The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2080
  • I had a speck of dust in just the right spot this morning. I can't tell flingers where that dust speck is now.

    Edit: Don't worry Ma. Unlike the princess, I'm not after your crown.
  • Is it just me, or is @fenikus conspicuously absent? I think he's furiously flinging at the river. Smashing marmosets and I-pads.
  • @Rat Not really. You've had the top spot on a LOT of levels and episodes before. It's old hat to you. I never have. This is the first newly released episode I've played competitively. There's nothing wrong with wanting to hang onto it for a day or so. :) Also consider, I spend nearly as much time trying to help improve scores as I do flinging. Why would I do that if I didn't want them to try?

    Sorry bud, you're gonna have to find something else to convince yourself you're not like a princess. :P
  • I suspect @fenikus is on #19 now doing this:

    fenikus: *fling* Boom! Damn! reset. *fling* Boom! Damn! reset. etc..
  • I second that, @Rat. And I went about reaching the new heights the wrong way -- still banging my head against BR-19. I'm gonna go and improve on levels that I'm good at.

    p.s. I did make a selfie this morning but that's pay-per-view at $99 a pop. When life throws me lemons I make lemonade.
  • Ha ha ha ha. He is a determined little cuss, ain't he?
  • I've had more fun watching you guys flail around then I ever had flinging. It only hurts when I laugh.
  • Looking at our scores, I think we all are.

    edit: Yep. We're gonna keep you entertained if you're on the bench.
  • What to cook, what to cook? I'm thinking store bought Marie Callendar's pot pie with left over collards. Lazy night.
  • Oh yeah, @Kelani, I agree there a lot of 1-birders in BR, definitely more than typical for Rio. But I like that on most levels there is 2-3 ways to get it and only one is high-yielding. So it's kinda fun in the discovery phase but gets old fast.
  • Has anyone else got one birders on level 16? I almost beat my high score with a one birder on that one this morning too.
  • Not me. I've seen that it's possible since sometimes the left tower shakes violently after after the right one is destroyed. But never got it to work, I think that has even lower odds than 19.
  • No @fenikus, it's somewhat repeatable.
  • @fenikus yeah, I like the ones where an unexpected strategy comes out of nowhere after 6 months. I'd like to see more levels with multiple high-yield strategies. As it is, everyone tries the obvious one and gets a set of scores, then someone finds a variant, gets a great high score, and everyone follows suit. At least then it's not all figured out in a few weeks. y'know, I'm still thinking there could be another 1-bird method for #19 via the top route.

    @Rat Remember the Pepperidge Farm pot pies? Those were great. There's also a really good $9 Moravian chicken pot pie by a company out of WInston-Salem in a few stores in NC/SC.
  • Don't you hate how #10 looks so unstable, but it's a lie?
  • 16? Are you using the mainstream strategy?
  • @fenikus Impossible to tell you how. No background to line up on and you need to activate in a particular spot. Not easy. And I haven't been trying to duplicate it because most of the time the left structure doesn't give up as many points. But this morning, I got total destruction with a score of 169k. Still had lots of debris points available.
  • a 1-birder?
  • @fenikus A version of it, yes.
  • Uh oh! I shouldn't have told @fenikus about level 16 one birder. Apple stock just jumped.
  • I know that 153K without bonus points is possible on 16. So maybe this level is in fact like 19 and once in a blue moon you can get 180K.
  • @Rat where would you drop egg to get a 1-birder?
    @fenikus: For me, the more stuff that you keep on the boat, the better. Those stone points add up. Bird bobbing in the water smashing wood doesn't hurt, either.
  • You must be thinking of a different level 16 @fenikus. I have 169k and I'm not near top score.
  • It's a close pack. #1 @Kathy's only 172

    edit: lol did you notice, all 4 of us BP guys are 9,10,11,12 and the lady's #1.
  • You basically hit the platform on the right with eggy. But the angle is very important.
  • It's a microcosm of real life!
    @Rat the platform with the cardboard box on it?
  • *fenikus, fling, durn, smash. fling, durn, smash* Can you wait till the market opens tomorrow before you buy your next crate of I-pads @fenikus?
  • Uhhhh, yep!
  • Speaking of BR-16, I always wondered what the purpose of those buoys underneath the boat are for. Each is worth 500 points, I've tried hitting them with boomerang bird.
  • If they're not to keep the boat afloat, I guess they're there to entice @fenikuses into trying to hit them :)
  • Well the boats in other levels don't have 'em so it must be the latter.
  • Oohhh not again! !! I missed a whole page notification not working !! Dagnabit!
  • Hi Ma, just been talking about ya.
  • Lol hi Pa I thought noone was here cuz my dinger was off:/
  • @Kathy they've been trying to score high on your #1 score level. I tried to warn 'em, but they don't listen to me.
  • Lol good luck I guess i better go there and secure my position!
    Fortunately for you guys i just popped in to say good night:/
  • aw. well you have had a long day. g'nite @Kathy
  • Yep long Day indeed and work tomorrow night night!
  • Night Pa♡
  • Hello, hello!
  • Heehee, I thought I saw you in here @Kelani! Is everyone else gone for the evening, or is @rat9 and @fenikus lurking about?
  • @SweetP I'm always in here these days it seems. let's see. @Kathy went to bed. @Rat is eating a Marie Callender's Pot pie and collard greens, @fenikus is either trying to find a 1- birder on 16 or he snuck back to #19 so he can yell profanity at the screen.

    And I'm doing a happy dance 'cause of your PM :)
  • I've probably run off everybody else.
  • I was gone the whole weekend, so I missed a lot that's been going on here! But, I don't want to read back 5 pages, either.

    OB, I'd like a double Marmoset Killer please. I need to catch up on my BR flinging!
  • You didn't miss much. I snuck into #1 on the River, but that's subject to change at any time. You do need to catch up! I still think you and @hunnybunny can easily join us and be the Magnificent Seven.
  • Hah! Speaking of BR-1, I was just in there! After about 100+ resets, I finally got my score up by 3K. LOL
  • Dagnabit ( i know it has been sooooo many comments ago, but I. Love that word!! Is it safe to use, not a swearword??) it takes me the whole evening to catch up on all the comments (mind you half of it is jibberish as I don't play in Rio) and by the time I am all caught up, it's time for bed. Hubby has an early shift, so I figured I could pop in in the morning before I have to head in to work myself... But there were 75 new notifications!! Hahahhaha still not the movement the (on hiatus) ladies club (yup mister @Rat included) can created, but still you guys are real chatterboxes :))

    Even though I struggle reading all the comments, I do have to say... I am enjoying, much like Mister Rat, seeing you bump each other within minutes.... Much like sibling trying to get in front of the line, elbowing and pushing the other... All the while funnying and joking with the other :)
  • Sleep tight @kathy
    Enjoy Diner mister @Rat
    Great to see you comfy sofa ... Ermmmm sorry I mean @kelani
    Good morning @sweetp love the kitty dancing hee hee!
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