The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1768
  • @Rat I have my very own duster now, with leek appliqué
    Hands Rat's duster back, thanking him for the loan
  • @fouthpagechangeingwentyfourhours
    As Kimmie said, I'll never get Kathy's crown
  • I set you up. You knock em down. Might need to get you an honorary crown.
  • Just the puppy for me please
  • @kimmie report of today's plans: they played the cricket match, excellent entertainment. We ate the picnic inside. Enjoyed it though
    @JLZ666 loved the baking and Slash together. When the other half came home, he looked at the ironing mountain, looked at me, about to speak, looked in the oven, and completely forgot about the un-ironed shirts. It's easy to be a domestic goddess, just cook lol
  • @rat I asked for tips on PB you gave PD, hope your glasses arrive soon.
    No wonder I couldn't see the darned rock.............
  • They were supposed to be here by now!!!
  • @hunnybunny--Does it irritate you to be beaten by a blind man?
  • I'll beat you someday, you darn'd Rat
    Women never, ever, ever, give up
    Blind you may be, fat, bald and all the other devirsory terms you use to describe yourself, but I'm sure you know all about women LOL
  • As Sgt Schultz used to say," I know nothinnggk" @hunnybunny
  • Got me there. Googled it, never watched it @rat
    Watch out those hugging ladies will be here soon. Better hide under the table. I think Estar's coming to get yer!
    Good night
  • Hogans Heroes my favorite @rat lol gotta do it
    (((((hug))))) hee hee
  • Nitey nite @HB. Maybe in the walls tonight.
  • Cheek pinchers! Ugh, I hate mushy.
  • I am getting way...delayed notification..just got notice when @rat said
    " i set you up and you knock em' down" weird..
    OB a PigKiller please J-35 driving me crazy!!! Get it prefect but then one little oinker laughing:(
  • @Kathy--Just wanted to say good effort on the ((((hug)))). But you need to be faster if you want to catch the Rat. BTW, I don't want to be caught. As I said above, I hate mushy. Good night Ma.
  • My phone is wacky!!! Believe this..i finally made the PERFECT One birder on J 35 and my phone shut off!!,, arghhhhhh!!!!...
  • Is any one else having delayed notification? I just got Hunnybunny notice to rat saying
    "ill beat you someday you darn rat"
  • @Ripsy if you're lurking, sheer cruelty to make ACB 2-12 today's Challenge.
    But then again, I've been avoiding revisiting this one as it was such torture the 1st time, so I guess I should thank you. Now I have no excuse.
    Hope everyone is having a good evening. OB could I get 2 fingers of Scotch please? Thank you :)
  • Oohh why me... My dinger not phone..messed up
    I swear because I'm due for upgrade sprint is making my phone not Work so i have to get a new one!!
    Sorry i missed you @karen68 :( i finally got one Birdie in j-35 only 161k!!
    Less than o already have..not my night...
    OB a triple super duper PigKiller please..
  • @AMSlimfordy -- Thanks for checking. I've been gone most of the day. iBird realized the mistake and fixed it before I asked him /her to.
    @Mumsie -- Wasn't Camarillo, but Sterling Hills, which used to be one of our favorite cool in the summer courses, but no longer. Sure, it was cool enough, but for an upscale course that advertises how strict they are in maintaining 4 hr 20 min rounds, they totally failed to deliver; it took us 6 hrs 10 min! We waited on essentially every hole, and not just a minute or two either.
    Will have to take a look at Camarillo.
  • @Mumsie -- Looked at Camarillo, which I think is actually Camarillo Springs. Haven't played there for years, and unfortunately it is apparently still in bad shape, although it has "good bones." Did you notice that their website says they now have a dress code? No denim and no tank tops, etc. I don't think they had a dress code when we played there.
  • Hey there, Hi there, Ho there @Estar

    Who's the Admin of the club
    That's made for you and me
    D-U-T C-H-Y E-S-T-A-R

    Dutchy E-Star! Angry Birds!

