The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2081
  • hiya @estar I've been watching you post videos like rapidly-video posting woman? :) We've been very chatty. Mostly me. :P Lots of neat stuff happened while you were away.

    OB: one ginger ale. frosted mug. Bill it to @SweetP's dancing kitty. He's good for it.
  • uh oh, 'nother kelpagechanger. @Kathy's gonna kick my butt.
  • Good morning @e-star! Nice to see you here. How're you feeling lately?
  • @kelani yeah when I do my revisit I do a whole episode before editing and uploading my new vids, so by the time I am ready to comment all of them all already up on YouTube, all I have to do is check the video and strat against the strats on the page (or when I am lazy I skip that part and tell that I didn't took the time to read all the comments). But thanks for the reminder, I needed to check the other levels of Cherry Blossom.... I was happy to move on, but found the next on the Seasons revisit list to be Piglantis, ughhhh
  • @Sweetp thanks for asking, no real progress, but on the up side no decline either... so I guess I should be happy.... one day.... one day hahahaha. It is just not in my nature to be gloomy and down, so I decided to kick that part to the curb and just live with it. So far it seems to be working for 50% of the time :))
  • How are you healing @sweetp? Sorry if it already is healed but I know of no one that has gone thru the same procedure as you did.
  • @estar sorry I haven't replied to your pm reply yet. I really am gonna. :) Grr on life stuff taking up all my free time.
  • @kelani no worries I know you have been busy playing with the guys and yeah (I assume you meant online stiff right?) tell me about it... LOL free time, what's that?? But on the upside I do love this online world... lots of interesting people and loads of info and I have an insatiable love for info and learning about different ways to live... so I am in the right place ;)
  • And on that note I really have to get moving... a tram to catch and a day on the outside is needed to get a paycheck. All enjoy the night on the other side of the pond and good morning to all of those on this side of the pond!

    Ow and @bernersenn I LOVE you dogs, they are such beauties! and how cool is that to bring them all the way over to Switzerland and enjoy the mountains!

    okay really going, tata!
  • I'm healing very nicely @estar, thank you for asking! I still get those moments when it feels like a needle being jabbed in me, but it's part of the healing.

    Glad to hear you're staying steady, and not going backwards. It'll take awhile to get back up there, but that's ok! Remember, baby steps. (((Hugs)))
  • Morning, fellow flingers!
    Only those pesky van Emden's to get past and I'll be sixth!
    Having said that, real life taking over for the next few hours, so I'll probably be bumped down the leader board (again) by the time I get back to BR.
    Happy flinging, or smashing of iPads, whichever takes your fancy..........
  • And hoping @sweetp @estar are fighting fit soon xx
  • Sneaks in during a not-so-good-habbit break... OB I see you got a breather since the people on the other side of the pond are snapping (translation sleeping or napping). Say hi and good morning from me will ya?

    Aww thanks @HunnyBunny, happy hunting!
  • OB keep that Cristal on ice. I'm sixth!!!
    Free champers for all flingers and lurkers today :-))))))))
  • @HunnyBunny Congrats on your successful Van Emden Blitz!

    Am I mistaken or is the only movement in the top 4 by @Rat9... who isn't playing.
  • greetings @everyone who is here and is not here!
  • Hi everyone, I'm back. Work is done, first dinner, walking the dogs - and see if we can bring some movement in the top. For the Americans: good morning to you all
  • Hi @burpie, about that movement: it's not as with money. With that, when you got a lot, getting more is easy. Here on the river it's like goldwashing. Every time you use that sieve is to see what you get. Most of the time: zip, nothing, nada.
  • @Bernersenn I have faith in you. HUP, HOLLAND, HUP!!
    I'll get my snacks ready and watch the Blossomn River scoreboard on the large screen TV tonight.
  • how is everyone on this wonderful day?
  • After weeks of sitting on the sidelines, the Rat did fling for about two hours yesterday @Burpie. He's paying the price for that folly today. But unlike those Dutch lightweights, he see's lots of color. Ther be gold left in dat der river.

