpie @kimmiecv No no, you misunderstand the message. We won't be removing the badge. We removed the list of "nominations" for evaluation. That's all. Your skulls are safe.
  • Thanks slim for clearing that up whew...;)
  • Realized I have like, a whole year's worth of annual leave to clear (Foreman Pig tends to be serious and hardworking... at eating cake) and so I am cramming small vacations into every corner of the work weeks ahead.

    Scheduled a day's off tomorrow. Squeeee.
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