The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3171
  • Who you calling bucket brain? Not really the weather for it. My wife actually refused to be interviewed on camera. When I asked why she said, and I quote :"I look like like a bag lady whose been dragged through a hedge twice!"
    You can see why I was attracted to her. Anyway I said that's the authentic Brechin look.
  • Put a bucket on my head and call it a crown.

    Of course because the main artery between Dundee and Aberdeen (A90) has been closed supplies can't get through to supermarkets and you know what that means? The same bumholes who panic bought throughout covid are doing the same now, couldn't get milk or bread anywhere. Still wine and chocolate aplenty.
  • Anyhoo I'm halfway through The Irishman(it's a film not some cannibalistic experiment). Buzzcocks forever.
  • Er, who's not whose. Or did your wife say whose not who's?
    You can't get away with that.
    Anyway, must go read my latest email from the Apostrophe Appreciation Society.

    And of course @hunnybunny, but never with a Frenchman.
  • Wonder if Dr Whose in Whose Hoo? Whose t know? Whoosier?
  • A rare SA v England double bill today. Surely England will win one of the games?

    Hopefully SA use their talented backs tonight I wasn't keen on the way they grunted to their triumph in the last world cup. Raw power in the scrum and the ability to jump higher than your opponents wasn't particularly satisfying (unless you're South African)
    . I believe World Rugby will be looking at the make up of the replacement bench after the world cup and rightly so. SA 7-1 split in favour of the forwards is ridiculous and means they can introduce virtually a whole new pack after 50 or 60 minutes. Makes me hope they get a couple of niggly injuries to the backs early on. Machiavellian? Me?
    Think a 5-3 split is reasonable, the forwards do take the brunt of it but 7-1?

    Not a rant.
  • Local weather reports are very samey at the moment. Bit like England's bowling.
  • Auch aye the noo's
    Dan be quite or i shall resort to the joke book, maybe even a quick burst of disco duck.
  • And our batting. Not even Stokesy can get us out of this one.

    Must admit I didn't fancy England to successfully defend their 50 over crown for two main reasons :
    1: We rarely excel on the subcontinent.
    2: We're shite.

  • Hey @ixan57 you can't punish everyone just because of @desperatedan's apostrophe fetish.
  • Shite isn't a strong enough word is it? If we're bowled out for less than 124 that'll be the heaviest ever defeat in a world cup putting us on a par with Afghanistan.
  • This must be the lamest defence of any world title in any sport ever.

  • Thankfully that embarrassment avoided. Wonder if the rugby team will lose by as many?
  • Promise I won't rant about the rugby tonight. The Smug B'stards have punched above their weight in getting to the semis and if they finish within 15 points of the Boks they'll do well.

  • I've heard that after strong outrage on punctuation the apostrophe apprenticeship society have now changed their name to apostrophe secret society. Commonly known as Ass's.
  • Well they kept it to within 15 points.
  • Been a good tournament for the Southern Hemisphere. Except Australia (stifles giggles).
  • This is a bit parochial but Burton Albion have just gone above Derby County (their near neighbours) in the football league. Times have changed. When Brian Clough was taking Derby to the title in 1972, Burton were down in the 6th tier. Ironically it was Brian's son Nigel who was the person most responsible for Burton's ascent.
    Normally supporters of two football teams that are geographically so close really hate each other. But the local derby of hate is with Nottingham Forest and Burton for many years were many Derby fans' second team. So that's quite an unusual dynamic for a local derby.
    Not much hope of a match against Forest anytime soon.

    OK, back to rugby if you want.
  • Loved Hozier and thank God no Disco Duck
    Still love the Frenchie…
  • Once again SA prevailed when they put pack no. 2 on.Rugby done.

    Cricket. All that remains for England is to beat Australia and knock them out. But don't count on it.
    I have to say this could be the last of the 50 over World Cups there doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm for it, even the players look like they can't be bothered in those middle overs between power plays so no wonder nobody is watching(except me @desperatedan and @hunnybunny). Maybe if they went back to the old format: two groups of four, semis, final it would be more interesting and if it was on terrestrial tv. But as it stands it's dying a death.
    I don't just say that because of England's poor form as I said though I thought they'd make a better fist of it I never thought they'd win. We've been in a steady decline in the 50 over game since we won it last time while improving as a test team and maintaining a high standard in T20. So no sour grapes. Noticed also that only the final of the domestic 50 over was shown on tv. Think with franchise cricket dominating more and more cricket's landscape is changing quickly, don't 50 over cricket has much left in it.

    Not a rant.
  • Sorry @hunnybunny you're the rabbit in a football rugby cricket sandwich. Lots of protein in crickets.
  • I have little enthusiasm for 50 over cricket. Haven't bothered watching any. Follow it on BBC sport. It's been a bit of a disaster, from the point of view of close matches.
  • To emphasise how little enthusiasm I can drum up for the cricket WC, I spent more time last week watching the live counting of the House of Representatives trying to elect a Speaker. It was like a school roll call with badly behaved adults. I couldn't help but think of this. I don't think the much filthier version would be allowed here.
  • I'm sure we all have go to artists when we just want to press reset and blow a few cobwebs away? One of mine is the pianist Glenn Gould, like @karen68 one of Toronto's finest and a very quirky individuals(Gould that is-though Quirky Karen has a ring to it.).
    Anyways one of his many quirks was he used to hum sometimes very loudly when he played. I'm guessing with modern digital remastering techniques it's probably been removed from his recordings now. Can I recommend his 1981 recording of Bach's Goldberg variations? One of the few pieces he recorded twice(and his humming is supreme).Also there is a very good autobiographical film about him with Colm Feore playing our eponymous hero called'32 Short Films about Glenn Gould'. Worth digging out.

