The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1684
  • *poofs in looking haggard and worn*
    Loooong day of work and tomorrow is our annual July 4th block party so had to prepare side dishes and dessert! Sorry I missed you @KitKat, @abcrazy and @rat! Ha know why my ears were burning though! LOL
    *Takes dings and dents out of Kitkat and estars flashlights super buffs and shines them for their use tomorrow and sets out candles to see KitKat safely through Dreamland (to late for e-star she's going to work soon!) *
    Off to catch up on flinging!!
    Happy July 4th to all Americans!!!! Whoo Hooo :D
  • Mumsie dashes in with a big box of Fireworks - nearly trips over a heyyougetouttamyway, recovers her balance and plonks the box on the bar " Happy 4th July OB - they're for later" plants a kiss on his cheek and dashes off again! (Going for a swim!)
  • Happy Independence Day y'all:D
  • Happy 4th of July to all :)
  • Happy 4th of July to everyone on the other side :)
  • Wishing my American flinger friends a very happy 4th of July!! :D
  • I'll just ditto @karen! Hope everyone has a great day :)
  • Happy 4th July to all flingers ! :)
  • Hmm, I guess all the Americans are busy right now
  • I just swam 86 laps at my local "Swim-a-thon for Charity"!! Raised $43. My sister swam 76 laps and rose $38! :)
  • Happy Independence Day!!! :)
    That's awesome @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster:) !! Lots of laps:) great job,!!
  • Hey Ma, Look at "who" swam.
  • Just popping in and out to wish all my southern neighbours happy independence day :-)
  • Yay I got the update and I made it to my great Aunt Joe's house in Florida. It's rainy today.
    And I agree, Red's MF's doesn't belong in ABO.
  • GASP! I just realized it's independence day! Or for the people in England, They Finally Got Rid Of Us day.
  • Lol Nice one @tas
  • happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans!
  • Happy Independence Day to you @angryboy
    @theanonymousesomeone what do you mean , England finally got rid of us day?
  • First off all Happy July 4th my friends on the other side of the pond, hope you will all enjoy your day and have lots of fun!

    I never got a chance yesterday to pop in again to eat some of the delicious cakes for my sweet Pops @wrw01 but I do hope you had a great day yesterday, cause you deserve nothing but the best. You bring out the good in people and your words are an inspiration to us all. Live life to the fullest :D

    And I want to say to @lisko even though I was not here, I did read your update and I am so proud of you. Do you mind if I ask if you are still on the wagon and have been sober for how many days? I understand what you are saying with regards to the group being somewhat religious. I respect anyones believes and have no problem what so ever with it, I can understand that you want to have people around you that you can connect to. And also it would be better if you could find a group with people starting like you are. Sure story's of others will never be like yours, but I don't think that is the issue. Just the fact you are new to dealing with your problem, so it would be nice to have a couple of people at the beginning of the road as well. Anyway, didn't want you to think I have forgotten about you and your new journey. My thoughts are with you and I hope you are strong enough to keep walking the road you are on.

    As to the update, I am so deep in my revisit in Seasons and loving it, so for something to steer me away it has to be amazing and reading the reviews, mwehhhh not going to bother and update.

    @rat yeahhh, did I read you are feeling somewhat better and able to fling some? that is great news! Hope to see you around when things are less busy for me, but I have to stay clear of that bulging walls LOL
  • Oh and happy to hear you made it to your Aunts house..sorry its raining:(
    Its very hot here in Boston today..:( i was going to go to the beach, but its way too hot..
  • Sorry have to do a popper cause Hubby just called dinner is ready, Soto soup (Not sure, but wikipedia says it is Indonesian), chicken stock, chicken, tons of different veggies (soybean, leek, pepper and a couple more I don't recall), an boiled egg (yes really, delicious!!), fried union pieces and rice… a whole meal in a bowl, just love it :D
  • (((((E*)))))) :)
  • Heehee enjoy your dinner:)
  • [[[[huggggss]]]]] Kathy! Miss catching up with you and the other ladies, but it is weekend for me, soooo yeaaaahhhh... more time to try and catch up :D
  • Oops, must dash.... thanks Kathy, I will :p
  • Bye @estar
    BTW @kathy by that I meant, if I was in Britain, I would say, "they finally got rid of us."
  • Ooh lol i get it @theanonymousesomeone ..
    So do you not like the update..i guess its o.k to pass the time if peeps are all caught up.but i wouldn't waste any precious score achieving games to play it..
  • Happy independence day to everyone over there in America. I hope the weather is nice and the fireworks are amazing :D
  • Thanks @Annifrid :) its very hot..96° should be nice for fireworks tonight:)
    We had some last night also:)
  • I also don't like the update very much. Getting 3* is nearly impossible. Fortunately once you finish the level, you don't have to come back anymore because there are no scores to improve.
  • I fully agree @Annifrid:)
    Yay my new avatar worked!! :)
  • Can't really read the words though
    It says "Proud to be an American "
    And the Statue of Liberty was reopened today:) the first time since 911 i think?
  • Nice new avatar @Kathy :)
  • @theanonymoussomeone, I am in Britain, and I would say it's, 'we finally got rid of them' day;)
  • The Statue of Liberty was closed for the last 12 years?
  • Do you know the origins of the Statue of Liberty, @kathy, and which other countries have similar statues?
  • I think really sure ¿
    If the British wanted to get rid of us, why didn't they just let us go?
    They fought pretty hard to keep America under their rule?
  • Not all the origins..actually not any ..i think France gave her to us ¿
  • I was wrong its only been closed since Sandy five months, but the torch has been closed since 1916..and is now reopen ..
  • Hi @all I just have to share the conversation I just had with hewhodoesnotfling.
    He noticed my screen said 'Level Cleared' and I told him, Yeah, but I want to make a better score. I'm trying to make it into the top ten so I can maintain my #1 rank. He just looked at me.... O.o I told him how TSL in Peru was helping me yesterday..... O.o Then he asked if there is an Angry Birds Anonymous. Of coarse I told him YES! I suggested that maybe I should start an ABanon forum for the non-flinging significant others. But then we both agreed it wouldn't last long because no one would show up.
  • I love google!!
  • PBS had a Ken Burns documentary from 1985 about the Statue of Liberty on the other day. I remember watching it the first time it was aired. Much better than Google :) Many images of the New York skyline from that time, thoughtful comments on the idea of Liberty (Morsy should have watched), historical photos of the construction in France, The struggle in America to finance the building of the pedestal (about the same height as the statue itself, site selection, and so on.
  • Ah that sounds interesting @bonneypattycat :) wish i saw it
    I wanted to ask you where your post was about the update
    I'm reading Dr. O'Neski on the leaderboard says his post was gone
    But you started one somewhere?
  • Happy 4 of July to all of my Amercian friends :)
  • Thank you @harrystar6 :) fireworks going off now:)
    @rat hey Pa you manage to get those rascals down to Georgia? I take it @angryboy wanted no
    Scoot getouttamyway #175 !!!
    Heyyou get outta my chair..OB a large PigKiller please:)
  • @Kathy Sho nuff Ma.
  • Hee hee Pa:)
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