The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2079
  • Ok, I'm going to do it.
  • We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one guys.
  • About the only thing I can figure is that when you try to use different power levels, your finger moves a little under the tension or lack of it and fires at a slightly different angle. I could buy that.
  • Do some tests.
  • Huh? @Kelani, why is the href/title tag not working?
  • I'm uploading one as we speak. Dunno how good it will work.
  • Whatever, I'll go the lame route: Reduced Power Shots in Rio --
  • lol. jinx. @fenikus is probably better than mine.
  • See why I need to crop? God that was awful. @fenikus Just putting it out there, did we ever stop to consider he might be screwing with us? :)
  • Oh yeah, @Kelani, QuickTime also lets you select the area of the screen you want to record. So what's the deal-eo with dem html tags not working here?
  • @Kelani, I KNOW he's screwing with us and I never bought it but I did want to upload the video for other patrons to see.
  • @fenikus my html tag worked. Was yours in mov format? :P
  • @Kelani, no -- it was just as you see it above. But yours didn't quite work either -- I wanted a title to be the link.
  • But I've seen you do it, like that racy SNL skit you got your wrist slapped for.
  • Okay, I think you guys are trying to make me lose focus and keep yapping in here instead of flinging. Not gonna work, I'll take the page out of bern-dawg's book. Back to work.
  • Lovely.
  • Blossom River Unofficial Soundtrack
    "Let the River Run" Carly Simon
    "Pass the Paddle" Brant & Patricia Miller
    "Black Water" The Doobie Brothers
    "River of Fools" Los Lobos
    "Another Wide River to Cross" Johnny Cash
    "Satan's River" Dolly Parton
    "Cry Me a River" Joe Cocker
    "Dam That River" Alice in Chains.
    "Ol' Man River" Jerome Kern & Oscar Hammerstein II
    "Green River" Creedence Clearwater Revival
    "River People" Weather Report
    "There's So Much You Can Do in a Canoe" Brant Miller
  • Nice music list @kelani; )
    Just a quick pop in.. had my uncles burial services today. .drove my sister and my niece And they both drove me crazy! ! Now shower time ..I did manage a couple points in #19..
    Down by the River. .-Neil Young
  • Love that Dirty Water .. not sure of band? Lol I Should know that one.
    And oh I got to see my cousins from CT that i grew up with it was nice overall
  • wb @Kathy Sounds like a busy day for you :/ You grew up in CT? Maybe you were @fenikus's neighbor :P

    Dirty Water? hmmm. The only one I know was an old 60's song by The Standells. I did a search on my massive mp3 collection for song titles w/River. Wow, there are hundreds.

    I wonder if @Rat's still trying to disprove you can change the power on shots in Rio and ABO.
  • Well @kelani I was born in CT but moved to Ma when i was 3, but we used to go visit at least once or twice a year and they would visit us often. What you taking about reduced power shots? I don't feel like reading back. .I saw some of the comments but which level?
  • OH C'MON!!! BANG BANG BANG SMASH SMASH…STUPID LEVEL 19 THUMP THUMP…SHATTER…Krrrrrr..fizzle. Whoops, there goes *that* iPad. Another 1 birder for only 124K.
  • Oh hi Kathy, didn't see you there…don't worry I'll take care of this mess. OB watch where you walk there's shattered iPad glass all over the floor.
  • It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong. And I'm nothing if not BIG. I wasn't foolin'. I never saw a reduced power capability in Blossom. It doesn't occur until the very last bit of sling pull. And y'all were right, it was happening under cover of my thumb. I can honestly say none of my strategies incorporate a reduced power shot. Thanks for the video @fenikus. I'm not sure I'd have ever seen it without the video. Not so happy about yours @Kelani. Keep to building decks. You've got to be better at that. lol

    It almost appears that Rovio put reduced power in as an afterthought. It's not very easy to use.
  • @Kathy what he just said :P

