The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2082
  • Saved you from a page change @kelani ;)
  • Hello this is @fenikus. Wonder if one gets email notified if one @mentions him/herself?
  • @estar Thank you. I don't need @Kathywrath today :) Um, yes old forum settings, no I didn't check the email one because I really don't wanna clean those out, but If you'd like me to test it, I suppose I can. I think Chrome just kills popups randomly. It'll probably work fine for everyone else.
  • @Kelani, I set it to email notify me and no popup. Mention me, let's see if it works.
  • btw @all If I make any weird posts in the next few hours (weirder than usual), I apologize in advance. I'm testing my auto-DBC script and it can do some funky stuff in the wrong window sometimes :)
  • OK @fenikus we need to fix your avatar sometime.
  • @Kelani, meh…avatar, gravatar, schmavatar. It works, just got email notified! (but didn't get notified when I mentioned myself).
  • Chrome does have a mind of his own (I am 99% sure Chrome is a he hahahaha) @kelani

    No @fenikus one does not get a notification if one @mentions himself.
  • @fenikus For some reason the system does not consider the very very demented persons to be involved in a forum, the rest of the people will probably remember talking to himself LOL so no need to send a notification when one @mentions him or her self ;)
  • @estar what, Chrome's not a girls' name? :P Is Molybdenum better? :o)

    Hey! if you can't get notifications for self @mentions, that's not fair to any multiple-personality nesters that might come here :(
  • But I do agree with @kelani ... you have been faceless and undercover long enough... time to show your face in here @fenikus .... getting annoyed already by all the ding ding email notifications @fenikus ?? well are ya?? WHAHAHAHHA
  • Yeah yeah we are a bunch of hypocrites and only serve the somewhat sane people @kelani didn't you know... you almost didn't pass the test to be allowed in here :p
  • DELAY : 2000
    Mouse : 44 : 72 : LeftButtonDown : 0 : 0 : 0
    COMMENT : DCB ALERT - I taut I taw a Birdy Cheer!
  • LOL @Estar, I figured that was the case but wasn't sure if anyone was around so I decided to talk to myself and give it a go!

    No popups for me either on Safari here, but who needs popups when there are lots of annoying emails coming up! Ha-ha
  • grr, I knew it was gonna do that! sorrysorrysorry. Yeah @fenikus upload your avatar to which will fix it here and break it on the rest of the site. So then you upload it again to the main site and all is well. :)
  • Maybe you are right @kelani ... maybe Chrome is a girl... it does a wonderful job at filling in the blanks and usually is right hahahaha
  • If I had left email notification on, I would hate all of you by now, and that'd be bad. :(

    edit: lol @estar and don't forget, she's shiny!
  • I dunno. About once a week, I get the little error popup in here. I close it and it goes back wherever it came from. It's kinda cute, actually. I don't mind when it comes to visit.
  • (thinking @E-star is lucky that hyphen in her name breaks the @mention in the old forum…or else she'd be under attack now, lol)
  • Roflmao @e-star good to see your sense of humor still intact! !
  • Hi @kelani and faceless @fenikus
  • BTW, Chrome doesn't play well with Macs, I can't even get it to boot. But what do they call Chrome in France? Mac is a Mac, but they call it La Big Mac.
  • lol! Finally some good French humor.
  • @kelani I am on a iMac so everything is shiny hahahahaha but I guess on a PC she really does stand out ;)

    I am subscribed to the BP and after a 1000 email notifications from a bunch of Blossoming guys down by the river blabbering away I should be wanting to wring you necks, but mwehhhhh they all go into a neat little folder called BP... so it doesn't mess up my inbox to much... I could not be in the nest the way that I am without my "rules" in my email... everything is divided into neat little folders... walkthrough notifications in one, BP in the other, PM's in the next one and so on and so on.
  • Hi @Kathy, glad you showed up, I actually had a question for you re: BR-20…where did you send the bomb bird, under the top TNT platform or did you hit the platform head on?
  • Aww I wish i could do that @e-star but you still get the crazy dinging ?
  • Uhmm @fenikus I followed @rat9 strategy to the exact! I don't remember right now but I'll look:)
  • ??? boot ??? on a Mac, what strange words are you using from the old days?! Booting reminds me of MSdos and such... on the iMac I open up programmes LOL... But I am currently on the iMac, visiting the nest in Chrome... getting little pop ups "saved draft" and indeed a goodish day for me @kathy [[[huggggs]]]] must be the I-never-work-on-wednesday free feeling ;)
  • Oh and @fenikus I'm alwats lurking so i will see if you have a question and try to answer right away if I can Soo you don't have to wait for me to get here; )
  • I do not have sounds on @kathy, I multi task all the time, switching back and forth from my email... except when I am on the computer, I tend to just blabber on in the BP and it will refresh automatically when I hit "post" comment hahahahha
  • @e-star if I wasn't lazy I'd use filters/rules, but they'd be: If sender is not [email protected] or [email protected] send to TRASH. The BP is basically a slow-motion IRC channel. If I got emails for every irc message I used to get, the google gmail data center a mile away from me would explode and wipe out my town.
  • Haha good thinking @e-star I shoulda known that; )
  • But in all fairness I don't have that "rules" stuff on my iPhone, so during the day I do have to sift thru the loads and loads of BP comments to get to the important PMs ... that will never come right @anything ;)
  • Yup post=refresh. It's easier to just type a new message than to move hand to mouse :D btw i get Draft Saved too, but that's more of a tooltip, not a popup.
  • @estar jus filter kelani, volume will drop 90% especially late at night.
  • @kelani I haven't cleaned out the BP folder in the last 3 months... so ermmm as of right now I have 5030 emails with UNEDITED comments sitting in that folder LOL
  • @kathy I hate repeating sounds, hence me not playing AB with sound... so yeah I just rely on my multitasking skills to keep tabs on everything ;)
  • @estar I quit editing. It's all the other guys doing it now :)
  • I just turned my dinger down a notch lol @e-star much better! I don't fling with sound on either that bird chatter is as annoying ! Oops sorry OB :/
  • K I gotta get some flinging done I have a bunny on my
  • @kelani I changed my method and just ignore the BP emails and go straight to the Bp itself to catch up... but from a admin point of view the unedited version can come in handy (and have in the past) sometimes ;)

    But that does remind me, I wanted to thank you for the not editing, just incase I do lurk from my email!
  • @Kathy you go girl! kick some bacon behinds! I must dash too, as I am sitting on my computer chair for far too long already... ignoring the issue unfortunately doesn't make it go away :(

    You all have a wonderful afternoon/evening and those on this side of the pond, sleep tight!
  • @e-star even when edited I get the unedited version in my email.
  • You to @e-star Enjoy your night off and a great Wednesday:)
  • Oh Yeah!!! It's Tuesday
    *places earplugs on the booths and bar*
  • @kathy bunny right here on your tail. But time for bed. I only have 2,4,7,8 and 17 to conquer to my standard, and I'm probably out of BR for good.
    But there is a Space update soon, so another challenge awaits.........
  • Oh good. WWWwwwHHHhhhiiiiinnnnnnnaaaa my DCB script is being a butt.
  • Congrats @hunnybunny on #6 I'm sure we will end up together when all said and done
    Sweet Dreams those are the levels i need more work on also they are tough especially#2
  • Battery getting low:(
    @fenikus I looked at #20 and yep followed @rat9 to a aT good luck; )
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