    Course there's a lot of room for pretentious bs in the world of classical music. Wonder what inspired this little vignette?

  • Ever wondered what The Bunnyman looks like?
    Here’s me and him brushed up!
  • At last I got the link right, no more pie chasing…
  • Took my mind off the cricket, we are shite, indeed…
  • Anyone who was chasing pies before will have already seen the Bunnyman, but that's a nice shot of you both. I would upload Twiggy and me but every photo is rejected for being too large, which is obvious b******s. Can't fix it.
  • When Chris was really quite ill, we tried to watch a film called Blinded by the Light which is set in Luton and involves Springsteen. She only managed the first half so we left the rest until later, but in the end she never got to see it all. It was on BBC2 again tonight so I watched it all. Halfway through I realised that I was sitting in my usual chair and Twiggy had spent the entire time curled up in Chris's chair. Got a little emotional as both of us saw it through to the end (although I think she may have been snoozing most of the time). Good film, worth a watch, even if you weren't brought up only 5 miles from the hell hole that was Luton in the 1970s and 1980s like I was. I even spent 6 months working on the production line at Vauxhall Motors. So I know what it's like to do a 10 hour night shift welding Bedford vans. Those were the days.
    Me, not a Springsteen fan, so for something quite different try this quite superb cover. Video features an engaging cat. There is one lyric in this song that has real resonance with the news today.
  • Phil Collins' first attempt at writing lyrics. Who knew where that was heading?
  • Don't miss the cat!
  • Just realised that the Bunnyman is holding an invisible drink. Spooky.
  • Must've been a spirit drink @desperatedan. Nice photo @hunnybunny, nice to see a pic of the Bunnyman awake. Makes me wonder though whether he visits a forum (say the British War film appreciation society) and posts pictures of you snoring in the BELS(all capitals of course).

    Weather gone from the ridiculous to the ridiculous here. World's largest skating rink this morning.
  • We saw Blinded by the Light, very much like that sort of thing: Yesterday, Rocket Man, Bohemian Rhapsody
    Saw the Great Escaper last week, Michael Caine was superb
    Can’t see Brian getting up his ladder on skates!
  • What a gr heeat show @good sHunnybunny that must've been a great w
  • The CEO of my old company put out a LinkedIn message containing, in the first line, the expression "we can't don't forget". Any views on what this actually means? Is this a thing?
  • @hunnybunny nice to see you & Mr Bunny all done up nice!

    @BrianN Glenn Gould was indeed a genius. Always amazed me how he could sit as he did at the piano & create such beautiful music.
    He grew up in my old neighbourhood, went to the same high school as me (not at the same time obviously). And there was a little old lady who lived around the corner from us who was a piano teacher at the Royal Conservatory when he was there. I had lessons with her for a year or so.

    Hope everyone has a nice Tuesday!
  • The best @kathy keyboard ever!
  • Double rant!

    Get the train to Cardiff (it’s lovely on a Tuesday, Brian, no stags, no hens, no sporting crap) for drinks and an early meal
    We live five or six minutes between two stations, so get on the one nearest to Cardiff
    It’s bloody full of school kids - aged about 14 - who can’t walk for twelve minutes from the best rated private school in Wales, to home. Probably because yummy mummy was having her nails done, so couldn’t bring the £120k Range Rover

    And a “homeless” person, outside Greggs, (they like Greggs, people rush inside to buy them coffee and food) He did look like he was having a heart attack, people rushing up to him.
    “Shall I call an ambulance?” Says the young girl from Greggs
    “No, I’ve called it” producing an iPhone that cost more than mine!

    I give up

  • Let's try this rant thing and see if it makes me feel any better.

    Why is it that people in supermarket queues carefully separate their purchases into two groups and pay for them separately, taking so much longer? And why am I always behind them?
  • Nah, feel just the same.
  • Still wazzing down here.Hey @karen68 did you used to hum when you played?Apparently it stemmed from Gould's childhood.When he was in a situation where normally a child would cry he used to hum to himself.Obviously deep in the psyche and he always said he couldn't play as well if he didn't hum.
  • Poor tramp's having a heart attack and you notice his iphone @hunnybunny?????????
  • Hey Bunny just come across a forum called The British War Film Appreciation Society and there's a photo of you snoring in a BCLS .Can you tell i'm off work?
  • Supermarket queues(why is it pronounced kews?)Why do i always choose the wrong one?Old lady with a handfull of vegetables and a tv guide and i'm thinking "Yes!"Turns out she was friendly with the checkout lady and proceeded to gas for 10 mins.Everything covered from flooding to bunions.
  • Do you think that tramp(sorry 'homeless 'person) outside of Greggs would hum if he played piano?You can have Bob's joke book back now @ixan57
  • @BrianN the metaphor fur coat and no knickers springs to mind. Disclaimer: the tramp i was taking about.
  • I know what you've been doing all afternoon when you should've been working @desperatedan. Come on you can do it.

    Daft pop quiz question : which DJ played BTO on every shift?
  • Tony Blackburn? Breakfast time ?something
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