    @Rat Yes mine sucked, 30 seconds work will do that. I still liked how I sat there stretching the sling so you could get a good look at it. Just so ya know, that behavior is in original and Seasons, too.
  • Serously @Kelani, do you remember how many points you had on BR-19 at a point where the tower boulder started rolling? Close to 40K? I'm coming up on my 10th one-birder and the range was disappointing 123K-126K, I'm not sure if I can take this!
  • @Rat, you're welcome. The way you and I fling, I don't think we can reliably use this technique. This is where play with stylus or those slim lady fingers comes in handy.
  • In Space, the reduced power is proportionate to the amount of sling pullback. Full pull, full power. Half pull, half power and so on. In Blossom it's full power until the last tiniest bit of sling and then it's your guess is as good as mine as to what power you'll get. How that's useful, I don't know. But it is there. Reduced power exists. And yes, there is a Santa Clause little girl.
  • Ya, I just tried space. I still don't see the sling tension action behind my finger but dem dotted lines tell the story.
  • Maybe the sling is longer, or the red dots give you a frame of reference, but to be honest, I never noticed any smoother transition in Space. I really wish the sling pulled back more, so you could see it under whatever digit you use, or that If you pulled back halfway across the screen to get your finger out of the way, then any motion back would decrease the power, rather than doing it at the last bit.
  • And you were right @fenikus. I hurt my neck trying to see it. We must be pretty good flingers to be at the top of the leaderboard at the river without using one of the weapons at our disposal.
  • @fenikus I had 37.5k Pretty much the upper limit. It's all in how much crap breaks when it falls off. If you can get the shot down, all you need is patience. btw I posted my guess of the odds. .00625% whatever that comes out to.
  • #19 was the only level I used it. On the whole BR is nonstop easy 1-birders.
  • Btw, @fenikus, I didn't use reduced power on 19 this morning and had five one birders in thirty minutes. One 123k, one 124k, two 125k's and a 127k. It's a small sweet spot though. Most of my scores were 36-37k before ball rollage.
  • @Kelani, I've had 40K+ on some shots, unfortunately not the ones where tower was hit. One near hit was with 38.5K but on that one boulder didn't break the wooden leg. Another variable is how the barrels/boulders are pushed to the left which obviously we don't control but can alter the result by as much as 10K.
  • @Rat With full power, did you get the boulder to bounce like I said, or fly directly into the bottom tnt?

    @fenikus I've had up to 60k if Terence rolls through the middle section and falls down below, All the things you mentioned apply, and how stuff bashes together on the river bottom also makes a big difference. I'll tell ya this, 125k-130k I couldn't tell any difference in the debris, other than the two planks holding the upper barrels & boulders and a few more blocks were gone.
  • Bouncers all.
  • Huh. Wish I'd been able to do that. I decreased power because I could never get the bounce. That definitely makes it easier. You should post that.
  • Awww shoot! I didn't get to see @fenikus's face when he saw the leaderboard this morning. You didn't happen to take a selfie, did you?
  • Post what? That I hunted pixel by pixel until I found the bouncy spot? Even after finding it. I couldn't hit it with regularity.

    Edit: Not destruction you can depend on!!!
  • Naw. I overslept. and don't have a phone anyway. I wonder whose expression was better, @fenikus or @bernie? I dread checking the board each day. Scroll down reeeeal slow to check my #11/#15 rank. :)
  • Post that reduced power isn't needed to get a bounce. Just 'cause I couldn't do it, why make an impossible level harder?
  • Read edit @Kelani for your answer.
  • Besides @Kelani, my score is nothing compared to yours.
  • @Rat I used one of the bumps on the tree behind the sling as a reference point. No, it's not dependable, but it's not a RatStrat, either :P At least it beats the hell out of fling & pray.

    edit: if you could play it 2 days nonstop, it would be.
  • Isn't that something @Kelani. I look at the leaderboard totally different. I'm hoping someone has challenged me to greater heights. I want flingers to beat my score. See, we do have differences between us.
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