The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1903
  • @surfcow -- Happy BirdDay, and many many more! Always enjoy your strats.
  • @Kathy -- Red Soxs might win. Looks good, at least to my hubby. Watched some while eating dinner, but not a baseball fan.
  • Yep @ mvnla2 they are ahead;) im not really a big baseball fan either but it's the home team makes it a little more /actually Less boring lol;)
    I'm what they call a 'Fairweather fan' ask hubby he'll explain ;)
  • @rat cool picture!! And Yeahhhh your album and all stuff is fixed!! Our Sweet Dutchie Friend took good care of you! And you siced Snicker and Snort on her!! So glad it's not just me!! Bwahahahahaa :D
  • Yep typo @KimmieCV lol it was still in my post box for some strange reason :/
    ..thanks ..not trying to compete with Mom;) I think she got me beat rather elbow than eye; ( how's she doing
  • She's doing better @Kathy, every day less bruising but still the eyebrow is swollen :( Doc says she's ok though and eye doc agrees! :) it's her Birthday too! Fun having a Halloween Birthday IMO!! :D
  • Oohh yeah!!! Forgot is her birthday ;)
    Forgive me I copied off you
    HaPpY BiRtHDaY Kimmie Mom;)
  • Hmm no color I guess you can't copy that haha;)
    I hope she she enjoys her special Halloween bday;)
  • @tompuss @bpc seems the waitress is extremely excited to have her 15 small minutes of fame rather than seriously worrying about the loads of young girls she's seen that monster with over the years, guess no one besides us has put that together! Whatcha wanna bet if you all hadn't prompted her she'd have let this be just another!
  • @Kathy this year we are celebrating on Saturday and since Mom and dads anniversary falls on the 19th we are doing a big celebration of both with a Yummy BBQ!!! :D
  • Heeheee just saw your comment in draw @Kathy and I was thinking the Very Same Thing!!!! What a twit!!! LOL
  • Ohh cool @KimmieCV i know you don't like your weather all the time but that is awesome ..a barbeque in November; ) unheard of here lol its in the 40-50ºrange with coolld steady wind off the ocean
    Yeahhh red sox just won the v world series!!! Wooo Hooo
    @Amslimfordy !!!! Wahoooo drinks on the house! !!
  • I know right. Lol @KimmieCV just peeked at notification:)
    Twit indeed! !
  • Whoo Hooo congrats to you Bostonians!!! :)

    @Kathy yep it's to be round 75 degrees that day!! ;) A wee bit warmer than I like but good for a BBQ!! LOL
  • Argjhh no they didn't win yet crap hope i didn't jinx em'
    They were showing 1918 win lol I was just listening not watch. .ooopsy
  • *holding breath*
  • Hau'oli la hanau, @surfcow! Hope you had a super terrific day!
  • Uh oh :/ I hope they pull it off!!!
  • Sorry St. Louis F a ns :/
  • YEAHHHHH!!!! Oooh bet Slim is hoppin happy!!!! :D Please don't tell me they haven't won since 1918 @Kathy?! LOL
  • Hey @sweetp ;)
    Igotta get some flinging in bedtime coming soon...
  • Lol @KimmieCV no they've won it but 1918 was the last time at home in Fenway:)
  • I think they won in 2007 not really sure:/
  • Perfect timing @Kathy I gotta go for a while, dinner time here! I was hoping I could pop in before your pillow walk so hope accomplished!! :D Good luck Pahtna and Die Piggies Die!!!!
  • Ok cool! That would have been a loooong time to not have won!! LOL ;)

    BFNIMCBLIDKBPSIWB (But pretty sure I will be!) ROFLMAO
  • K ;) Enjoy your Dinner happy we got some time;)
    ((((((( hugz)))))
  • Lol
    Same here but probably won't. ?Just to leave flashy;)
  • ((((((((Hugs))))))))) back! Now off you go! Times a tickin!! ;)
  • ...., 1918, 2004, 2007, 2013

    The 04/07 wins were clinched away, so this is the first clinch at Fenway since 1918.
  • *clink* @AmSlimfordy ;) Thanks for the stats:) I forgot about '04 ;/
    Wahhooo let's hope the the natives don't get reckless:;)
  • Happy Birthday to your Mom, @kimmiecv! And Congratulations to your parents' Anniversary.
  • Woot-woot, WTG Boston!

    Hi @Kathy. Good luck flinging! And nighty-night, my friend.
  • @annifrid - The separator device would make it possible to build transforming vehicles, like in Red's Mighty Feathers

    @mvnla2 - Weather forecast for Piggy Island tomorrow, lightning storms projected in midday :)
  • @kimmiecv, The waitress seemed truly concerned to me at the time, but I remember being puzzled why she didn't phone the police herself. She never told us she made a call, and once we did make the call we let her know. I got the feeling she didn't want to be the one to make the call to police, but was hoping somebody else would call and that is why she pointed out the situation to us. She was terribly busy, she had our table of ten, plus the rest of the lunch crowd. I do not recall seeing another server on duty. I rather liked her, and she gave us excellent service despite the circumstances.
  • Oh, and the waitress said the other girls with the creep were young, but probably not minors. She said this girl appeared MUCH younger than the others, and obviously a minor.
  • OMG @kathy! Didn't see your post about hitting your elbow on the door. I've never hit my funny bone that hard before, but I know it must've hurt like hell! Maybe you should claim workmen's comp and get it checked, just in case there's not a hairline fracture. Hope it feels better soon, and be careful not to bump it!
    OB, please give my friend a double martini, whatever her preference please.
  • @bpc I believe a few of us got the impression she was swinging on your friends coat tails by a couple of your posts so if you say she was genuine then none of us has reason to believe otherwise as you were there, I'm happy to know she was indeed proactive and not reactive. Thanks for clearing that up.
  • *Shines Kathys flashlight and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • Well @mvnla2 since it's so much cooler now, it's the perfect time to play! I'm like you, the more water hazards, the more balls I lose. That's why when I'm about to tee off anywhere near water I use a ball I don't mind losing. Right now I'm trying Bridgestone Lady Precept, which is nice, but I'd like to get a softer ball for longer distance. Maybe the IQ will be next on my list.
    Ooh, ooh! I almost forgot to tell you about this website I found where I got discount green fees: There's a fee of $3.98 per booking, but to us it was worth it with the discount we got.

    Never saw golf boots @mumsie! Didn't know there were such things, but that is a cool idea, for bad weather golfing. We don't play when it's raining (not even a light mist), as it would be very hard to concentrate! ;)
  • Aww, thank you from the bottom of my heart @kimmiecv and Mom! Have a wonderful time on your BiRThDaY and AnNivERsArY BBQ! Mmmm...Hogs Breath...what memories! Been there once a few years ago, on the way to Monterey. Thank you, thank you you're the bestest Kimmie!
  • LOL @sweetp your welcome! Foods really good there and I've always liked the atmosphere of the place, kinda cave like in my mind. ;)
    Hope your feeling much better!
  • Is that really you (@mvnla2) asking if that's really me (Rat) in the "Beach Feet" picture?
    Hi @SweetP. I hope you don't lose "two" many balls. I lost "two" balls in Cosmic Crystals and couldn't play certain levels. I was neutered for a week. Software glitch.
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