    Dutchy E-Star! Angry Birds!

    Forever let us hold her banner
    High! High! High! High!

    Come along and sing a song
    and join the R-A-T

    D-U-T C-H-Y E-S-T-A-R

  • @E-star--I tried serenading you, but I guess you're still mad at me for sleeping. Catch you in the future.
  • ROFLMAO @rat it was only like 9:30am her time!! She'll still be sleeping!! Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa :D
  • @kimmiecv--Tell @E-Star I was here on her schedule but she was playing hookey.
  • @abcrazy the book sounds fab!! I hope you enjoy it! :)

    @hunnybunny glad to hear you got to watch your game and had a great picnic even if it was indoors!! :)
  • LOL @rat 9:30 will NEVER be on her schedule!! :D *Snicker* no more than it would be on mine!! *hint hint* Night Owl!!!!! ;D
  • Not my fault if @E-Star needs to sleep in. Now I get to pout.
  • *poofs over to Kathy's, prys her flashlight out of her death grip, removes her phone from her forehead, rubs some ointment into her hand to take care of those not so lovely fingernail marks in her palm, shines her flashlight and sets out candles to see her safely through dreamland * :D
  • BTW, @kimmie, your not the nite owl, I am.
  • Erm hmmmmmm that pout looks good on you @rat!! ;D *Snort*
  • Nope I'm the night owl, your the guy that doesn't sleep!! At least I get some inbetween waking hours, you rarely get sleep day Or night!!!!
  • Did @Kathy go to sleep holding the flashlight again?
    Sleep, What's that? Except something to make @E-Star mad.
  • @kimmie--I yawned a minute ago. Maybe I can get some more sleep soon so @E-Star can visit the nest.
  • OK Snort. No, she wasn't calling you. But you can stay and keep @kimmiecv company while I take a nap.

    Edit: Snort, If she's still up two hours from now, you know what to do.
  • Sorry @rat it was time to give Tig his meds, only prob with that, got to find his newest hiding place!! :/
    Hey Snort I Was calling you!! Come get your yummys from auntie Kimmie!! Mwaaaah there's a good puppy!!! :)
    @rat get as many winks as you can when you can!! And yes Kathy once again feel asleep with a death grip on her flashlight and her phone smooshing her nose!! LOL :D
  • Nitey nite @kimmie
  • Nighty night sweet @rat! ;)
  • Off to fling for me then!! :)
  • Come on Snort, you can help me by eating the bacon bits!! It'll keep you honed and ready!! Lets kill some piggies!!!!
  • He's got a skeleton face!!! Hahahaahaa love him!!! My new pet!! Skkkkeeeetty Snort!! No you can't eat him!! Argh!!!!!
  • I had a weird dream last night. I heard this dreadful hollering, and #1 to #1857 were all scurrying out of the BP with their furry paws over their furry ears......
    *Ouch!* :D
  • Goodmorning! Just woke up ... And what do I find, a seranade :) well actually it read to me like a cheerleader song... Ow dear now I have an image of a old and bald Rat in my head wearing a short shirt and tanktop holding pompoms Whahahahha ROTFLMAO!! Wicked mister Rat, how did you predict my waking up time?? Almost 2 hours on the dot?? And I am not kidding, I really just woke up and the first thing I do is check the nights events. Yesterday was a great day in the (yes @mvnla2 the Cheese making city called) Gouda! Hubby and me had a great time! Way more suite for us than Amsterdam we visited a couple of days ago.
  • @kimmie !! That is really a wicked looking ermmm catapilar? Nature does some amazing tricks isn't she? If you are a wake, mwaaaah have sweet dreams miss Kimmie!
  • Heehee hello @e-star :D thanks now I can't get that image out of My head!! Hahahaahaa Mwaaaah glad you got good sleep And had a good time at the cheese city! LOL He's a cute/scary guy isn't he!! My new pet!! Hahaaa :D
  • @mvlna2 - sorry but am loving the Solheim cup!!!
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