    WTG "Mrs." Bunny. You're not a dude, but you're beginning to fling like one. *before the last sound wave travels across the BP, the Rat is gone*
  • Hello @angryboy and @bernersenn. Thank you @Burpie
    @Rat9 duck, virtual river pebble heading to SC for your sexist comment!
  • @Hunnybunny, Duck, duck, GOOSE. I haven't played this game in a long time either.
  • Uhh, maybe that didn't translate well @Hunnybunny. I'm not sexist. That's the highest form of praise a man can give a woman in the Deep South. I checked with my attorney, Donald Sterling, and he confirmed it.
  • Don't think Mr Sterling would go down too well in the Deep South! I'm outta here, DIY completed, friends in pub waiting........
  • Hello @angryboy @hunnybunny, @rat, @kelani, @burpie, @estar, @fenikus and @thosethatIforget. Again I say hello.
    @kelani, as I wrote I'm seeving the water. I tried for 2 days that argh level #14. The first of use with a (almost) highscore is at the same moment #1 on the episode.
    These point? In #20, saw @rat's comment and gave it a shot. I will continue with this.
  • @Kelani I think I need to change advisor/attorney's. Mr. Sterling has been getting a little bad press lately. And his prowess with women is debatable. Divorce, mistress? Maybe he gave me some bad advice about women. So they don't like being told they're as good as men?
  • @bernersenn Good luck with #20. @Rat had some great observations there. I may try again for a #14 1-birder, or take a break and play one of those fun levels nobody seems to talk about: 12,13,17,18
  • @Rat I emailed the World Feminists League and they passed along some helpful tips for "archaic, estrogen-deprived neanderthals" I guess they mean us?

    1. Equating us with men is an insult. We are superior, and you will treat us as such. We have two perfect X chromosomes. You have a Y, which is just a broken X. We all know what that little broken off piece turned into.
    2. The terms female, woman and women are sexist. We prefer womyn or "genetically superior estrogen-enhanced humans"
    3. It is incorrect to call us. This has been a means of male pair-bonding control since the dawn of time. To compensate for these eons of andro-domination, don't call us, we'll call you.

    @Rat? They scared me. :(
  • @SweetP I figured you ladies would either like that or chase me out of here. If mvnla2 doesn't kill me, I think I'm safe. :) Glad you're gonna join us on the Riverbank. If you get stuck, you have the ear of a whole pile of experts in here.
  • @burpie, I think the best is when you switch off your tv. Nothing on this evening, save some energy
  • You are so right @bernersenn I was talking with my colleague this afternoon about the tv programme selection... it almost feels like the Summer when all the shows have a stop and nothing interesting is on.
  • I hate TV. If Cosmos or some old Law & Order, Big Bang Theory, or Family Guy reruns aren't on, I just leave mine on TCM.
  • ow and some news, the issue has been fixed and one can access the settings for the old forum notifications again. It disappeared with the creation of the new forum...

    Just go to:
    Gold bar > Forums > old forums

    In the dark blue bar, underneath gold bar tab your User name > on the right there is a menu > select ”Edit Forum Preferences” > select the notifications you would like to receive and press ”Save settings”

    This should do the trick and you will get pop ups and/or email notifications when someone @mentions you in the old forum. Or if you wish to switch them off, you can do this there as well.

    Note… it is still the old forum section and therefore buggy. So fingerscrossed it will work ;)
  • yuk family guy! but love the others! @kelani
    Luckily I can keep myself occupied with all sorts of nothing, so the TV is on for background noise LOL
  • For the past few years, I'd watch one channel, then when it invariably abandoned its format by adding some stupid reality show, I'd go to another channel. Now that Sundance and IFC have added reality shows, I'm out of English-language channels to flee to. :(
  • @estar exactly, background noise. :) It makes my little cave a little more cheerful. I will be sad when Cosmos ends :(
  • @estar so popup on "Notify me when people mention me in comments." does something now? I've never seen a popup except for the lil error box. :)
  • Not sure @kelani I have turned off the settings as I can not be @mentioned here in the old forum. Maybe you will see one right now when you get notified of this message?
  • Haven't seen many Cosmos, so not hooked yet... But I do love to watch many many many different shows (crime, syfy and a wee bit of comedy), just not the ones they are showing right now.
  • oops forgot to put @kelani in... sorry @kelani I will never forget it again @kelani!! Did you get a pop up @kelani? Well did ya @kelani???
  • lol. Not a one. Let me try it. @kelani thinks @kelani is a @kelanihead
    I'm the same, 99% of what I watch is some old cancelled show. Nothing new is worth the time. Before i go to bed, I even watch old 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' from the late '50s-early 60s :P
  • I want Northern Exposure to come on somewhere. I loved it back when it was on, but was too young/stupid to get most of the humor.
  • No popups. must be a Chrome thing. However, I did just get a really loud yowl telling me I forgot to give @Swipe his lunch :( bbiaf.
  • OB, I'd like a strawberry & banana smoothie with a shot of Malibu rum, please.

    Hiya @estar and @kelani. @kelani, did you get any popups @kelani? Um, @kelani DCB worked on my tablet!
  • @SweetP No popups. No problem. I reads everything anyway :) Mmm... I remember Malibu Rum. And Aftershock peppermint schnapps. :P

    It worked? YAY! :D Now I can do the happy dance. That means it's confirmed on everything except those piddly platforms nobody cares about :) I'm gonna try to figure out the last bit this evening.
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